What Hidden Windows 10 Features do you Like?

Anyone got any interesting little features they like?

There are a few new ones that I think have some good potential.

The new clip board

It allows for keeping a history of items (like kde does), and seems to be good with being context aware, it will pop up where it expects you want to paste it. (here for example). The paste key is Meta+V, copy is normal Ctrl+C

New clipping tool

This might just be in the insiders build at the moment, the new clipping tool can be called with Meta+Shift+S. it works quite well, have a bug or two i think because of how it captures the screen (video will freeze)

New Options in Menu

Its more of a UI update than anything else, but they are playing around with a nice “options” section when searching for programs. e.g.:

Task bar app launch shortcuts
I think this has probably been around for a while, but you can launch pined apps in the task bar with Meta+[number] which i’m finding is a really nice quality of life improvement.


Windows Hello is better than expected. I needed a new webcam and there were Windows Hello compatible ones are roughly the same price so why not.

Well it works well enough and pops up when you have have to authenticate yourself.


Developer Mode


Enables features like Windows Subsystem for Linux, running unsigned PowerShell and UWP applications, easier debugging of said unsigned applications, and executing Assembly and C programs without Defender freaking out.


Windows Key + Dot = Emoji Keyboard popup

Ctrl + Shift + Double Click an EXE = open it as administrator without having to right click


I don’t think that is a bug, it captures the framebuffer at the time you press the key and then displays that so you can crop from it. When you wanna screen something of a video that’s actually helpful. Other tools like Greenshot or ShareX do the same.
Haven’t played around with it yet (using ShareX), but I assume you can’t upload to an image host of your choice automatically?

That is a thing? Holy shit.

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Yeah it came in Version 1803 :smiley:

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Guess I should read those announcements MS is sending me constantly cause Insider and such…

But man, their emojis are basically trash :frowning: I mean… they’re converted on their respective platform anyway, but still… cmon.

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Apparently a not very well known windows update feature



Theres been some nice improvements over the last few releases and a bunch of little features and updates to the UI.

im surprised more people dont know of that one though im upset i cant set a 23h threshold :frowning:


Win + E to open explorer. Non techies look at me like I’m a wizard when I do it. :grin:


Oh this will be nice to get in muscle memory.

How did I not know this… another one I need to get in muscle memory.


The one where M$ isn’t involved, oh wait, that’s linux.


Was this really necessary?


As much as I hate windows… I do like being able to store certain file types to different drives. Wish it was a bit more advanced.

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Win+E that will open up a new explorer window.
Middle-click on the Explorer in the Taskbar
Ctrl+N when in an open explorer window

How do I make this damn File Explorer button to just open new File Explorers and nothing else, I just want to spam these open while having older folders open
It used to work that ways back when you could actually Google answers, like, 10 years ago?

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Not quite sure what you mean…

Win+E open a new window with whatever you defined as the opening folder when opening an explorer window (usually “This PC”)

Ctrl+N duplicates the current explorer window (including history).

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Yes that file explorer icon should just open infintely new folders without me having to touch keyboard,
I know that scroll wheel click does that, but I just want it to do that from regular mouse 1 clicks, I dont need any other functions :smiley:

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From the rules

Linux is not a one stop shop. Linux is not a be all, end all solution. Linux has problems on the desktop that prevent it from having mass adaptability through the enterprise. All of these subjects should be saved for another thread, and in the Linux section. As much of a d-bag I’ve been in the past, I’m trying to help shape this into a better community, as should you (not you, you, but all of us). L1T is not a Linux forum, it is a technology forum. Windows falls under that category and people should not feel attacked based on their workflow.


Oh I think I see what you mean…

You mean once you clicked the Explorer Icon in the taskbar that button just acts as a placeholder for the opened window, so you can’t open more explorer windows from the same icon?
Well, that is possible with Middle click as mentioned above.
I think there was also an option for that, so the icon stays an icon only, at least some programs work like that… might be because they have some weird launchers tho.

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