Anime Culture Club

Something the animation? Nah nevermind


Degenerate stuff dont mind.


sticking ā€œthe animationā€ after any anime title is always a recipe for good times


Seriously what are you all talking about? I canā€™t find it.

ariens huh

like that eureka seven eh?

oh wait has robots and stuff and isnt completely garbage cant have that


I watched it till I got to this episode
Been having nightmares ever since.


Where does log horizon anime leave off in the novels? @Skelterz you know this?

I think I might try reading. Lets see how long until I give up. Iā€™ve only read 1 book fully ever from cover to cover. That was the hobbit

Maybe I will rewatch Log horizon idk

I am utterly offended and disgusted by how Darling in the FranXX turned out. I was so hyped for this show and it let me down harder than I was ready for. 1/10 Fuck that show so hard. I would not recommend anyone else watch it. Take all the worst parts from Gurren Lagan, mix in a bit of Vandread and then smear it on a piece of Evangelion toast and youā€™ll get Darling in the FranXX. You could not pay me enough to rewatch this show.

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You, I know you will do this for, SPOIL IT FOR ME PLEASE.

tell me what happens to the characters so I can decided if I should watch the last 6 episodes or not.

Also you wanna watch evangelion tomorrow?

you havent seen the last 6 episodes!?

fuck manā€¦ just watch itā€¦ so much stuff happens that the spoilers will be meaningless otherwise

Ik it was so hard not to watch them but I wanted to binge the ending and I also wanted to know if shit I donā€™t want to happen happens.


Where is my new my hero academia and my fuckign overlord season 3

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Youā€™re overreacting. Pull the wad of barbed wire out your ass would you?

show was bad after whichever episode was Jian everything after that couldnt follow up

I donā€™t think so. Thereā€™s a difference between a bad anime and a anime that manages to offend me. I havenā€™t seen something offensive like this since SAO

While I think the ending was meh I overall liked it and still think your reaction is a bit ridiculous. I canā€™t help but giggle when you say youā€™re offended. If you want to use some spoilers I wouldnā€™t mind hearing in detail why this has you in such an uproar


Look Iā€™m not just dissatisfied with the ending, I think the entire show was full of plot holes and scripting ripped straight from Gurren Lagann.

For me though the show went from bearable to awful once they introduced VIRM in episode 20. I was having fun deciphering the mystery throughout the show until they throw in a completely unpredictable plot point that has nothing to do with the story except to draw out the last few episodes. It felt rushed and incoherent.I think the show would have been better wrapped up in episode 15 when I still cared about some of the characters

Iā€™m not the only one who feels this way either:

Go read those reviews if you want a in depth look on why I think the series is terrible, although I did think episode 13 and 15 are what kept me watching.