Worth it for a cheap gaming build?

No there's a newer 4620 or 4560 (I don't remember exactly) that has 2 cores + ht for "4" cores like an i3 does. That's the minimum I'd get unless buying used.

Disclaimer, I have had several 760/860k amd rigs, 2 g3258s, and 1 i3 4170.

G4620 is a $129 cpu Canadian : S .... G4400 is at some store I've never heard of for $79.99 and so no buy no matter what there.

In regards to the G4560 I saw articles where it said it wasn't being discontinued but I can't find it for sale anywhere.

Also as for the motherboards for these newer cpus I got to believe they are going to cost more than the $50+ I found for the cpu I mentioned originally.

Worse CPU and seems to do just fine in this online game.

Also ... WOW at higher than 720p with the latest expansion ....

60fpsx1024p with a 750ti is pretty bad lmao

Sorry but you are just expecting confirmation and refusing anything else.
I can not help you. I told you, you won't listen. I don't know why but I don't care anymore.
It is your money, burn it however you want.

.. but the point is even with an older cpu and mobo on the cheap one can run various new games and in fact the GT 1030 which is only $97.99 Canadian can run games better than a GTX 750 Ti which costs $70+ more.

I am listening but you are not showing me options that are as cheap. Simple as that. Now maybe this GT 1030 might be a card that could run in her current pc that would remove other purchases. I know her cpu she had was a quad core of some type from AMD but can't remember exactly what it was. The thing is though she has a pre-built and who knows if the bloody psu in that thing will power this card and the case is a freaking shoe box.

Also if you look at the video that Level 1 Tech did they did say using old hardware can still make for a good gaming rig. I think honestly at best making a pc for under $290 using parts she has and this mobo and cpu plus a video card upgrade is the best I can do. Please tell me how I can do better. : P

From what I remember the latest athlon, like the 875?, was pretty grade A for what it was.

If I got a used 750 Ti used for half or close to half of what it costs then that would make the build even cheaper. Also in regards to 60 FPS at 1024p she has played games at that resolution and lower and been fine with it.

Get a 250X my dude. 30 bucks, pretty good card. 370's are dirt cheap too, might get one of those instead. I love mine, replaced it with a RX580 tho lol.

Not unless you can get the system used.

This would have been okay 2 years ago but not now

That 250X recommendation seems like it might be the right thing to do if I can trust someone off Ebay.ca to send me a working card. I will try asking locally though if anyone has one for sale. As for the 370s I can't pin down a price on those as the sellers often have them up for bid cuz of mining for Etherium or whatever.

You should be able to get one for literally nothing. I'd sell mine but its acting as a CPU in my mac pro lol.

This looks low profile. Is that what it is?

No its full height, just small as fuck.

Small as fuck is good as this is going into a pretty small pos pre-built.

If he wanted he could get a 1GB 9800GTX. They have the exact same performance and I was streaming with the 250X. the only advantage is if you find a GDDR5 one. Pretty rare though, most were DDR3.

The PSU in the pc would be 300 to 400 watts max . that she has. Also again this is a very small case it is in. It is ridiculously small and not square in shape so the smaller the card the better.

Both cards really don't use any power.

Well that is good to hear. Still though the reason I was looking at a new mobo and cpu was because well it would be better than what she had and guaranteed it would not be in a case like her pc that I truly think requires a low profile card. I tried finding the model of her pc everywhere and I can't for the life of me find it. I will find out in the coming days.