What is your videogame of the decade?

I need to give witcher3 another shot sometime. Picked it 6 months ago, started developing a build, maybe got into some quests too big for my britches/got annoyed, was used to souls-style combat and some mechanics threw me off. But it does seem really well done.

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Civilization V

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Old-school rs
Civ 5
Super hot


Currently, it would most definitely be The Witcher 3, which I’m playing for the third time right now. All playthroughs were heavily modded and in some cases I even went ahead and adjusted some mods myself :-). Also, the second time I played with GhostMode and right now, I’m using the Enhanced Edition. (I recommend both^^).
Finally, my last playthrough took an astonishing amount of 250h and I enjoyed every single hour of it.

But a quick Google search told me that Mass Effect 2 and 3 were released in this decade and I also played the series three times. And just like in The Witcher 3, I modded it with texture mods. I even fixed an error in the ME3Explorer tool (even though it is called ME3Explorer, it is used for all three games) related to texture grouping, maximum texture size and annoying null pointers left by the developers of ME3 :smiley:
And for some time, I might as well have considered the Normandy as some kind of home and I thoroughly enjoyed spending time with my squad.

So, with that being said, I doubt I could chose between The Witcher and Mass Effect.


It needed some more polish, is a nice experience though.


The Ringed City would like a word.


Absolute favourite:

Most time played:

Runner up:

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Wow I double checked and Fallout New Vegas came out in 2010 so I guess that would be my game of the decade.

Other notables would be Rocket League for having the largest share of my play time and Overcooked for revitalizing local co-op for me.

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lol just beat me to it with New Vegas

Why? Is humanity back?

I love the story that the 2 pieces of DLC put together… Fucking phenomenal. A man throwing his entire existence into creating a better world.


When Gwen’s theme song started.


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Really? They brought him back? Oh come on… Was the idea bucket really that dry?
I’m so unhappy how that franchise turned out…

No… Too long to get into.

More like the idea of him came back. And all the predecessors.

You fight the greatest light bearer, basically. When they’re all but defeated, Gwen “possesses” the guy. That’s a really shitty explanation. You gotta experience it. Watch a video of the fight or something.

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tbh seems like you just hate it for the sake of hating it.



Oh wait, sorry. Misunderstood.

ARMA 2 and 3

Pretty much in that order.


I was thinking of Descent Underground, sadley they ran out of funds before it completed. I bought it in early access. I still feel I got my moneys worth out of the “practice mode” but a full game would have been nice.

I have the overload demo I just like the underground version better.
Would not mind a remake of Terminal Velocity :slight_smile:

No. Descent Underground IS Descent 2019. They just picked up additional funding from Little Orbit and kept going with Development after a rebrand.

I you prefer it I guess thats you man but even your video finds Overload to be the better successor.

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Defiantly. I find overload more frenetic and underground slower where you can plan stuff, plus you can use Mega missile that’s like a small tactical nuke. You can also plant mines and try to lure ships into them, deploy turrets or fire smart missiles from far away and watch them find targets

Yeah I guess I can see that. Overload focuses more on flight skill, I think. Really tries to engage on its capital feature which is the movement mechanics. To be fair there still are smart missiles and mines. Going slow is just likely to get you killed though lol, especially on the higher difficulties. Bots hunt you down and flush you from hiding, a behavior going back all the way to 1995. I still have memories of playing on Ace in D1 and seeing bots in the distance literately run away just to pop out behind you some where. In Overload they even take cover and try to advance from advantaged positions, it’s crazy.

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