Anime Culture Club

it ends at a spot not exactly the best if you a baby

summit it has one episode thats the first arc thats before the arc in the past when hes younger leading upto the first episode, ends up band of the hawk gets fucked up, then ending is just him walking out of swordsmith whatever dudes house and thats it, just errybody got rekt cept him(as far as you know

I’m not sure if that exact one is in there or not, but they do have actual puns like that in there. Especially in the OVA iirc.

but could you say they are a regular squidbilly?



nah you a dong probably like death note lel

So it omits the eclipse?

Death Note is good, both halves

What I watched of death note was good, I need to get around to finishing it.

nah thats where they all get fucked up and shows griffith transforming but then thats it dont see how guts escapes or anything/next time see him hes just walking out of the swordsmith guys with the dragon slayer and thats the end

nah is following a baka ass mofo

doin dumb shit getting caught, then it goes on way longer with some other stupid dong then some other one

Could this other stupid dong you’re talking about be you

What you even talking about though

main guy from deathnote gets caught and dies

then thats only like half(if even) of the source material where it continues on way after that, following some other guys battling with their notebooks

but the whole investigation thing, and the randomly killing buuunch guys by making them have a heartattack or whatever just stupid kid shit, i mean if you wanted to cause an investigation by causing some weird ass shit happening like bunch of deathrow whatever guys all die day before by heart attack when none had pre existing conditions, ye sure go for it

i mean if say a riot happend in the yard and a bunch of them kill eachother, little harder to investigate as being weird supernatural shit

Spoiler tags m8, quick before @TeckMonster beats you with his (insert sexual sounding car part here)

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In the Japanese Dub Squid Girl (Inka-musume) always ends her sentences with “degeso”
In the English Dub they played around with it the words modifying them with

  • ink
  • squid
  • kraken
  • tentacle

and a maybe a few other. Its a pretty light slapstick comedy show. Nothing really serious or extreme ultimate goal. Plenty of the same comedy situations. I cannot for the life of me remember the term.

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Ok that’s pretty dumb, the movies are better

dunno think is best adaption basically as far as accuracy and stuff just, it ends short/at a not good spot

Found my old post, and here are some samples I gave.

Yeah Light isn’t the hero, his actions are shown to be irredeemable and after L dies his ego becomes so massive it hinders him to the point of being defeated by his lessers.

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told a friend about overlord and he instantly fell in love. hasnt even watched it yet. was explaining the cringy nazi scene and he broke out laughing and lost the ability to stand for a while.


ye but even as him not bein a hero, just does blatantly dumb things in some instances but your supposed to hyped up for this epic battle of wits like no normie can just even comprehend whats going on like some kind of rick and morty grade shit