1 Year Linux Challenge

…It’s basically a spreadsheet with forms you can fill in to start the challenge and update it when completed…

So do we get shares from the Bitcoin miner that runs in the background of the spreadsheet? :wink:

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Lol nah. Google sheets. And I figured the data might be interesting to come. Distros usedz completed/not completed etc.


i am the kind of person who starts out with little information and just add things as i go along and see the need. so i am bad at coming with info at the start.
One things is maybe “what distros did you use, for how long, why did you switch, would you come back” or something like that

with the distro choice have multiple entries just so if you used SUSE for 4 months ubuntu and fedora for something similar everyone can share what they feel about it and how it was to start out

Oh man, I’m here for almost 2 years and haven’t made it across this thread… oh boy.

Well… I use Linux for 7 years now, Fedora mostly but sometimes Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS but when I’m at work it’s all RHEL 5/6/7 so my “private” Distro of choice is Fedora.

Since last year I use windows again off / on when I’m gaming which isn’t that often and to be honest I use MacOS more than Win these days.

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Hello, can I get in? I’ve been using Linux for a while. Last year I used it exclusively from like August to January, then I got a laptop that dual-booted to Windows 10 (ew), but it died like three months after that (still mourning it, that was a damn powerful laptop). Since then I’ve been dual-booting Ubuntu 18.04 and Debian Sid (Ubuntu if I have to borrow my laptop to, ahem, normies :eyes:, and Debian w/ suckless software because it’s really goddamn fun.)

Unrelated: does anyone know why I have to escape the ‘)’ when surrounding the parentheses with spoiler tags? Is it a Markdown thing?

4 posts were split to a new topic: Spoilers not working as should

A tick that increments by 1 every day at 00:00 UTC for a user profile.

At 366 you get the badge and the increment goes away.

I have been using Linux off and on since 2009. I have recently switched full time to Fedora on my laptop which is in use all day everyday and my desktop is Windows 10 for work stuff but I live within a Fedora VM for all my internet browsing and general day to day stuff. Having a 8 Core Ryzen box with 32GB RAM is so great. I threw 8 cores and 16GB RAM at the VM and have the VM files on its own SSD in the system so it just flies. I just love working on Windows on one screen and Fedora on the other with zero slow down.

I’ve been using Linux since 2006-2007. Originally I was just sick of Windows XP and hated Windows Vista (which was released around that period) and was fed up with Windows as a whole. I stuck with Ubuntu from 2006 to 2012, then I jumped ship to Windows 7 mostly for gaming. I generally have been dual booting Windows and Linux on and off since 2012. But I found myself gravitating back towards Linux ever since the event of Windows 10. There are still some programs and games that I mainly kept Windows for.

With Steam’s new Proton, my reasons for sticking to Windows for gaming has become lessened ever further, and I have not booted in Windows for over a month now. Though I have been thinking that maybe my next PC build should be tailed for looking glass, so I can stick to just Linux as my main OS and just sand box Windows 7 (guessing Windows 10 does not work with looking glass?) for any application that would be a pain to get running in Linux.

I probably wouldn’t do the one year Linux challenge because I may still pop into Windows for various things. But if I did, it would be easier to do now than it was last year.

Is this challenge still available?
Four long years of exclusive Windows os use has pushed me back into Linux exclusively.
The challenge I have for myself, to stick to it. I’m able to get every game I play going with lutris, I’ve tinkered with Linux in the past but always had Windows to fall back on. No more. I’ve broken distros so badly in the past that I’ve learned from those mistakes. The real challenge that really gets my brain juices flowing, I’m using ryzen, exclusively. Far from an early adapter, I’m still catching up. I’ve found a calling here at level 1. @wendell and his gaming on Linux videos gave me hope for this journey and more to look forward to learning in the future.

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Yes it is.

I think you can edit OP and add yourself as a participant in the list.


I’ve been using Linux as my daily driver for a while now, but as I don’t remember when I started, I will concede my start date as today. Another year shouldn’t be that bad


Just installed Linux (Ubuntu) on my home PC and my laptop. I’ve just gotten tired to all the bloat and spyware Microsoft is putting on their platform. I found @wendell and the level1linux channel and they inspired me to make the switch.


Welcome to the forums and to Linux!



Ok, i’ve been here for some weeks but never could get rid of Windows Completely. Now, i’ve not booted my Windows Installation for a week. I’ve got my Games set up, Overwatch works good enough, Steam Play is decent and my Rocksmith works better than on Windows. I’m finally down.

I’ve added myself with a start date of today. I was using Linux for years, but always went back to windows when i needed to “do” something. I’m confident, that this is now done. I admit that i still keep my backup SSD with Win 10 on it if wine breaks with an update or anything goes south. I’ve set 29th of September as the date my Windows Installation will go. If i don’t need it until then, my Linux installation will move to the big SSD and Windows will finally be gone for good.

Oh, at work, i’ve made that switch months ago. Yes, i do use out Terminal Server for two applications i have to, but i don’t count that.

So yeah. 100% Linux from here on out!


I just reinstalled Fedora yesterday, because grub. Does that count for anything?

Hmm if anyone was counting this
– Logs begin at Sun 2017-09-10 14:55:28 CEST, end at Mon 2018-09-10 20:31:26 CEST. –
archlinux here


I’ve been an active Linux user for awhile now but haven’t officially joined the challenge until today. Better late than never I suppose.


this thread made me look at when i installed manjaro. Looks like i have clicked over a year on the 12th of august (or possibly the 8th of December unsure if the date formatting is Australian or american) either way its the longest i have stayed on a single distro.



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