What indie game are you addicted to?

Magic survival

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I had a lot of fun with this one:

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I’ve been playing a lot of Airborne Kingdom. It’s a relaxing city builder with a unique twist, your city can fly.

It even has a bit of a story with quests and such to keep you interested as you build your city and explore various technologies. Has an interesting balance of gameplay I spent about 60 hours with it.

It’s a good game to have running on the side while you are doing other things because you can easily pause it and do other tasks.


A mobile game! That looks cool!

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Well… if were doing mobile too!

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Is this similar to Vampire thingy we’re playing?


Looks to be the same damn game. It’s just gonna be with worse controlls…


I have found a new time sink: Star Valor on Steam


I love how the theme is retro-like, but the neon looks very modern!

Looks dope. The colors have a real Gravity Wars vibe.

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first person 3d hack & slash roguelike.

first person, stealth/sneaky, movement feels good, be careful using rocks as weapons as they can bounce back and hurt you. Slap the shit out of stupid fish people. Source was released a couple years back GitHub - MinorKeyGames/Eldritch

About as close as we’re ever gonna get to a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. roguelike.

ascii roguelike, with color, apparently somewhat inspired pixel dungeon

tweaked pixel dungeon.

I have been playing this for at least 10 years. originally made for GBA, but ported to nearly everything that runs doom. My first roguelike addiction.

works with a controller, chill music.

feels like a twin stick shooter, but definitely randomized and hackey/abuse the rules gameplay

3d sidescrolling roguelike. Wackiness

doom, as a roguelike

doom3 as a roguelike.

3d platformer

local split screen co op, can play with my daughter, scratches the banjo kazooie/mario 64 itch.

3d platformer/physics puzzle game, fun, last boss was a grind.

not banjo kazooie, but close enough.

Save 75% on Grow Up on Steam and Save 75% on Grow Home on Steam
Chill and explore. You find parts for your spaceship, upgrade with new abilities that make exploration easier. Both are great. I think it was originally someone at ubisoft’s experimental prototype thing for procedural model animation. Definitely underrated/under promoted.

Boomer Shooters

fun, beat multiple times due to the game still being in dev, later levels keep getting tweaked/reworked. weapons could do with a slight rebalance.

just watch the trailer. gameplay feels good. almost puzzle like gameplay at times working out the order in which you need to take on a room, a sideways inverted superhot.

Not quake, something feels slightly off (too floatey?), but still super fun if your into the genre with bits of humor.

Quake 1 looks, slavjank dusk feel.

Doom 2016 demake, with doom 2 pwad slaughter maps.

doom 2016 with postal flavor, and dildo bow. needs more levels, a few weapons alt fire need reworking.

Pretty sure its the darkplaces engine (literally quake), look/design feels like a fleshed out arcane dimensions (quake mod)

randomized maps, 1 main weapon you can reload and modify, disposable weapons can be found throughout the maps but can’t be reloaded. Can be hard.

Another roguelite FPS with pyramids and mummies. looks good, movement feels great. Twitch integration to where chat can pick what scrolls you get (scrolls add buffs/debuffs)

2d Platformers

can be frustrating, some rooms are timing puzzles, metroidvania esque (new power/item to get to areas youve been by a million times)

The original is easier (steam beta settings) as it gives you the double jump from the start. Monster mansion is evil. Console/pc gaming history. Even emulates some of the visual artifacts due to hw limitations on older systems.

local co-op, fun for playing with the daughter. Some levels are frustrating.

Open world/sandbox

wacky GTA frog sandbox. Feels alpha, needs content, but still good for fun in short bursts or just screwing around.

alpha, dungeons can be a grind. Feels like a mmo/team play sort of game, but you can run your own server.

Visually assaulting, crack high simulation, fun for goofing off.

technically its an fps, feels more like an open world game of hide and seek with increasingly dangerous robots that are hunting you.

Are you tired of the modern world? Wanna fuck off to the woods and never look back. Escape from emails, meetings, and crazy people wanting to talk about extending your cars warranty?
Play the long dark! eat stale food you found in an abandoned car, quickly limp through the snow like scared little bitch from wolves because you didn’t bring much ammo to make room for more loot on your scavenging run, only to fall down a hill , break your ankle and freeze to death!


chips challenge. originally for the arduboy, then ported to pc/consoles/phones.


not really sure why theres an age gate on this, but feels like a shorter/less complicated links awakening.

More of the above, but with 3d gfx.

builder/enginerd games

build wacky death machines.

… theres probably more, but i need to get some breakfast and take a nice mid morning nap.


Hardspace Shipbreaker has occupied my last two weeks. Trying to disassemble space ships without setting off a reactor meltdown tops off my day nicely.


STRAFE: Gold Edition, I liked the game as a whole, by its graphic aspect, its many retro winks which even go until the game pretends to row at certain points of the game but also by excellent music

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Glad to see IGN is still as irrelevant as it was years ago.


Playing way too much of this. Does not help that with some tweaking to the controls, it is very playable on the SteamDeck. Every 10 Minutes I have to kill, pop some balloons:

this game is wild.

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I have been playing this shit for the last… 20 years :rofl:


My most recent Jamb, this game has been fun, and challenging.

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FOSS game?! Pretty darn cool!

I am playing this game since release. I still enjoy playing it…