Zen date announced

Yes, 3GHz vs 3GHz, 8c 16t vs 8c 16t.

Okay yeah that sounds fair depending on what types of workloads they tested against companies are notorious against each other for that kind of thing

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"Yeah look at our 8 core it beats there's when we take theirs down a peg," yeah... Although, I feel the comparison was more, "Look what we can do at the same clock speeds,"


This title is fucking scummy: "AMD Shows Upcoming Zen CPU Beating Intel’s Broadwell-E Processor in Benchmark"


Fuck you gamespot. Print that click bait with no caveat.

See that is f***** up
that's exactly the type of shit I'm talking about

I don't get it. What am I missing?

Oh, Gamespot didn't mention IPC in the title. OK

AMD's Ace in the hole is : Heterogeneous System Architecture Performance will be unmatched.

Yeah because every program available is utilizing HSA... Or even a majority, or even a significant minority...

Good answer !

Now :
Where it matters Content creation, Managing large data sets, Server/Workstation workloads, Games is the market that matters to these companies, in turn why product development is a trickle down system. When the Hardware/Technology is there the software will come, as a matter of fact, It's already here. Look at some Mac software and it's use of OpenCL for performance...

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It isn't AMD's fault that some of the more mainstream sites had to dumb down what happened. They demonstrated an IPC improvement by comparing core for core and clock for clock against Skylake. Will Zen be come stock at 4ghz like Skylake? Probably not. But if it priced right, then I don't care that it comes at 3ghz.

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Raja got some swag!

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Lisa just goes super sayin !

(and nvidia based scouters break)

(and intel freaks out cos the overclock speeds on new amd cpus are over 9000)

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the way his wife looks at him - 'god dammit raja'

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Yeah this shit ain't gonna be cheap with performance like that. I hope all the AMD fanboys out there that have been screaming and whining about zen for the last year and a half are ready to actually pony up and pay out big money for these chips...

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I'll do it. Fuck intel.


I get that people don't like Nvidia, like they have done some questionable things lately, but what has intel done to get the hate? Like they haven't done any of that shady shit for a very long time. They've just kind of put out chips...

They tried to blatantly sabotage AMD with their CPUs in the mid-2000's, I ain't too upset anymore about it since Intel paid the price dearly for it (over $1B, I say that is punishment enough, unless Intel dares do it again). Plus, that was a long time ago, it's not like they need to do that when AMD is doing poorly as of late. I wasn't too upset about the VRAM gate with NVidia neither though tbh, I am pissed at Gimpworks though.

As for the politics side of things, there is also the whole thing about Anita and FeministFrequency that everyone here hates so much (me included)...yeah, Intel gave them $300M to spread out their man-hating propaganda. Kind of makes my stomach spin knowing that I have an i7 5820K as I don't approve of them. Wouldn't be surprised if she had a lot to do with the mindset of most people and created the whole PC fiasco, which actually affected how the US election is going (People like Hillary and Trump supporters more bent on fixing political correctness than fixing real world problems). But that's a whole different story and probably just a cowspiracy to be discussed somewhere else.

Also the lawsuits after the core 2's came out that intel nuked AMD with.

They've "just put out chips" that only marginally outperform the previous model and are incrementally more expensive. Year over year increasing cost of ownership. Because they can.
They are investing next to nothing in R & D for desktop PCs and continue to dick around with pointless stuff like their Project Alloy. Intel is over the whole PC thing.