Your most favored games since being a PC gamer?

6 years i have played on PC as my main platform, and i have played many games, however only few are listed as stand out's.

I have a video for some of them but not all so will share them.

Skyrim... even if you don't mod it it's still an outstanding game, though people pick fault with it for having a console like UI... well i use a controller so IDGAF :P

130hrs , installed 5 times... (modding experimentation mostly for them installs)

CSGO... though right now i have quit because the game is on a downwards spiral into it's grave.
1006 hrs.

Nothing has come close to the amount of adrenaline that pumps through you being the last guy alive feeling real fear of the unknown, your senses rise massively and you pull off things that would surely get you banned in other games or accused at least.

An incredibly deep game with such mastery that some will never reach.

Battlefield 3 & 4.

I have a love hate relationship with these games, but they both createmoments that no other game can recreate.

Deus Ex Human Revolution...

I don't have a history with Deus Ex prior to this game, but i REALLY enjoyed this games story and art style, it really grabbed me towards the end, and i loved the music!


Call me slightly mad but it's the first game i ever bought on steam when it released... it was a fantastic game for it's time just hindered with no dedicated servers, it's a hugely better game vs GHOSTS or MW3 at least, it does not have COD 4's PC finess however with mods and obviously dedi servers.

Oh and i nearly forgot RUSE!
It's a standard affair but i really like it for it's excellent visual style and use of the RUSE system.

Command & Conquer all of them except 4...

The very best of RTS right there!

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Dead space series. the first game that actually scares me and is challenging.


I would say until recently, GTA V, However I suffer the ERR_GFX_D3D_INIT problem that seems to have gone unfixed for so long now.

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Oblivion and Skyrim will always hold a special place in my hart
Oblivion got me into pc gaming

The Skyrim made me upgrade my rig

Mass effect 2 also hold a special place both on console and on pc.

Then for a more recent game Tomb raider 2013 I absolutely loved this game


Tomb Raider (2013) was great.
Starcraft & Starcraft2 series were great fun and still are.
The "original" Need for Speed Most Wanted was the first game I played on a Notebook.
RememberMe was great.
Witcher3 (which I have not finished yet) is currently a maybe.
MassEffect1 and ME2 rest in good memories as well.
Does anyone remember Railroad Tycoon 3? From a time when games were finished on release?


TR 2013 is a great pick i do like that game a lot and i am an avid fan of TR, i own them all on steam except the latest as well i don't know if i can even run it well enough with my Phenom II and GTX 580 lol.

phenom II x4 or X6 ? 580 should net you medium quality at 1080P

Deus Ex 1
Doom 2
Extremely modded Skyrim
Nehrim (Oblivion mod)
King's Bounty
Half Life 1
Another World
Beyond Good & Evil
Heroes of Might and Magic 3
Quake 3 & UT 1999/2k4
Fallout 2
Medal of Honor Allied Aassault Multiplayer
Fallout NV
Alpha Centauri
Thief Gold and Thief 2
Hotline Miami 1
Heroes of Might and Magic 3
Rayman 2
Almost all the Lucas Arts adventure games (monkey island, DoTT, Full Throttle, The Dig, Loom, etc.)
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Worms: World Party

These are all my 93% or higher games.


Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines was the start point for me for PC RPGs.


KatThe Brilliant Idiot< 1m
Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines was the start point for me for PC RPGs.

Thanks for reminding me of that genre, i added two other franchises to my list up top RPG jogged my RTS memory.

That game looks interesting BTW.

Extremely modded Skyrim

See i can make my skyrim beautiful but then performance goes to hell.. :(

DIABLO 1 and 2


You can skip all the graphical mods and just get the immersion, interface fixes, etc. Skyrim is a console game without all that.


Planetside 2

I spent almost 1000 hours playing planetside 2.

This video is a pretty accurate representation of how I spent every day of my summer in 2012 and 2013. I only got up to get food and piss.

Angry Joe's review of it outlined the feeling you get when you play it pretty well.

The game has changed a lot since it came out. I dislike a lot of the changes; maybe I'm just tired of it after having played it for 2 years straight.


This is the next game that I spent 1000 hours on.

It's a game where you play as gods from different mythologies from around the world. You fight in different arenas in different game modes. The concept is what got me into it because I'm quite fond of mythology due to Percy Jackson being to me what Harry Potter is to a lot of people.

I only stopped playing it recently. I played it for about 2 years. I met one of my closest friends playing smite, and I'll never forget that. Lots of great memories, epic moments, clutch plays, close games, etc.

Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt

"Wha-wha-what are you doing?!..."
"...Killing monsters"

I've got about 250+ hours in it now and I intend to log many more.

This game was my introduction to the series because I disliked the linear gameplay in the Witcher 2 and Witcher 1 didn't age well at all. This game also got me to read the books that it's a continuation of. I'm glad to have experienced everything related to this game. Geralt and Yennefer are among my favorite characters of all time. 10/10

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Diablo 2 lod, warcraft 2, red alert, starcraft, duke 3d, doom 3, osu, dead space series, stepmania, dark forces (oldschool starwars game), counterstrike, and Chasm: the rift. Lots of other games but that's the all-star list.

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Mount and Blade Warband for the mods and multiplayer. Because of this I've now got 300+ hours.


If you had to discribe your criteria for favorite game, how would you? What are you favorite things in games?

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Criteria for me would be immersion and capturing a bit of myself, Skyrim and games like that i am able to play how i want.

FPS shooters for me bring out my competitive side and my ability to do well under stressful situations - See CSGO.

Other than that if a game is great and i like it, it's a win win.

Pulya! dura, shtyk - molodets...

I love the napoleon mod.

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Rise of the Triad 2013 is probably my favorite single player FPS ever.

TF2 is in my opinion still the best multiplayer FPS out there and it actually still looks pretty decent. Hopefully it will be replaced soon, but i have my doubts. Overwatch looks to take away focus from aiming to make the game more enjoyable with a controller, and Lawbreakers seems heavily influenced by devs that have grown accustomed to the console way of doing things and the console ideology. But we will see, either could end up being great.

Quake 3/Quake Live Probably the best deathmatch in a FPS to date

Killing Floor, not the 2nd one, is a great co op shooter.

Tower of Guns and Ziggurat are two decent rogue light fps

yes, i like shooters :)

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