Personally I was thinking Sid Meier's Pirates since it was most of my child hood and still is (Just turned 16). In terms of gameplay its perfect liked just being able to chill and just board ships while doing some missions which was just epic! The only thing I would like to see is upgraded graphics and native 1920 x 1080 support, and maybe a few new ships :P? How about you guys?
Sid Meier's Railroads
It's not actually that old, but I love playing with trains like a 5 year old kid, and a "vs computer" real time railway game was pretty sweet - it was also simplified just enough that it was more "fun" than simulation - you'd work fast, be creative etc. I want Railroads with better graphics, larger worlds, and more choochoos. Wasn't really keen on Railroad Tycoons.
Pirates would be sweet too, although I actually enjoy the original game as it is still.
I wanted to add some unique option here but I can't think of very many. Mostly because when I think old games I'm actually thinking 1980's and the only thing that stuck with me there was SimCity and EA/Maxis crushed my dreams there - Cities Skylines looks good though.
New Police Quest wouldn't hurt.
@baudband Looks kinda cool from what I see. At first I thought it was something along the lines of trains classics but now after looking at your post again at it looks like a nice little simulator / tycoon. When I get the chance I might try it out!
Red Faction 1 and 2
Fallout 1 and 2
Baldur's Gate
Deus Ex
Anything Star Wars
Et cetera, et cetera.
EDIT: Some games just have a sort of nostalgia surrounding them that I think would cause any remasterings to be lack luster regardless of how good the remaster is. Heck, half my list is like that.
Master of Orion. Don't change anything but the graphics.
Mechwarrior on Oculus rift?
High Seas Trading. A 5 MB game that lets you travel all over the world on your DOS machine in any ship you can buy whilst building up your shipping and trading company. What more is there to ask of a game?
The elder scrolls 1 & 2
Corsairs (old game like sid meier's pirates, but better)
+ 1080p-4k
+ env bump mapping
+ skybox (for water)
+ LAN support
+ all in-game maps into 1 (because pc's can handle it today)
+ 64bit or 32bit support (its 16bit)
+ maybe some bump mapping on terrain textures
we are done, 10/10 game. That will never be remastered.
@mora @FaunCB @Dje4321 Those look like some great old school games. ;)
@anon5205053 I believe if skyrim could be remade / have 100 % overhauls then those kinds of games can too!
There is skywind but just the exact opposite of what you want.
I personally am fine with Deus Ex as it is, but if more kids would play it in all for a remastered version. It's an important game.
Alpha Centari
Halo 3 released on pc by Bungie without Microsoft shitting it up.
I can dream at least.
Star Wars: Republic Commando
@Logan I've heard many good things about it. From my knowledge its something like Alpha Protocol right?
some modder fixed bump mapping on republic commando, and game needs sequel or alternative setting not remake :)
Might & Magic RPG series (mainly M&M IV - M&M VIII)
These 3DO/New World Computing games were some of my all-time favorite RPGs and could really use a graphics overhaul and conversion for 16:9 res support. Unfortunately, after 3DO went under, Ubisoft took the IP. Ubisoft has mainly focused on the Heroes of M&M Turn-based strategy off-shoot rather than the M&M RPG. They did make M&M X, but it just didn't look that good to me.
Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds
They made AoE II HD Edition and I have really loved revisiting one of my favorite RTS games, but I really wish they would overhaul Galactic Battlegrounds and the Clone Campaigns expansion. For those not familiar with these games, they used the exact same engine as AoE II, but were set in the Star Wars universe.
I tried to play this recently, but found the dated graphics a bit hard on the eyes. It would make a great candidate for a remaster.
One of my all-time favorite isometric RPGs. I would love to see a complete remaster of this game. It would be awesome to play this game with graphics similar to some of the new crowd-funded isometric giants like Pillars of Eternity of Torment: Tides of Numenera. Some modders from the original Arcanum community did create HD resolution mods and such, but a complete overhaul focusing on graphics and some bug fixes would be lovely.
Railroad Tycoon 2
This was my favorite railroad sim/builder game. I preferred it to Sid Meier's Railroads! and the newer direction that the railroad games have taken.
I don't think older games need to be remade or improved I would just like them to work. I have so many games in my collection that I would love to revisit. They won't install or my screen rez isn't supported. The online side of things just don't work. (Gamespy server browser support has a lot to do with this)
If I want to play some old school Half Life games it's all golden, they just work. If however I want to play Medal of Honour I'm buggered. You might expect there to be issues with the early ones like Allied Assault but I tried to play Airborne recently. That game is only 8 years old and it wouldn't run right. I would love to play the single player of MoH Pacific Assault, I remember the Peril Harbour section as one of the best first person shooter levels ever, but I can't play it. I would love to revisit the Novalogic games like Delta Force or Joint Operation. The first game I ever played online was Delta Force on dial up. Call of Duty, you know before they screwed up the game play and online was filled with screaming 12 year old's talking about doing something unmentionable to your mother.
So I don't want remakes or HD versions, I just want them to work on modern hardware with modern operating systems. I don't want to be looking through wiki's and editing ini files. I just want them to work in the way that Valve has maintained support for it's old games.
Fallout 4