Dr. Mario.


Lol, Jks, I'd have to say Jak and Daxter.... I can't really remember the story, but I would have  loved if they went back through a portal to the time they were really from in one of the sequels, so I would love to see another game where they actually do! I think that is probably the game I'd love to see continued on, more so than any other I can think of.

It would be great to see some of the events that happened between the end of Jak and Daxter, and Jak  2 (how the city was created, and how those things with the gems in their skulls came to be etc.)... With the time travel element and stuff, they could make it a real mindf$&k too - kind of like bioshock infinite was, in a way.

I would have to pick Hover, a capture the flag based game from the windows 95 era.


remake on the frostbite 3 engine, oh man that would be sweet

Answer this question: You are given the opportunity to create a direct sequel to one of your favorite games from your childhood with a unlimited amount of resources, what would it be?

Well, Fallout was already mentioned several times. 

GTA Vice City, then. I really liked VC's atmosphere. I would like to preserve it as much as possible while making the game to the level of modern games in all other aspects.

This is tough.  I'm honestly not sure, but let me begin by saying thanks for the opportunity.  This is awesome.

I think I would have to go with either Half-Life 2 or one of the Fallout games.  I don't think I could top Half-Life 2, so I'm gonna go with a sequel to Fallout 3.  I would take a few things from Fallout New Vegas to help complete this.  The one particular thing that I liked in New Vegas was the ability to aim down sights.  I would also make Fallout 4 much larger than the previous games.  More land, caves, and areas to explore.  More guns.  More items.  More NPCs and dialogue.  Animations need some work, and of course the textures, meshes, and lighting will need to be revamped.

I really don't know.  This would take A LOT of time.  With infinite resources at my disposal, there's so much that could be done with a game like this.  One thing that I would have loved to have seen with either Fallout or one of the Elder Scroll games is to the ability to play with a friend.  The ability to complete quests and take down ghouls and super mutants with a buddy would be so much fun.  A co-op system similar to what the Dead Island games use would be awesome to include in Fallout 4.

Some other things that I would like to heavily focus on...

  • bosses
  • combat mechanics
  • AI
  • hand to hand combat
  • MOD TOOLS! (It's a must)
  • Quest rewards

While playing the previous Fallout games, I felt these areas were lacking. The game was rather predictable.  It had a wash, rinse, repeat feel to it.  I would try countering this with vast amounts of variation in quests.  IMO, I feel there is way too much of "go retrieve this item while killing this wave of enemies".  Lets mix it up.  At least make sneaking immersive.  This would allow a different angle of approach.

Oh and this game would be developed for PC first.  Afterwards, I may consider porting it over to consoles.  I can't allow my masterpiece to be infected with consolitis. xD

Most definitely: 

Star Wars Battlefront II

That game was amazing, and I really wanted a sequel - with more maps, characters, online etc. Basically with just more everything! It was truly amazing game and I loved the variety of settings of the game but sadly a sequel was never released.

I think EA was on about doing a sequel but it got dropped. But If I could - I would create Star Wars Battlefront III!



Most definitely: 

Star Wars Battlefront II

That game was amazing, and I really wanted a sequel - with more maps, characters, online etc. Basically with just more everything! It was truly amazing game and I loved the variety of settings of the game but sadly a sequel was never released.

I think EA was on about doing a sequel but it got dropped. But If I could - I would create Star Wars Battlefront III!

Currently in the works by EA / DICE!

I would make a Free-space 2 sequel in the cry-engine. Basically like Star Citizen but staying in the the Free-Space universe with mod tools and mission editors so that everyone could recreate the star wars battles with ease.

Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time 2.

That's what I want. The story and the music is what I like most when I played this game when I was ten years old. The things that weren't so great were the mechanics, which felt clumsy at certain times. I'd love to see this version the 3DS or Wii-U. But it's for suited more for handheld gaming. 

I'd also like to see a longer and more compelling story line. It should be a sequel, not a game that just happens to be very similar. The strong points of this game should be the story, music and fighting mechanics. The puzzle mechanics from the first game were sometimes a bit too difficult, or they didn't make any sense. The second game should focus less on puzzles, whether they be jumping puzzles or not.

I recently found my DS (the old one) and started playing this game again. Even now, I really enjoyed it. As I stated before mostly because of the story and music. If any of you have not played it and enjoy Mario games, be sure to try it. If you can't get your hands on a copy, you could always use an emulator for pc. But only if you actually own the game of course! ;)


There are only a couple of days left!

It would have to be Star Fox 64 or in my version Star Fox 65 :) One of the greatest games I've played in my life :)

You know this may not be an old game, but I would love a sequel to Halo Wars, for a third party commissioned Halo/RTS game, it was really good and compared to a lot of games I had been playing on console at the time, it probably had some of the best graphics and it made me really appreciate what good graphics are and help my push over to PC when I realized how good games could look. The game mechanics were solid and for a 360 game at the time they did really good on the graphics in my opinion. The story wasn't the greatest and it was a bit out of place, but it was cool to have a different point of view in the Halo universe, which I think a lot of fans who actually played the game enjoyed. Almost everyone I talked to who played Halo Wars liked it; the only people who didn't like it was not because of the game itself, it was usually do to that they do not enjoy RTS games. They game studio who made the game went bankrupt due to the game not selling well; which was a shame, as I thought it was a great game and looked like the developers put a lot of effort into making the game great, but was not very popular as it was not the classic Halo style FPS and also not made by Bungie(which I witnessed was the main argument as to why people didn't buy and play it). 343 at the time was not in the picture at the time, that's why i did not include them in that last argument. It's a shame, the game wasn't popular enough to thrive.....

Impossible creatures, i would ad thousands of animals

Majora's Mask, because its a great game that is very interesting. I would keep the story and core gameplay the same, and I would essentially only be making a graphical update to the game, going from this:

Deku Link: Majora's Mask


to this:

would be well worth it. I would release it to both the wii u and the 3ds, with the wii u version having better graphics and the same inventory selection as wind waker hd, while the 3ds version would be very similar to ocarina of time 3d, but with a darker atmosphere to fit the game better. Majora's mask is an amazing game, and if ocarina of time and wind waker got a remake then I don't see why Majora's mask shouldn't get one too. 

Steambots Chronicle 2 / Bumpy Trot 2

The first game called Steambot Chronicles >link< which was one of my favourite childhood game on Playstation 2. It had the old historical mechanical robot wonders in the past era with amazing gameplay or story of the two interesting characters to prevail many obstacles along their troubling travels. Suddenly, I heard that Bumpy Trot 2 or Steambots Chronicle 2 got cancelled due to some reason which is really saddening. :(

  • So I would reopen up again with the unlimited resources to try preserving or maintain the same quality and style as the first original but with better improvements such as controls, mechanisms, graphics etc.
  • Also more proposed ideas from the original devs of fishing with your trotmobile or mech, skiing races, etc. However with a sequel to the previous story with minor relation to the first generation characters or events. 
  • Afterwards, if possible or agreement with the public, it will be interesting to add support for PC after the possible release on PS3 or Playstation consoles to enhance the gameplay experience or community with the game.
  • Finally include a simple matchmaking multiplayer or even a open world multiplayer for the players to explore with their own customise trotmobiles!

Syberia ;)

Battletoads 2!

Crackpots Atari.

 It was a game about throwing vases on the spiders that were climbing the wall to attack whoever was in the top.


 To do a remake of it today, first of wall it'd have to make plenty of use of the oculus rift! ftw, then it needs massive giant hairy tarantula spiders along with many other types of spider and of course the spider queen and the terrifying spider goddess attacking you and your co-op team from all sides, including the underground and even the sky, those damn nasty jumping spiders!

And as an upgrade for the outdated but heavy vases, you now control thorn vines, death seeds and carnivore flowers, making full use of your newly acquired nature elemental power up! Or choose another of the several mighty classes which will grant you an incredible amount of power to annihilate the spider threat and defeat the spider goddess and its minions once and for all!



Crackpots 2 will take you to battles all over the world be it town or country, amazingly dense cities with full destructive environment or vast fields and dark forests, in the middle of the ocean on oil platforms or airborne where you will put your wings to good use versus the mutated air-spiders.

 You wil see entire buildings going down while spreading dust and debris everywhere in a very Battlefield style. These buildings were infested of spiders and couldn't withstand it. You also took the chance to throw your thorn vines around the concrete structure, like a whip from indiana jones, smashing it all along with the spiders inside it which are already finding their way out through every breach they could find while creating more with their sharp fangs and claws.


You will be able to select from a variety of skills and classes including mixing them together to create your unique mix with the best skilsl you can master plus full character customization.

Beastmaster allows you to control several wild beasts such as saber tooth tigers, wolves golden eagles, snakes and crocodiles to fight by your side along with any other wildbeast you think of.

Nature elemental will give you the power to summon magic elemental creatures, be it a stone golem, fire, water, wind or tree creature.


Shapeshifter allows you to take the form of a werewolf, bear, tiger or even demons and start riping spiders apart along wth your friends since the game has a fully featured online and lan co-op mode!

Necromancer is the mage who masters the dark arts making it possible for him to take control over long dead creatures even dinossaurs, ressurecting their skeletons as your minions.

Warrior as the top melee and close combat damage dealers, which posses a huge variety of weapons at their disposal being able to equip blunt weapons such as heavy maces and hammers or sharp and fast swords, dualswords, daggers and dual daggers, each one of them with its specific masteries and specialties.

Archers deal dame by using their long range tools of war, the powerful energy bows which is fueled by their very inner energy and can hit several spiders with one single shot, immedially setting the spiders it hit on fire.

More classes and skills coming soon on the planned expansion pack. xD

The spiders:

Spider-Ggoddess: the top entity and ruler of all spiders and revered by them all, she seeks the ultimate domination over the entire galaxy.

Spider-Queen: Came to power after defeating its former competitorsfrom the several spider nests throughout the planets conquered by the spiders.

Spider chimeras: spiders mixed with captured humans, a terrible feat indeed.

Underlings: all the other spiders giant and tiny which are under full control of their respctive queen and follow her every order.

Here are some pictures to better illustrate the game plus a super slideshow, if you still aren't scared enough of spiders:



Either crash bandicoot, spyro  or ratchet and Clank, need i say more
