Zen date announced

According to this article, early (Q1?) next year. Cool!

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Praise be to Raja




Yeah I think intel is about to shit their pants. They've been hammering amd with lawsuits and slander for so long, but its coming back. Maybe the fanboys can fight over processors again, that'll be entertaining.

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I really hope that AMD comes back with this processor, cause I don't want to see AMD go away and have to cough upp 15000$ for an Intel Celeron processor..


Wouldn't count on it yet, I hope they do have a 4C/4T option for Zen, bonus points if it costs less than an i5 ($150ish)

The 8 core 16 thread zen part beating out the 6900k at identical clocks in the blender benchmark is much more promising than that other leaked result we saw in AToS a bit farther ago. But I do want to reiterate here, with that kind of performance comes a price. I hope AMD's fanbase isn't a bunch of cheapo's by this point that won't buy a $700 or $800 part, because performance costs.


That is what I am hoping. Other results posted on teksyndicate have suggested that it would lag behind quadcore i7 haswell chips. I thought it might just be a quad core vs quad core. But we will see cause a 6900k is expensive and I expect AMD to match Intel. I would say I'd buy a 700 or 800 dollar part being a longtime AMD fan. Recently I bought a 5820k and a new motherboard + ram. So I am not gonna go for AMD Zen just yet. Maybe Zen+.

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I'd be willing to part with my 4790k if an 8c/16t Zen comes in at around 500 to 600. But I'd have to pair it up with my, by then, ancient 980ti. Spending money hurts. :'(

You don't have to spend money
you could donate it
to me


Can't wait to see some real benchmarks


I did note that the Intel i7-6900k Had to be downclocked to 3.0Ghz but in all honesty, A much more affordable and power efficient product from AMD at compareable performance is still a step up.

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Isn't that just base clock
disabling boost clock?

I am really impressed with Lisa, not just Raja. Lisa Su is going on stage at E3, takes interviews, talks sense, and the results - many people are now interested. For the last 5 years, how many, 3 or 4 different CEOs? Lisa actually took some time and made AMD profitable.
There should be new gif - Lisa intensifies...


The 6900k is 3.2ghz with a 4ghz boost, so it was a down-clock and probably a turbo disable.

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Honestly from where they were recently, there was no where else to go but up, The management made bad mistakes in the mid 2000's They had Intel where they wanted, on the back foot. Now it's time that Developers the like take advantage of Async compute and Heterogeneous System Architecture [HSA] and make AMD Great Again !

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Yeah that sounds pretty scumbag to me
Look at our 8-core CPU compared to their 8-core CPU

Paul's Hardware and Gamers Nexus both hinted at more news about ZEN next week.
Hype train is rolling. But if they hit those performance numbers I am very interested.

It is actually totally fair. They wanted to show the IPC performance.

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Was this test clock 4 clock?