Yet another frustrating thing about "Linux". Lowest denominator refresh rate

This is why mint > pop

I can get mixed refresh working and I’m basically an idiot

*Disclaimer: this post is intended to be inflammatory and does not reflect the opinions of l1 or others

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Wait, I thought wayland simply didn’t work on novideo.

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wait, this is rare?

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It’s the truth. And being so defensive because I point out how incomplete to experience is, in regards to attracting average users, is also a problem with Linux.

Exactly. It seems like the other is contributing so little, but yet they ask for donations. Do they not realize that if I payed 10 dollars to all the distros I tried, I would end up paying more than Windows 10 would cast me.
And why should I pay for something that does not work, or has the potential to get fucked?

There needs to be a trust and enthusiasm around a project. There needs to be something solid to offer. Something that you know will work.

That is a great point too. WHY…?

I’ve come across one network where everything was Linux. The many others were all Linux servers + windows workstations

I’d like to point out that I agree with most of the criticisms of linux here, and that I also agree with what @SgtAwesomesauce said about getting involved.

If you dont like it, dont use it… and thats ok. Linux doesnt have to be mainstream. In fact its probably for the best that its not.

You cant vilify the people who help create it just because it doesnt meet your expectations.



The big thing here is that Linux is generally a passion project that got funding.

Windows is a corporate product.

One of them gets huge amounts of free labor. :thonk:


I don’t. The linux community has a problem with criticism. It does not seem like the realize that the criticism can be used to improve. Why do distros like Ubuntu exist, if it’s not for desktop users? What I see, is a lot of distros aiming for desktop users.


@Mr_Whom I hope you don’t think our defensiveness was hostile in nature. There are a lot of moving pieces to Linux as a kernel and as a desktop. Companies (massive companies) are contributing but only to what suits their needs. Google, Facebook, and Microsoft aren’t trying to make your refresh rates work better. Neither is Debian or Gentoo, likely.

The best thing you can do in a lot of cases is file a complaint, report an issue, and contribute as much detail as you can. :slight_smile:

With Ubuntu specifically, if you have an “older” computer or minimal hardware (intel graphics, intel wifi, etc.) you can expect a pretty robust system. It all ties back to money, resources, and time, unfortunately.

I understand this comes off as misleading – But it’s the best explanation I have, unfortunately :disappointed:


I know, but Linux is not really using the few resources they got effectively.
In fact, I would argue that they would get more resources if they didn’t sprinkle them on everything that moves, but rather start concentrating them into a manageable product, for users to actually enjoy, and by that receive more donations.

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I’ll give you another example:

Debian is my favorite distribution. It’s small, fast, has everything I need, and their balance of LTS/current is picture perfect for my job as a software developer.

With my new GPU, I can’t run Debian. The Nvidia drivers required and those that work with apt are not compatible. So, I installed Arch :confused: – Arch is fine, whatever, but this is an anecdotal example of where I’ve had to compromise until someone at Debian gets a more expensive GPU.

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Honestly, I’ve found Arch to be more stable than Debian, but that’s a fight for another thread.




That is another thing. Have you noticed how non-user-friendly filing a report on an issue in linux is? Not so easy as it could be. And the people in “charge” of coding etc, are often very bad at human interaction :P.
They need some leadership :stuck_out_tongue:

Sure, but you’re conflating distros with the software that runs on them. pop and gnome are separate entities so complaining about “Linux” having refresh issues is a misunderstanding of the problem. Its not a problem that you’re criticising an issue. Its that the issue your criticising isnt even the fault of “Linux” but rather multiple pieces of software that run on top of it.

INB4 Id just like to interject

By ranting about linux here you dont solve anything and the criticism doesnt lead to any improvement. If you want to use criticism to improve linux you test and give feedback. This is the ethos of what it means to use linux as a desktop. Also I’m saying is its ok that “Linux” isnt for everyone. Distros like pop, mint, and ubuntu try to cater to the newbies (and for that matter most major distros do) but ultimately you are using software made by someone who does it because they want to.

If something doesnt work here, help fix it. Not because it helps you, but because it helps others too.


But then you distro hopped, and you should not distro hop!

>_> I feel attacked

Tbf I typically have three main runners

I also run OpenBSD and Ubuntu occasionally.

I think you’re just playing satire now, tho :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Definitely give POP!_OS a chance. I would try to re-apply your nvidia-settings and see if that works

distro hopping is fine given you have valid reasoning to do so. distrohopping because something is broken and you dont know how to fix is isnt really one of those reasons.

Windows didn’t work for me, so I went to Linux.