Just finished it yesterday! I'm not a fan of blood/gore/nudity (i.e. HBO shows in general) but the story and premise was ultimately intriguing.
The story really developed well imo and I thought it was a great ending to the season. It's kind of unfortunate that they pretty much "answered" all the philosophy in this season. I mean, the maze was explained by the end, and in turn the philosophy of consciousness as learning to listen to your internal voice and finding your "center". I thought it was a nice touch that Dolores is actually bipolar and (for lack of wanting to go indepth) decided that her chaotic side was her conscious. Seems like the next season will be more about evolution as humans vs. hosts.
I got chills and my jaw dropped mutiple times during the 1st season. That didnt happen since Breaking Bad and I watch a lot of tv shows.I think that says it all.
Jeffrey Wright and Anthony Hopkins make the show super awesome haha. My favourite parts of the show were definitely the more toned down, philosophical conversations between the characters. Had a real Ex-Machina vibe to it which I really enjoyed.
@Jeol I agree, but I'm sure they'll bring up some more concepts of the mind/humans in season 2 (I hope anyway). Hopefully they don't give in to the lowest common denominator and make it non-stop action/boobs haha.
@kamakoda yeah we'll see. Season 2 isn't due until 2018 so either it's going to be very good or I'll just have forgotten about it (more likely).
Even though she was following her code up until the very end, it seemed like Maeve was the only host to develop her sentience by her own will, by the definition that they gave in the show. It seems to me Dolores wasn't as smart since she was basically repeating the questions Arnold posed for her.
I guess that begs the question, who did the original modifications to Maeve? Was Arnold actually still alive? (Bernard seemed to have no association to Maeve and his memory was wiped a few times...)
1) MASTERFUL WRITING... Not only is the production value top-notch HBO, but if you pay attention there are all sorts of existential crysis / debates / questions floating around in the themes. The plot is brain crack. It really makes you think and question reality.
2) The writing tricks you and I love that. 3/4 through the season it gives you just enough information that you can predict certain events and that you "saw that coming." However, in the last 1/4 of the season it's like, "psych! You don been mislead". Even if you predicted some of the surprises along the way (like certain peeps being machines...), they pull the wool over you eyes with the main plot arch with such grace. Example: the multiple time lines happening together was a complete surprise to me.
Scattered unfocused beginning that made it hard to keep watching. Minor plot twists in the middle that made it kind of interesting until they failed to develop them much. Ended in predictable dribble. It wasn't horrible but it was not good either. Leaned too hard on the modern interests of today to carry it. Someone did some good research but ? Skirted around the actual tech side of things in true Hollywood fashion.
My English professor got us to watch it for class - it was very intriguing because of how real they were with it. It had enough verisimilitude - like how they could engage their personality at will
I have watched it all, slightly annoyed that it does not have more mystery one season in compared to Lost. But I am happy that they have said it is a 5 season show up front so it does not ramble latter.