Anime Culture Club

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I generally go for the light stuff usually involving comedy.

Iā€™d say Marimite is the only one in that list I gave that has feels (being a drama and all). Itā€™s really slow though.

Is that a trying to look smug, but too sad/high to pull it off?

BTW we can give each other a little bit of a hard time, but donā€™t take it serious.




thatā€™s because:

And these are undeniable facts.


Almost didnā€™t get that. I tried Googling meirl.

FTFY lol


I guess I missed it. Your memes are too advanced for me.


shit this is not lounge, I should cease the shitposting

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I guess that we should just go back to /r/Animemes



Ayyyyy, after putting in way too much time and effort I finally found another cooking anime, I think.

What are all the cooking anime? I like cooking anime, one of these days I hope it encourages me enough to try cooking myself

what anime did you find?

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10 minutes of actual show, then another 5 of irl stuff. Kind of neat. Pretty entertaining show, actually develops somewhat of a story after awhile, starts pretty meh though (unless youā€™re looking for food pr0n, itā€™s pretty good at that). And isekai because isekai I guess.

It seems everyone in the reviews wants it to be this show though which explains the fairly low marks it currently has.

those both suck


Iā€™ve not seen the second one. First one is good as a food pr0n, not as some substantial story. Also educational if you want to learn about culture/ cooking which is appropriate for JoelBanks here:

The second I turn on the stove Ima burn my house down

Turns out it is not about cooking but working a starter job at a diner type place.


not sure if I should continue watching it, is it any good?

The working!! series of anime is great.

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Does it have a proper ending?