Anime Culture Club

FBI where art thou


Wait that’s actually sold in normal stores?

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Yeah Best Buy

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Huh I thought only the uber popular anime gets sold in stores the ones liked by most everyone like Miyazaki anime.

Anything released by Funimation and Crunchyroll gets sold here

Well isn’t that kinda like putting your head in the dirt because you don’t want to hear criticism? I can understand you not agreeing with his points, but if you don’t hear them in the first place how can you tell if his points are valid?

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I’m waiting for it to finish but now I’m super excited.

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It was a joke lol, I watched the video till I got bored

So 30 seconds?

32 actually

Looking for custom notification sounds and I found one that is Maiyuris “Tuturu”… Do I EVEN dare to try this, I can only imagine hearing this all day haha


Speaking of notification sounds. I had coffee and my friend had green tea :smiley: any time it would go off we would crack up. Probably one of the best inside jokes I have with a friend.


If you watch a lot of twitch you’d know how fast that gets old lol.

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I finished After the rain. It was a really great anime. And Tachibana is beautiful.

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Needs bass boosted and deep fried meme.

Although shoujo is not one of my favorite genres, I’m always looking for a good story. Added

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I really like the direction the story took towards the end

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ya totally, it was great and inspirational.

(edit:ignore this comment) You meant seinen? I have a huge weakness toward seinens (edit:shoujous) in general.

After the rain is definitely shojo maybe leaning towards Josei

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I still pronounce this like it is some Mexican guy’s name lmao