ZFS On Unraid? Let's Do It (Bonus Shadowcopy Setup Guide) [Project]

¿Por qué no los dos?

I run cockpit on my unraid linux VMs. :wink: Unraid doesnt do anything you cant do with centos probably but it does make a few things quite a bit simpler.


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@wendell is the last line of docker script supposed to be mapping port 444:443 or is that a typo? Just curious as I’m having issues with getting it setup. They may or may not be related?

444 because sni proxy gets 443. You can’t use the unraid GUI. You have to add the additional ips the containers via the cli

ip addr add 192.168.xxx.yyy

Then the docker commands will map them as appropriate.

You can add those commands (ip addr etc) to the user scripts plugin to run on reboot so it can remove and rebuild your containers

Ah okay. I am using the cli via the user scripts as directed, but I’m still running into some bind errors:

RTNETLINK answers: File exists
docker: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint lancache-sniproxy (72548035492c8449d97da7da548392f101c3cda626763a574b0a8d66707daacc): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: address already in use.
docker: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint lancache (3a19f02ede38f6b6e3eca463e38667396f4e2faeeb56001a3d928413556c4666): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: address already in use.

I’m guessing this is because Unraid’s GUI Nginx is binding on those new ips as you mentioned. How do I make the GUI only listen on the main IP?

A post was split to a new topic: Separate secondary cache with Unraid

change that, reboot, then run the ip addr add … br0 then remove + add the container again.
should be good?

Set it and rebooted. Now I can’t ping the system lol. I’ll have to check it when I get home.

lol nooooo
hmm. we’ll sort it out :stuck_out_tongue:

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: /dev/null

isn’t it enough to

1.only include this in the script file:
ip addr add 192.168.xxx.yyz/24 dev br0

2.execute this once:
#docker run --restart unless-stopped --name lancache-sniproxy -p 192.168.xxx.yyz:443:443 -e LANCACHE_IP=192.168.xxx.yyz -d --privileged lancachenet/sniproxy:latest

3.make lancache-sniproxy to auto start in docker tab

4.Create the other 2 containers normally from docker tab.


If ip addr add survives a reboot, nginx will gobble it up. If the docker container isn’t running, natural nginx reloads will clobber the port also.

only dns can work from the docker ui normally because the non-sni container (the actual proxy container) wants to use port 443. I think this is a mistake in the container config of the proxy container, but eventually that will be better when the sni proxy is integrated to the same container. at that point, the unraid gui will work.

generally, though, yes, that should work. but above is something to consider for the full picture.

the problem is the unraid gui (nothing to do with docker) doesn’t let you assign more than one IP to the host system and specify that unraid services like nginx/web shouldn’t bind to all interfaces.

Can you feature request on their bug tracker or something?

are they really planning to do this ? can’t find anything about it on github ?

Why else is the proxy container configured to listen on 443?

Or better yet a pull request <3


Turns out that worked! I just miss-clicked Shutdown instead of Reboot :sweat_smile:

Thanks for the help!


I can fully understand why there was the 1 Windows 10 VM and Passthrough because FFmpeg VA-API is still spotty on Linux. ESPECIALLY on Navi.

But setup a built from scratch with AMD VCE enabled build of FFmpeg with batch scripts. Handbrake still hasn’t fixed their variable frame rate issue that reaks havok with Premiere.

FFmpeg with -r 60000/1001 is good for compressing their A-roll and B-roll. The problem with recalling A-roll from their renders is Premiere already turned 59.94fps to 60.00fps. Raw footage should follow the framerate of the source file.

Blame the NTSC for deciding drop frame framerates were what were needed to bring color TV to the market.

I am able to see my shares in Windows, but upon creating or copying a file over I get an error.
I need permission.
Here is what I have setup so far
#Unassigned devices share includes
include = /tmp/unassigned.devices/smb-settings.conf

path = /dumpster
browseable = yes
guest ok = yes
writeable = yes
read only = no
create mask = 0775
directory mask = 0775
vfs objects = shadow_copy2
shadow: snapdir = .zfs/snapshot
shadow: sort = desc
shadow: format = zfs-auto-snap_%S-%Y-%m-%d-%H%M
shadow: localtime = yes

path = /dumpster


public = yes
writeable = yes
write list = mike, test, mytime34

No comma separated? Space separated is fine … What is the file system permissions for ok m the yerminal? eg. ls -l /

Should be nobody:users with 775 on the root path ‘dumpster’. Though making an additional dataset under dumpster is recommended