From what I have seen in videos and benchmarks it seems pretty good. It is selling for $59 Canadian right now and you get bonus points for buying it.
Paired with this cheap mobo what do you think?
I was thinking of this as a cheap pc for my son's mom if she still wants to play WOW. Recently she said she wanted nothing gaming related but she might change her mind.
Personally, I'd suggest following the guidelines set forth in Level1's Curing Consolitis series if you want a solid core for building a gaming machine around. You'll get a more solid machine for turning into a gaming rig.
I have watched the video and much there does not apply to this city I am in. I have one place I can check and that is a pc hardware recycling place. I bought some things from them before but I also remember what they charged for pre-built pcs and for what you get inside it just isn't worth it. I will check there again but I am expecting poor results.
How is that not worth it? It's brand new with a cpu that can run even new games when paired with a decent video card nicely. Also again she really would just be looking to play WOW.
That CPU is not worth anything anymore. Ryzen 3 is around the corner and I expect it go as low as 120-130$, that is a true quadcore with very nice IPC. WOW is a CPU bound game, a potato GPU can handle the graphics.
Actually her potato pc could not handle WOW the last time she played it and the cpu inside of it wasn't that bad but not as good as this. It was a quad core but the problem was it ran off horrid on chip graphics of some sort. In regards to Ryzen 3 I won't be able to afford $120 to $130 for just the cpu and if you are talking that being the US price even worse for me in Canada. Also to put a better PSU in that shit box of hers would be damn near impossible. It has a strange form factor or whatever.
I said she may want it. Also as for not being able to afford it that wasn't part of the original post at all. Could you not just stick with the question asked? Also your original response was fine but you changed it.
What you added had nothing to do with what I asked. Also did you look at the videos I have shared? Clearly at this price point the cpu and motherboard seem to be a good deal considering that the person I'd be buying it for again would just be playing WOW and would not care about the resolution she is playing in other than it being 720p or higher. Finally getting these parts used for any cheaper I can't imagine that happening around here where I live. I mean if I could I would. : S
Lots of stuff that is not relevant because it is not taxing the CPU.
Look at the Mafia video at 1:30 and onwards. See how the car is jumping a few meters ahead, drives a bit and jumps again? That is the CPU. It is the only real open world gameplay here and it is a stuttery mess even on low. GTA V is dipping down to 20-25 fps in the last section of the benchmark, CPU is at 99% while the GPU is at 56C and that is a RX460 we are talking about...
WOW will be horrible in dense packed areas.
And just to get you back on topic: The question was not "Does a processor work at all?" but "Is it worth it?". And the answer is still the same. No. Don't buy that stuff. Buy used. Or wait for Ryzen 3.
The GPU at 56C is no big deal. Also the games I shared are nothing she will play. I shared it only to show that with a reasonable but old graphics card plus this cpu new games could be run to me at what looked decent. As for WOW not running on this hardware I find it hard to believe it wouldn't even at some of the higher settings.