Your thoughts of the new style of Windows updates?

Windows users are the ones 'vetting' the upates...


Quite hard to talk an elderly person though this on the phone :)

They need to fix that.I no joke have a windows 10 vm that exsists purely to update to the newest version of the preview and it is broken right now after not touching it for a month. It has nothing installed. Start menu and networking dont work. They need to hire back there testers and actually test this shit. Every update somthing is broke, its a joke. On the plus side it is driving linux adoption


Oh trust me ik.

Hey man it gives me business. windows 10 is a love hate relationship.

Love how the topics link together again

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i just rebooted that windows 10 vm, there appears to be no bcd. i could not make this up

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Hah, couldn't help but laugh at that. I can only imagine what it has done, and the stories people have.

But let's all still remember to be civil, tounge-in-cheek stuff lol

lol ya ............. they are even worse than normal atm.

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Desperate times calls for desperate measures or how was it

Refering to the Midas comment just look at this list, all they do is buy out competition because they're incompetent themselves lol

The new 'style' is 'fuck the end user.'

I'm sorry but I no longer agree with that thread. You can't blame the end user if they didn't do anything but update their machine. It shouldn't be our job to have to check ever update that m$ puts out, that is something for large organizations but not end users, not 'the little guy.' Its hard to convince my customers to continue to keep their machines updated for security purposes with stuff like this happening constantly.
As I mention, inversely it keeps me in business. But I think stuff like this isn't the end user, its m$, and perhaps one day they will pay for it in the industry.

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This is the exact reason I started looking at Linux last month. I've been a win user since win3.1. I understand issues arise. But I paid 100$ for a os not to be a tester..


I think M$ is trying abit to hard to cram updates down our throats.
It's really frustrating at times having these untested updates forced upon you at times, luckily i've come mostly unscraped through them sofar, other then it bricking a intel compute stick which still had warranty, a while back.
And the sheer number of updates, dear lord.

Doesn't MS have a non-stable staging area? I feel if they had that for users who need those updates RIGHT NOW and willing to risk the untested status then MS would cop allot less flak. Most Linux distros do things that way.

Yes, Windows has what is called Fast Track updates I believe and Slow ring. Basically, Fast track is most recent updates, and then the slow ring I think is the most stable.

Don't quote me on it, I could be thinking of something else, but I know it's similar. I run slow path on all of my systems except the one machine I used when I was an Insider for early Win 10.

They should just make a pacman wrapper, and gpl the windows update. At least the updates would install in a reasonable amount of time.

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windows is for masochists who enjoy getting fucked rituallistcally every first tuesday of the month. fucking weasels man how can you guys tolerate that bullshit. Boil the frog.

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Lol, I love you :P