My wife has a Win10 machine, and the kids use for “school”. So the microphone keeps working then not work. I have enabled every button, and released every privacy setting. And the OS still rando disables the mic. I don’t understand.
Is MS wanting for me to bend over and spread my cheeks?
I told my daughter’s teachers to switch to Linux and they told me it was out of their hands. They concurred with my choice of o/s but the problem lies with administration. Best believe somewhere up that chain of command one hand is sanitizing the other.
Linux is not a good solution for a novice user. If someone is deciding between Win 10 and WIn ME then they probably are not a person that would do well in a linux environment.
Linux is not a good choice for a Windows power user, because Linux is not like Windows and it does not function anything like Windows and this will only serve to frustrate this type of user.
My octogenarian relatives, on the other hand, love Linux, because it is predictable and reliable. Linux does not arbitrarily change the drive letter of their USB drive, slow the machine by performing updates in the background without permission, spontaneously reboot itself, change user settings, or delete user-installed software … just to name a few of the support calls that I used to receive.
You don’t want to use any operating system that is not supported with security and bug fixes, unless you are an advanced user and can manually mitigate for these shortcomings.