I keep getting gpu mismatch. I’ve tried every version of nvflash that is supposed to have all the checks disabled but still no luck. They either don’t detect the gpu or give the mismatch error. I’m considering using a hex editor to change the pci device id and board id of the stock 980ti rom to match ids of the Tesla but I have no idea what offsets I should change.
May not be just an flashing endeavor…
Do check the pcb, in case any solder sub-components, need to be released / swapped / upsized / etc. They might have same bulk components, between the M40 and an 980Ti, but them smaller components can make/break, this little adventure
It does not unlock any of the extra shader units, etc… they are configured via blown eFuses at factory. Best you can hope to achieve is to make the driver think it’s a quadro which may give you some extra software features, but don’t expect too much.
They were resistors, and this was fixed post 6xx series after my article on how to do this.
I haven’t tried the my Tesla Registry hack with LG yet, might be something to look into
I don’t know if game software will get angry at the basic GPU not having real drivers so a 3 GPU system might be necessary (one GPU for host output, one GPU for Passthrough output, and the Tesla). The Tesla hack also bypasses the "no Nvidia GPU with display detected which was the wall last time from using Tesla with looking LG, might be worth a revisit on my part
Anything compute wise shouldn’t care about it being a Tesla vs quadro, blender will render using it but I don’t know about acceleration for others like adobe and cad
Any ideas about where/what values need to be changed in the Titan X vbios to make it’s ids match the M40? I’m going to mod these cards or break them trying.
I had to use a very specific version of NVflash in order to get it to work, the binary was compiled for windows. Navigate to the structures that have both of the PCI Device ID and Subsystem ID, its right after some of the device strings iirc. 0x400 comes to mind but the padding between the structs differs between bioses. I left my lanyard of thumb drives at the office I’m working on site at, I’ll get the binary I used for you tomorrow.
You’ll need to do more than just the IDs though due to the ram differences.
Hell I’ll write a tool for doing it, just need the structures. I’ll sit down with a few friends and come up with something.
I was able to flash my 980 classified with a customized kingp1n bios that had the power limit unlocked and base core and memory clocks bumped. I was able to use the maxwell bios tweaker off of the classified overclock forums, to edit, save and then the nvflash they provide on there to flash it. Card’s been working without a single crash since 2018
Thought this might help since your card appears to be Maxwell based
Yes I’ve used maxwellbiostweaker to mod bios to raise the core and boost and memory. Got an extra %25 performance from that.
But something else is restricting the card from performing at its true hashing potential which is why I want to take a step further with the bios from M6000 or Titan X or 980ti. (They are doing decent mining Grin but this is my new game and I want more and more daggerhashimoto. I only have 5 cards including the 2 M40s.)
Well whatever you figure out I’d be interested to see if I could replicate it on my 980 Classified as well. I have a dual bios so there’s plenty of room to mess around