Wiki Meta Talk

Prepping up a big response, or is something in the pipe?

Nah I just haven’t got round to sit down and write out my thoughts.

There’s a few different ways of going around it, and this is one that we are trying, but it depends on the goals. Community input would be good as that might influence the direction people want.

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I’m going to proceed with my idea of making a wiki site. If it takes off, cool. If it doesn’t oh well.

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Exposure is the primary problem and will be for the forum category as well. We had/have for example which I put together a while back and the initial support was good but without visibility it dies off. So that’s the main thing to work out.

Other things as well, if it could be self hosted here (at some point) and support SSO this would make things easier for example

I’m going to make PWA, for the login I think discord has a ‘sign in with’ option so it should be possible. I got some boilerplate to do.

Oh and this:

Prolly died because it wasn’t obvious like

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@Eden does L1 have * DNS set up? So we could add supplemental pages at will?

As in wildcard?

There’s no issue with subdomains (I assume @wendell)? So long as it’s accepted by the people at the top :smiley:

The issue is domain but also visibility so clicky button. Discord has the same issue for example, tho it does get posted on every lounge unless you go there you don’t know it exists.

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Yeah thats a wildcard (*). :stuck_out_tongue:

And sweet.

Would do course depend on what you want to do and what they want to do.

I think for example the reason we’re trying out discourse is because it’s one place/one login. And it’s markdown so no need for another syntax, etc. It’s also already themed to the same style.

I think if some of those things would be beneficial to tackle or have a ‘this could be done with *insert software’

So what you’re looking for is a turn-key solution. But were nerd dammit! We do things ourselves.

Markdown is also trivial to install. I just add it as a middleware module and boom, all input is piped through the markdown preprocesser.

Now I made suggestion based off of gitbook or bookstack as turnkey solutions. Gitbook is a SaaS, while bookstack is a selfhost option. But to be honest I prefer custom solutions because they’re made to do the job. If all we’re doing is going to going to make wikis with markdown documents, then that’s what could be made; a simple page that access markdown files and turns it into the wikis (which is basically gitbook).

I’ll need to have a play with gitbook as it’s not something I’ve touched. Is there any standout stuff from it that would be super useful?

Wendell had mentioned a while back that it would be cool to be able to have some fictionality from something else… jupyter? @wendell was it this you had mentioned before?

I can’t remember the specifics.

And I recon self hosted is the preferred option here I believe unless there’s something that’s just eh perfect solution.

With Gitbook, you can have github repo of markdown files which become transpiled into pages for documentation. But yeah you cant self host with it.

Now theres bookstack which is self hosted and nice but its with PHP.

Im still messing with the feeder script that will scrape wikis here and redisplay them on the main website. that actually works pretty well.

Jupyter is something I was really fascinated with for sure. It makes interactive documentation really easy.

Could someone try and make an edit to my wiki topic? Getting Windows Subsystem for Linux

Want to see if it still works while its locked.

done check contributors

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Good to know then. Can still edit a wikified closed topic :smiley:

Yeap did you edit it back or should I ?

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I just made use of the “revert” version option :smiley:

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so there is a revert version option thats actually really nice.

I think you can see it on a wiki post… If you click the little edit icon at the top of the topic, it shows previous versions.