Anime Culture Club

Every time I rewatch SAO, I just say “has another anime done weirder pointless things like this, most likely”, and then I carry on lol.
Anywho just finished Kokoro Connect and Im almost done Gokukoku no Brynhildr. Thinking of watching Your Name later on or Patema Inverted, I really liked those movies.

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This is now on Crunchyroll:

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Holy crap, FMP episodes up to this point were so freaking detailed and felt like ever to complete, but not in a bad way. The progression was nice but this weeks 6th episode was over in a flash. Its getting really interesting.

Now onto Hinamatsuri
that fucking ending. laughing to tears right now.


So I started reading To Your Eternity, I get to chapter 11 and i’m a mess, too many feels. just ordered Volumes 1-3 on amazon.


Stopped watching once he started shit talking GATE, cus he has no idea what he is talking about, If he had a face cam right then you’d literally see shit oozing out of his mouth.

So i just created a thread referencing only anime music. I’m proud of it ^^


Oh, just realized To Your Eternity is from the same creator as Koe no Katachi


There were too many feels throughout for me. Need to catch up though, haven’t read it in a while and I didn’t even know it got an english release although it makes sense with the same author that Kodansha would pick it up too. I’ll have to add them to my wishlist on rightstuf to buy during the christmas sale in a bulk order.

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Koe no Katachi is best anime, I think maybe IDK. It was the one that actually got me fully into anime and that’s why I love it

Just watched Aggrestuko wish there was some more but the show was pretty fun.

FBI where art thou


Wait that’s actually sold in normal stores?

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Yeah Best Buy

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Huh I thought only the uber popular anime gets sold in stores the ones liked by most everyone like Miyazaki anime.

Anything released by Funimation and Crunchyroll gets sold here

Well isn’t that kinda like putting your head in the dirt because you don’t want to hear criticism? I can understand you not agreeing with his points, but if you don’t hear them in the first place how can you tell if his points are valid?

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I’m waiting for it to finish but now I’m super excited.

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It was a joke lol, I watched the video till I got bored

So 30 seconds?

32 actually