Windows 10 upgrades to happen automatically


...not that Windows 10 doesn’t represent a potentially valuable upgrade, it is that the company has forgotten the fundamental right of customers to choose. And dressing ‘choice’ up as ‘you can just keep saying No’ is a facade everyone should see through…

Looks like the Windows 10 rapture is coming... If you're a Windows 7 or 8 user, Windows 10 is going to be installed on your machine whether you like it or not.

The short:

  • W10 is currently marked as an "Optional" update in Windows Update.
  • Soon this will change to a "Recommended" update.
    ** Since most people have their settings set to automatically install Recommended updates, they will turn their computers on one day and have Windows 10, whether they wanted it or not.
  • Even if you uncheck it, every Windows Update runs it'll re-check the W10 update because its a recommended update.

All Windows will have to decide if they're going to fight it or just let it happen... I'm honestly not sure which side I'm going to be on yet. I've toyed around with Windows 10 a bit and it seems fine (aside from the new Operating System bugs). The only thing that I'm hesitant about is the Microsoft Surveillance bit.

As an aside, my friend sent me this article a few weeks ago and I don't recall seeing it on the The Tek, which seems surprising to me.

but guys, they will throw in a personal assistant. Doesn't this make the whole thing a deal maker?

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Pffft, we've had those for a long time :p


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Nope....not me, running Win 7 SP1 with updates totally turned off, never going to see telemetry or Win X on my computer/KVM, but you are correct for the unsuspecting, uncaring (I have nothing to hide), Windows user "You Will Be Assimilated!" into the Win X collective.

I been working on weening myself off of Windows. It is gonna suck to have to chose been a decently secure desktop environment and windows gaming but windows is gonna lose. Completely digging opensuse leap 42.1. desktop even the os is more than i need.

I disabled my Windows Seven's wifi. It's a dedicated machine to play a few games that I can't on Linux. As far as my needs go, Windows has been reduced to a hobbyist's platform.

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I'm currently on Win7 SP1 without updates, but I'm cleaning up the internal drives and preparing to format the PC so I can upgrade to Vista with SP2. That should prevent any Win10 nagware and sneaky installs.
Sure, it's nearing the end of extended support, but I'm not worried about that. If you turn off the security updates (who knows what kind of sneaky stuff they put in those too nowadays) in Win7, it's not "secure" either. At least with Vista I don't have to worry about people actively looking for exploits, it's not like it's a popular OS.
DX11 is supported, so no issues when it comes to gaming.

Linux wise, I've just wiped my Linux SSD and am waiting for Mint 17.3 before I install it on my main PC again. The laptop is running 17.2 MATE just fine.

LOL Going deeper underground are we? I'm on 7 Ultimate SP1. But i install only the important updates. And the telemetry updates can be removed by hiding them.

I would say as long as you are not on Win X then you will be fine. Also I consider Vista to be the best looking Windose ever.

@blanger @anon37371794 If thise machines are connected to the internet I really hope your manually installing security updates at least? If not PLEASE do it! The only thing you gain from not installing those updates is painting a target on your computer. running inside a KVM container on top of Fedora, I have "snap-shots" of the current configuration so in the event something weird might happen it's easy enough to just delete the KVM and make a new one without loosing much, but really I have no fears because I do not have a bare metal install of win 7, I do not use Windows for much except gaming and Adobe stuff and hey I'm even running Fallout 4 in it and it is working great!....but I do appreciate the concern.

atleast its better then the previous reports that Windows 10 was getiing installed automaticly.

Anyway, aslong as you dont install some particular updates, you wont get bottered with Windows 10.
I posted a list of KB updates that you should not install.
I still dont get any notification about Windows 10 upgrade, its even not listed in the update list.

@Eden Safe browsing habits go a long way, as does a good adblocker.

Mine is running bare metal (I made a toggle switch that powers off the Linux SSDs when the Windows ones are on and vice versa, so even malware that could read ext4 won't know that there are extra SSDs in my system).
Security updates get installed, but no recommended ones. It's only used for gaming and forums such as this. For anything secure I use Linux VMs

No AV either, but I do periodical checks with Clamwin Portable and Spybot. Haven't had a single alert in the last couple of years.

Check if some of these updates are installed on your system.


KB3035583 <-- in particular is the Windows10 upgrader.

If some of those updates are installed on your system, then you can un-install them.


I'd be interested in hearing how that works out I have a unused license for Vista and have thought about creating another KVM to try it out, I never ran it on anything when it came out but did acquire the media and license from a work computer, I'd be a little more paranoid if I used Windows as my daily driver, but that isn't going to ever happen again.

Call it the Best little pirate box on the planet. :) Vista looks wonderful, now. On a side note something in the last windows security updates threw open the doors on my pc and downloaded all the bs. Windows 8 and 7 are becoming less useful by the day without a babysitter.


how do I find these updates? are they just under control panel in programs?


After my last bloody update I keep running out of ram I'll have one instance of chrome running and be using all 8 gigabytes.

would I be uninstalling updates for the rest of my life? :l