What are you watching right now?

The Godfather (well last night before going to sleep), just got 2 and 3 to go :slight_smile:

Just watched Maximus Ironthumper make some Viking knives on YouTube.

Also I’m currently re-watching Star Wars, again. This time in order rather then release order. Since I last watched the saga both Solo and Rogue One have been release so they are getting slotted between 3 & 4.

I should really play through Battlefront 2 single player between 6 & 7 but then I would have to try and fit in the cartoons in their correct order as well. I’m not going to bother and just stick to the cinematic releases this time round.

I do have my cinema ticket for Captain Marvel for Friday, if that counts…

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‘Money Heist’ on netflix was pretty good. But maybe everyone, but me, who has netflix has already seen that as I have not met a friend who I know has netflix that didn’t already watch it when I asked.

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Which one? The old animated one or the new 2017 one with Emma Watson?

At least cap Marvel is a hot alien and not a 5" skinny human girl that kicks huge mens ass :slight_smile:

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Really like Samurai 7. It’s an anime based on Akira Kurosawa’s classic 7 Samurai from 1954.
It is a re-re-review for me, though, since i have seen it a bunch of times.
Really like it, and would recommend it

Ohh, and Black Lagoon.
Also a re-watch for me, but if you like over-the-top Anime Action, it is pretty sweet.
Definitely worth a watch.

Captain Marvel was very good, I had a great time at the cinema yesterday.


Watching the Handmaid’s Tale (yes 100 years after everyone else). Can’t believe I missed it in the first place since it’s such a great show.

Flixboss Australia

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Norsemen in Netflix.

Comedy set in viking time, looks like it should be trying to be authentic but then there is just modern black humour all through it. Very funny.

The Amazing Spiderman 2. …
Not amazing… at all.

Me too! It had a general slow start (which is fine for the 1st movie), but dialed it up well in the last third.

+1 for The Expanse. A terrific production, smart, hard sci-fi with a twist, and a great fandom, too (#ScreamingFirehawks and @ExpanseOnPrime on Twitter; the writers and most of the cast are active there).

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Just antman and the wasp left now and I’ve watched all MCU movies.


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Ready for avengers end game now, going to the premiere.

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I was aware of this show when it came out, but ignored it because the marketing material kinda sucked.

Not a great show, but charming and fun. They seem to hit their stride in season 2, and it gets funnier and wittier.