I would love to make a sequel to Descent: Maximum for the Playstation. That was the game that I do believe made me the gamer I am today. Devil May Cry is a good runner, but there has not been a Descent game in years. 

I would make "Red Dead Revenge" (Name courtesy of predictions of sequel to "Red Dead Redemption"). Perhaps in the GTAV engine?

Of course it would be available on PC, with mod tools and all that shit. Online could be pretty awesome on PC.

For first, I would like to thank you so much for this opportunity. I think it´s great that someone is doing contests like these where is the key for win your opinion and not just some "LIKE" or what ... And also please excuse my bad English. Let me begin :) :

So persons here are presenting games i know about. Such an old stuff ... Let me present you game you probably do not know about ... the old adventure classic from 1997 and 1998 in 2D presentation.


- is a fictional world somewhere in the universe, where are many races, but we have to know about 3 of them

Mudokons = the main character named Abe is from this race, the natives from the nature. They are living together for thousands of years. They can pray and then take control of someone else. After long time the second and third race (which I have written about next) are kidnapping them a making slaves from them.

Sligs = they are green, and they use guns. They are used to guard the factories , where are slaves. 

Glukkons = they look like our octopuses, however, they are the brain of plans for kidnapping mudokons and also building huge factories to earn money. They don´t have arms, so they are just yelling at sligs


The original key for win this game is to pass through all the levels, chapters and feel the freedom (at I part) and then rescue your brothers from the second factory (at part 2). You have to pray and rescue them via teleport and then earn the number of rescued mudokons, however, if you are playing as a lone wolf, you can expect the bad ending of the game (execution of Abe) .


Gameplay (from the Exoddus part [second part]) :


Story :

So, I am Abe, i have destroyed the two biggest factories in Oddworld and saved over 400 mudokons ... Is it all about the factories and nature and running ? Nah, we will in a third and last part of the game named by myself Oddworld : Abe´s Redemption explore another part of Oddworld. What about huge cities where are living sligs and glukkons, and they are living the normal life just like ours ?

 So Abe will now try to be a politician and instead of fighting against sligs and glukkons, he will try to make a deal. Everything is possible, so he will continue in his quest via living in symbiosis. However, of course not every Glukkon will agree with this and here is the final battle , the uprising of mudokons (which leader´s is of course Abe).

The glukkons are gathering the army with new powerful weapons, planes, tanks and not just a fighting with shotgun (lol) .  They are using jets to guard the territory. But everything has it´s kernel, his centrum, and there is a the biggest and the most important city in Oddworld - Mullonia which is under control of the highest president = Lasky ... Abe thinks very smart, if we cut off the leader´s head, the poor army will be disorientated and will fall ... Because , sligs are not very smart. What a great idea !

The story will contain 3 chapters, the firstintro (training with mudokons, improving technologies) ,

the second = border between nature and cities and urban fighting (the first fighting and clash of the armies) and

the third Mullonia, definitely with the most evil glukkons, LASKY the president, the most powerful vehicles and the final supreme battle with bosses

Gameplay options :

The options of the game will be unlimited ..You will be able to choose what kind of view you want (FPS, TPS), and of course if you want 3D or 2D perspective. With the new engine very similar to the Crytek technology in Crysis 3 will be the game unbelievable for the ordinary player and also this game will have the new mode named "retro-mode" where you will be able to play this game in each part of the game (whenever you can switch the mode off and on) just as it was in previous two parts (2D jumping game) ...It´s revolutionary !

We will use the newest graphics for the best experience from the game and the game will dominate on 7.1 surround sound. You will literally feel the tweeting of the birds, power of the wind, beauty of cities and mountains, fighting, jumping, etc.


Chapters (singeplayer) :

Each chapter will contain in its middle and end one boss. That make together 6 bosses and 1 additional final supreme boss = the lasky . They will be chapter by chapter more powerful and it will be of course harder to beat them.


So you are passing through the levels, you are running, sleeping, and behaving just like in survival mode. Not just sligs and glukkons are your enemies. You have to stand face to face also against  the wild animals in the nature.


They are named Scrabs and Paramites. They have different behaviour.

Scrabs are more likely to be alone with their own territory, they have no arms, and they are killing everyone (if another scrab invades his territory, he will kill the scrab too ).

Paramites are very afraid when they are alone (only 1), also they are afraid a lot of Abe, but, the problem is when they are 2 or more together. Then they are killing everyone, communicating between very fast and moving very fast (not killing each other !)

You cannot as native race from the nature kill those animals. You have such a thing called = respect. You have to discover the understanding and meaning of Scrabs and Paramites (we are talking about mudokons). So you will have to explore the oddworld and search for the golden relic, which will give you an ability to pass through the nature part without hurt (also with your army). The Golden Relic will be located somewhere in the nature, and the clues from the fictional God will lead Abe to it. That will be the first chapter.

The second chapter is in the border .. you will stand face to face against sligs. They will have their own dogs called Slogs. But you will have also one more advantage. You will be able to use your new friends - animals to fight with you due to your Golden Relic from previous chapter !

- slog

The cities are chaotic, normal life is at the end, the army is fighting against you. They are using the shields to prevent you from invading the city. Your quest will be to deactivate the shields, to fight at all cost against those "monsters" .. You will be able to use metraro, tram, the transport vehicles just as in the normal life. Also you can steal the army vehicles, and the mission will take you into the skies with planes ! Unbelievable ! You will trade with the mudokons,with those , which are against the dictator Lasky ! Adventure will be enriched of open world game ! You will earn gold, and what about sub-missions ? Not a problem ! The sligs who are with you will offer you many missions, it depends only on yourself what you will do. Because you never know who is confident ! And the story could also then dramatically pull down into very different continuing

 - Mullonia (artwork)

The third chapter is finally here ! Through all the fighting, deactivating the shields, searching for clues, you have reached the biggest city - Mullonia. Not each one from your (Abe´s) army survived, so you will call sligs and glukkons who are with you from the previous cities to help you. Mullonia are using the different things to manage city. They are using mind ... they are now searching for your thoughts ! They will then now what they can expect from you, and they will be prepared, so next task is to fight mindlessly ! Fights will be even more brutal and more logic than before ... It´s not all about the fighting of course, the clues sent to the Oddworld by God is helping you, but each player - and that´s just like in the L.A. Noire - will have to use his own intellect. After all the passages you are here, face to face , nobody from your army, and from Lasky´s army exist more .. and here are you Abe X Lasky ? Who will win ?

That is the epic singleplayer, i would like to describe it further, but my mind is about to explode with those ideas !


In-game accessory :

You can find binoculars, many relics giving you advantages (invisibility, invulnerability) , keys from the special doors for HP, the scopes for your weapons, the clothes, the camouflage, the riddles to solve ... So there is fighting , on the other hand solving logical problems ... that makes together undiscovered adventure till now ! Your achieved results will give you bonus points in other modes (Multiplayer) .


Communication (singleplayer) :

Not many games are offering you the option for communicating between you and AI. What about an engine called "language tounge" which will do the next : You will type into the bar the text, and Abe will proceed the request into the game via mouth (speaking, just similar to voice google translator) and the AI will behave in pursuance of the request (for example: "I need a liquid, im thirsty" .. and some of your mudokon friend will bring you the water, of course, if you type the request not correctly, the request will be invalid) ... 


Multiplayer and other modes :

Not only epic singleplayer with approximate 400h of playing is here ... you can also choose from CO-OP and Multiplayer. The connection between you and your friends, and people around the world is very important. You will have many gadgets, many ribbons , many medals, many achievements to achieve. The rivarly between you and other players will be very big. The multiplayer will be located in those three chapters mentioned about singleplayer. You will be able to choose between each part, and also customize yourself, your skin, your race (if it is needed) and so on you will choose the in game regime , the conquest, logical clues, finding (with random spawning of the objects) some relics, hop & run (the first in 2D perspective who will reach the finish of the map win) and many others ...Potentional updates for some extra cost as a DLC will give you more regimes for the game (and also maps) ...


Playing the singleplayer with your friend ? Why not .. again with some achievements to achieve, (gadgets, medals). But what about the play ? In a typical co-op , both of you are doing the same , what about doing different things at the same time, for example, you are searching for some relic, and your friend is shooting against enemies .. Or different ways of play, you are passing through some forest, and your friend through desert, then, in the final battle you will reach each other ... But not only playing singleplayer , you will be able to choose different maps, maybe some additional maps not contained in the basic game ! And the basic story will be again different - what about the story from the Lasky´s perspective ? Incredible nah ? Okey, the only requirement is to play with your friend at the same time, you can also play as a DUEL


Game engine :

Very important ! With so many options and new perspectives of the adventure and fighting together, the engine must be prepared for massive ballast. The movement, the weather, the RPG system ( weight, hungry status,etc.) will be ultimate. The graphic team of the game (developers) will train the same movements just as it is in the real life, crouch, prone, running, eating, cleaning your glasses from the rain, ... also the typical situations, you will be able to be sick, to feel the tornadoes, storms, normal sunny day ! You will be hungry, thirsty, you will have to pee in some time ..

Also it´s about simulating the real life with everything together. Sleeping 5-6 hours, eating, drinking, time for the WC, earning skills in many crafts (fencing, searching, power, ..).


AI :

It must be perfect without any error. AI must behave just like humans, they have feels, they have their own plans, but enemies of Abe must obey Lasky. You will have to infer who is confident, who is not, who is a liar and every bot will have their own story.


Support and game accessories :

The tech support would be here for you 24/7 .. the advisors would be in that value which is in the relative value of players. NO WAITING TIME, NO UNLOCKED AND UNSOLVED TOPICS, each topis on official forum will be solved ! Technologies will be able to enjoy the game with your game accessories (steering wheel, pedals, joystick) without problem and due to appreciation to customers , the developers will develop the game with some bonuses (for example 3D glasses) ... 




That shall be everything for my answer ... thank you for your contest and also for your patient ... That has taken me 3 hours to do it .. in a row. I now need a coffee ... thanks again, and just to recapitulate what is my answer about :

Just imagine the world, where are you from different race , you are fighting for the good for your freedom, for freedom of your brothers against your enemies, you are solving the serious life situations and searching for ancient relics. You are feeling the power of nature, of evil, the weather, you are just yourself in a paralel universe ... And make together two words "adventure" and "fighting" ... it´s not just like an Assasin´s Creed .. its different , you are given more options than everyone else in every game before ever had .. That´s the point of my suggestion .. think about it, and excuse again my bad English.



I would make a FPS version of The Legend OF ZELDA: A link to the past that is super gorry and has lots of blood and i would very much like to behead people maybe add some dragons.....oh shit i just made skyrim


This is the last day!

That's a great question and thank you for the wonderful opportunity Futurestep.

You are given the opportunity to create a direct sequel to one of your favorite games from your childhood with an unlimited amount of resources, what would it be?


With an unlimited amount of resources the life cycle of that particular game would be infinite.  With nonstop development changes and engine improvements and so on the capabilities would be crazy and game development could go forever. That would be absurd! Anyway one can only dream :)

To answer that question, I would go for a Fallout sequel but then set in a Cyberpunk setting that would feature a dark dystopian futuristic world much like in Blade Runner, Total Recall and Deus Ex where futuristic technology overlaps with human society.

Engine and Story:

The game would take usage of the stunning CryEngine 3 so it can contain complex artificial intelligence systems and advanced motion capture with realistic character models, facial and character movement much like you have seen in LA Noire and Beyond Two Souls that would enrich the players experience with life like situations. The game will have a strong, well thought out Storyline with rich and compelling believable characters. It would contain multiple story lines and a ton of side quests for different characters and include multiple endings depending on which character you choose to pick and the choices you make. For example one of the main characters will be introduced as a hardened ex-police lieutenant who has been put behind bars. His past life has been rough and unfair. Life is harsh and dark as it’s a Cyberpunk world and the only way of getting on with life is by doing contract work. He knows his ways of handling things since he has been a cop.

Each choice within the game you make whether it is by narrative, killing NPCs or even small things like dress code or any other decision at the time is entirely up to you and would have an effect on the world around you and how people perceive you. A reputation system will be implemented depending on how good or bad your actions are except you don’t have any guidance on your HUD to tell your status instead you can tell it by body language. Reputation matters and can unlock different quests and opportunities. The game will primarily focus on first person but players do have the option to use third person. The game will include a similar dialogue system that is present in Fallout and Mass Effect with multi choice options except with a little more variety.

Game World:

The game would feature a massive open world whereby players can travel on foot, air, land and sea. Players can take public transport such as taxi cabs, subway, buses to fast travel since the scale is so big but players do have the option to turn it off. Cities are dark, polluted, gritty, cold, rainy and be realistically modelled close to real life situations with very dense populations. Players can enter buildings, sewers, rooftops and can use this as their advantage when doing missions. And players will be left with tons of exploration throughout the city after completing the game.

The city will feel truly alive with beautiful neon lighting at night, people walking around and having conversations, robberies in act, police chases, police raids, etc. The game would also feature random AI events whereby the player have the option to help or not and this would have an impact on the game later on so choose carefully. A true dynamic weather cycle would also be featured where Mother Nature is carefully simulated whereby the time of day or weather would have an effect on how you play your missions. So if you’re trying to play stealthy with the right equipment nighttime would be more beneficial to you for example. Every building would be enterable and destructible similar to Red Faction. Transitioning from place to place within the game world would go seamlessly without any sort of loading times. The open world terrain would be an ongoing development project by which new parts of the game world would be added each month.

Also something I would like to implement is an interactive environment. I want players able to pick up objects and toss them around. Perhaps go a little more creative, for instance you’re sneaking up on someone and you’re trying the stealthy approach without killing, you spot a radio nearby and turn it on so enemies will be attracted to it. Small things like that would be fun to experiment with.

Gameplay and Customization:

Players are allowed to purchase their own vehicles, firearms and houses or apartments where players can store their weapons, gadgets, clothing, etc. Players can go crazy but within reason on character customization such as gender, race, role, clothing, augmentations, implants and weapons with tons of upgrades you can earn through quests or be bought separately. Characters can be upgraded with hard upgrades by buying different kind of augmentations such as eye, skin, arm, leg, brain and software upgrades which have less of an impact but are much cheaper. The Fallout 3 Assisted Targeting System will be kept but can be obtained through augmentations which can be later upgraded with better targeting accuracy for example.

There will be a variety set of weapons ranging from assault rifles, high powered assault rifles, SMGs, carbines, light and heavy sniper rifles, smart guns, semi and automatic shoguns, light machine guns, bows and crossbows, beam weapons, dart guns, and non-lethal weapons. Weapons such as the rail gun, gauss gun and laser gun would be extremely expensive and rare. Weapons can be upgraded with 3 to 4 different attachments depending on the gun you use. The game will have expansive range of attachment options that can be helpful in combat such as sights/optics that can see through walls, smart ammunition types that can lead to a target by itself with minor user input and ammunition types that can penetrate thick walls. Players have the ability to adjust scopes and sights at will and have an option to toggle on/off laser pointers and flashlights. A deploy/resting system will also be introduced whereby you can rest weapons on different surfaces such as walls, furniture and cars to provide better weapon stability. Players are also allowed to use hand to hand combat and can download various sets of martial arts directly into the user’s brain.

Combat would be ruthless and non-forgiving, a couple of shots or beatings would take you down so choosing the right equipment can be greatly beneficial for each mission. If players get injured in combat, damage is shown visually and players would actually have to examine their body and apply the right treatment. Ammunition will also scarce and expensive so no, spray and pray is not encouraged. The game would also include a cover system where players can easily head in and out of cover. Players have the option to either lethal or non-lethal take downs, whether you take someone out or not is up to the player and will have an impact later on the storyline. Weapons will kick hard with plenty of recoil and each gun will have their very own distinctive sound so learning weapons could be beneficial to you. A true weight system would also be implemented which allows you to carry only a few weapons. However, you will be allowed to upgrade your inventory with upgrades so carrying more weapons is possible in the future but nothing absurd.

A more progressive level up system would be included similar to the one in Fallout 3 but with an incredible amount of variety much like the Path of Exile skill tree.

Romance and Bromance:

While some people may not be a fan of it and rather think it is unnecessary, I still think it's still a nice addition because sometimes you just get to learn a character more and take serious liking to it. Characters will have complexity and are not one dimensional. The friendships/romances are not limited to gender. Woman are not over sexualized like most games and have just as many complexity and variety as male characters. The whole point of the romance/friendship system is to create a bond with the game and the characters. Characters will actually be memorable.

It’s a great way of expanding the universe with additional character views and such. Players can build trust up with interacting with other NPCs, once enough trust points are gained the player will have the option of companionship on some missions.

Megacorporations/factions and Hacking:

Ever since the government collapse, megacorporations pretty much rule the streets and players are allowed to do side missions and work for different mega corporations. Each corporation has their own unique benefits such as vehicles, weapons, upgrades and attachments for various kinds of weapons. Working for the corporations will be a much harder job and will have to build up reputation. However, this can be worthwhile, the pay grade is much greater and players might be left with different perspective on things that can alter the main storyline.

Players have the option to join smaller factions such as street gangs and private military companies for smaller contract work. These missions are frequently short and be things like bounty hunting, assassinations, etc. Completing these will gain bad reputation generally. The missions will have deep and touching moral options that will haunt you for the rest of the game.

Players will be presented with a low entry hacking device whereby you can hack low level security systems such as vehicles, weapon caches, doors. Players can find weapon caches, weapon attachments, software updates as you hack different systems and find hidden place. Exploration rewards the player. As you progress through the game players can update their hacking devices that allows them to hack into higher level security systems such as advanced weaponry systems, higher tier vehicles and robotics and use this against your opponent.


Players can collect blueprint designs for each gun throughout the world. Each weapon will have 3 to 4 blueprints depending on the size of the weapon. For instance an assault rifle will have 1 blueprint for the stock, 2 for the main body and 1 for the front part of the weapon. In comparison a hand pistol would only have 3. Once all 4 blueprints are found and the necessary material are obtained the player can then proceed crafting the weapon at any time in the game while not in combat. This would be a much cheaper and alternative way of buying weapons if you player chooses to do so. Certain rare weapons like a few I mentioned above cannot be obtained through quests and players can explore parts of the world looking for blueprints.

Apart from weapon crafting players can also craft different types of ammunition.

Player movement:

I think we can all agree that the movement in Fallout felt static, weird and fluidity wasn’t really there. I want a true fluid experience and I think Far Cry 3 did this really well whereby the animations are just in one smooth transition non-stop. You could move in and out of vehicles, change from driver seat to gunner seat, open doors without interruption or loading times, everything felt just so connected and more accurate.

Free running, I want this to become a big part of the game whereby players can jump far distances from building to building, jumping from car to car while being chased, climbing and do all kinds of acrobatics. I think this would go well with augmentations, for example you can upgrade your character with faster run speed or a jump upgrade where you can jump further and become the ultimate assassin. Wouldn’t it be cool if you were being chased from rooftop to rooftop and you jump into a flying car high in the air and take off to get away? All of this would add an incredible amount of freedom and this would really suit the Cyberpunk world.


The game would also feature an online drop-in-drop-out system much like what is present in Borderlands which you can switch on and off at will. Players will be able to join the host’s game and are able to progress and alter their storyline. Players can seamlessly change from playing alone to playing with friends or people you don’t know.

"POP POP!" - Magnitude 

I'd love a sequel for Carnivores 2/Ice Age. Not that stupid Tatem Games iOS port. A legitimate sequel for it; I want a realistic hunting experience of prehistoric dinosaurs, based upon what conjecture and knowledge we have on how Dinosaurs lived and such. 

This game made my childhood. I remember the first time I loaded up Carnivores 1. Killing a Tyrannosaurus was a glorious triumph for me, considering you had to shoot it in the eye. This was immersion for me. To this date, I still commend it for its ability to successfully immerse me in the game.


A campaign spanning the entire planet of FMM-UV 32 and all the islands that make it up, as well as free hunt of entire continents, comparable to PlanetSide 2. Reallistic AI, herding/pack behavior, and interactions over species. Imagine a fully dynamic ecosystem where every where you go, you see the system at work. 

Gun customization would be a must. The ability to adjust a scope's length up the rail, position a grip, type of ammo, as well as the parts like receivers, gas tubes, stocks, etc. Each would have a true effect on the gun's firing. 

Since there was an idea for "poachers" in Carnivores: IA, a multiplayer aspect should be definitely added... Screw it! 

This will become Carnivores: Online.

  • Overview

A dynamic, dinosaur world. One huge set of continents, fully multiplayer, uber-awesome graphics. All the dinosaurs will react accordingly to player interaction. A killing off of a certain species may cause others to either over-populate or go extinct. Full on Systems Ecology that would make H.T. Odum rise from his grave just to see it. It's like PlanetSide 2, FarCry 3, with DayZ, with Primal Carnage, with some hunting game...

  • Engine and Game Mechanics

Well... as for the engine... CryEngine 3 couldn't hurt. Seeing as how the people making RESET came so far along with their own resources, why not plunge these infinite resources into making our own engine? The CARNEngine? Sounds good. We want this engine to be optimized and have superior graphics as well as render massive landmasses.

The game will play like a somewhat standard hunting FPS. A realistic hunting experience would definitely be a must. Maybe things like food, thirst, stamina, and health guide the way you play the game. You're limited to a single weapon in the beginning. As you play, you unlock new weapons, upgrades to your attire (practical and aesthetic) to help you. You will be able to carry Weapons and Gadgets. For weapons, there are the normal rifles, shotguns, bows, et cetera. For gadgets, there will be the signature gadgets from Carnivores 2, yet you will need to upgrade them as you go like PlanetSide 2 for them to be very beneficial. Gadgets include: Tracking Map, Cover Scent, Camouflage, and Extra <Insert Gun Category Here> Ammo. Each of these will have varying levels of functionality. For example, Level 1 Cover Scent may not be as effective when getting closer to Dinosaurs compared to Level 12. Level 1 Extra Shotgun Ammo will give you a bullet or two, Level 15 will give you three extra magazines. Gadgets will also include items like baits, traps and lures, tree stands, and more. Certain ones will not require you to level them up but, in turn, will require a larger investment out of you. 

  • Gameplay

Players would get the chance to spawn at the Main Arrival Center (The center of the map and where all players start) established by the DinoHunt Corp. (a major part of Carnivores lore); it would not have any advantageous features towards hunting certain types of dinosaurs (certain territories correspond to the dinosaurs that roam). You can expect servers to be around 100 player or so (don't want hunters running into each other constantly).

Areas to hunt may or may not be regulated by Corporations or Poachers. There will be large, free areas that are accessible to anyone and are right around the DinoHunt Corp. Arrival Center. They have a wide range of dinosaurs and ecosystems to hunt. There will be designated areas, displayed on a map like menu (like in PlanetSide 2) that has its own statistics and dinosaurs to hunt in

You use in-game currency to buy Guns, Character Elements, Gadgets, Upgrades, Species Hunting Licences, Area Permits, and more. 

Currency would be collected by hunting certain dinosaurs, tagging them, and collecting them as a trophy. Killing other players will result in a fine. Multiple offenses against a player will earn you the title of "Criminal" and players would gain a lot of money from killing you. At some points, if a dinosaur is very rare and sparse in population, players will be fined money from killing it and collecting them as a trophy, as well as restricted from hunting for a period of time. However, there will be small poacher outposts that exist throughout the game world. You can tag the dinosaur, and then find one of these outposts. If you do, and they're not hostile, you can report to them that you have killed a restricted species and gain a large sum of money. 

  • Here is actually a screenshot from the latest Carnivores game for the PS3, soon the PC; it is really nothing more than a fresh coat of paint on the old game.

  • Further Player Interaction and Metagame
The DinoHunt Corp. Arrival Center is just one type of base. There are Three: DinoHunt Corp (NPC), Player, and Poacher (NPC). DinoHunt Corp. owns a large mass of land for players to hunt for free. The areas beyond DinoHunt Corp.'s control is free area not owned by anyone. This is where the players come in:

Players may eventually get together and form their own corporations. These corporations will be able to set up their own non-NPC bases in the world of FMM-UV 32 by purchasing certain areas that are not owned by DinoHunt Corp. Areas may hold a certain rare animal, or other defining features that make it special. If a company treats the area right, regulates hunting restrictions and such, they can make a sustainable profit. Players will usually have to pay a set entry fee to hunt in these areas, yet they can gain even more from these areas.

  • This concept art of Halo 3 was one of the few images I could find that captured the nature to man-made contrast of a base that I had imagined.


However, as certain areas radiate from the center of the DinoHunt Corp. Main Arrival Center, there will be levels of territory. Each level increases as you go further and further away. These areas require corresponding Planetary Territory Permits (PTPs) to purchase territory in. The prices go from medium one to a higher one as you go further out, then they start to decrease half-way though the levels as you get to the coast of the environment. For example, a Level 1 PTP may be around 10,000,000 credits, a Level 5 PTP will probably be around 75,000,000 credits, and a Level 10 PTP may be around 9,500,000 credits. Certain areas that lie on an ecotone will cost more than areas that have single biomes.

Players can also choose to spawn at these for a price that will go towards the CEO of the corporation, who then divides it up among his fellow employees. The CEO can also upgrade the base with that much money. Over time, upgrades and upkeep will be required. Damages may occur from dinosaurs or poachers that might raid the base; members should stand at guard. An upgraded base will feature aspects that the NPC bases have: Weapon shops, upgrade centers, etc.The money from those will go towards CEOs. Members of the corporation can spawn there for free.

Finally, there are areas that are controlled by poachers. They might be hostile, they might be willing to trade some valuable goods with you. If you are a corporation of a certain size, you can get a contract to dispose of these poachers and take over their land.  

I need to add more to this at some point...

Anyway, good luck to all who entered!

Congratulations! You are the winner of this giveaway!

Be sure to jump on mumble some time so we can play a round or two.

Mumble details-

See you on the battlefield soldier!

OMG OMG OMG !!! Thank you so much Futurestep and also many thanks to other users here, your ideas about the direct sequel were fantastic too ... this is unbelievable .. Oh .. i just cannot believe it ... Thank you for opportunity and thank you for the game ..

 - COOKIE FOR YOU !!!! :) :)

Thanks again !