Gigabyte MC12-LE0

I noticed a tweet by @wendell about this board.

Looks like good alternative to Asrock X570d4u, x570d4u-2L2T discussion thread

Depending on price this might be very interesting board for something like TrueNAS scale etc.

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its ok if the price is cheaper but B550 and all pcie lanes off cpu


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Indeed B550 and even more generally Ryzen boards have limitations in how much PCIE they can offer. So usability of this board depends on a usecase.

For me I am considering something for TrueNAS scale that would also be able to run few VMs or containers. My current TrueNAS core setup is based on Atom Denver C3557 but I need something with a little bit more horsepower for some VMs. I don’t really need ECC that much, but the IPMI is nice to have because the server would be offsite.

Its a shame the m.2 wasn’t 3.0x4. and they didnt put some 2.5gbe nics on it. Hoping since its pretty cut down they will price it at a good target.

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Seems like a good find! The problem now is… how does one get a unit? Its not appearing in amazon for me…

Not seeing it on Amazon or Newegg from the US either. Probably supply chain issues like everything else for the past two years… hurry up and wait :weary:

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I have found similar board from ASRock

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I reached to gigabyte to ask them about availability of this board and local regional partner contacted me. So it is possible to buy to for aprox. 320 usd (in Europe). And the delivery time is about 8 weeks (duh).

The ASRock B550D4M is priced similarly and also not much available.

Hm… thinking about just buying a cheap consumer B550 board. I don’t care about ECC, but I will miss the IPMI and also I would like to be able to run the machine without GPU since it will be just home server…


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I’m wondering if some of these AM4 server boards that are popping up are SKUs made for one particular system integrator that they released but didn’t really plan on selling in bulk retail channels. Kinda like a lot of SuperMicro’s boards that go into their SuperServer line - they’re technically listed and available with the same support as every other board but not available by retail in large quantities.

Or maybe it’s just supply chain issues like everyone else. That’s probably all it is. :sweat_smile:

I got quoted for 3 of these (MC12-LE0) recently for a total of $850 (for all 3). They could’ve given me a small discount for ordering more than 1, but I estimate after doing 850/3, that one of these boards should cost around 283.

I also did a review of some asrock AM4 Server boards (X570D4U vs X470D4U) on
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So, I have had these boards for a total of a month now. I ordered 3 from Gigabyte directly, and 2 from ASI (third party distrubutor). Out of the first batch I ordered from Gigabyte, of 3 motherboards, only 1 worked without any issues.

I had 2 RMA’ed and it took 3.5 weeks for it to get turned around, however I am still stuck with only 1 of the 2 RMA’s since there was a delivery failure.

I ordered 2 from ASI because I was on time crunch to get some projects rolled out, and what do you know, those two boards are also D.O.A.

So 3+2 is 5. 4 boards completely crapped on. I RMA’ed 2 and one of them came back, still in the same condition. that means a total of 5 boards have been dead on me like this.


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Does the ipmi give any clues a to what the issue is? Usually the blinky led goes solid once the ipmi is done booting.

I might like to buy one of the dead ones from you if youre stuck as I’ve been concerned about some other reports concerning gb lately.

At a German retailer for 53€ on sale at the moment. Shipping to whole europe at moderate prices also possible.


link without 10% discount code:

I took the risk, wish me luck.

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@bugmenot I ordered one board from the exact Store you mentioned.
Sadly its a DOA. Probably gonna RMA it. Did you have any luck with yours?

Not testet yet, because lack of a suitable CPU.
What CPU are you using/ how do you identify DOA?

At mydealz many users had difficulties updating the bios. It is not clear, if they have little skill or it’s the boards fault. Definetly some boards fastly were called “faulty” and not working with new unsupported CPUs by the BIOS and later were reported suddendly “working”.

At least the BIOS i will update soon. And I still look for some cheap cpus beneath 100€. 5600 oder 5650G would be best. But also would take a decent priced 4650G oder 5350G.

Hint: This is not my personal account.

G CPUs can’t benefit from ECC ram.

The Pro Versions like 5X50G, 4X50G, 3X50G and so on should. Or what are you referring to with this statement?

Obviously all are sold with an quite old BIOS.
Over the management LAN it was very easy to open the webinterface (without installed CPU or RAM). The IP can be looked up at your Router for example.
Unfortunately a CPU and Ram seems to be necessary for the update, without there is an error.
I have to wait for my CPU to update.

@bugmenot I used a Ryzen 5 5500 with no Luck.
It always sees a Ryzen 5 3600 and some random RAM.
Updating the BMC was possible, but upgrading the BIOS was not.
(Not with a CPU and also not without a CPU)

On the topic of unsupported CPUs: If it doesnt like the CPU or RAM (or …) it should beep according to the manual, which it does not.