Virtual Lan Party

Also I dont know how many people actually have it but Supreme Commander Forged Alliance is arguably the best RTS as of date so I'd be up for that as well.

sure I play that some times as well I recently did a 3 hour livestream of the game on hitbox as well

welcome to the party

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I'm down for this. I'm working Sat and Sun part of the day but I'll play part of the day. I'm also down to host some servers if needed. I'll open my Tekkit Classic(minecraft) server if anyone is interested.

awesome ill add you to the list I may join and play some tekkit if you can host its been a long time since I played minecraft

Ok so I can officially confirm for (Friday) July 29th in the morning/mid-day EST for Rocket League.

I'm off from work that day but headed out of town for the weekend Friday afternoon.

Thanks again for doing this and I think I've gotten a Steam friend request from someone on here already. See yall on Steam Friday!

awesome see you there

Bah, I'm going to a land in town that weekend.

tinybolt - Anything that i have in my steam library that matches or is cheep to buy :P

ok ill add you to the list and ill send you the teamspeak 3 and server information on Thursday night

:( well maybe you can play next month

Count me in! Of the games on the list, I'd probably only play Minecraft. I might pick up rocket league for this though. I'd like to also put in a vote for Starcraft (the original one).

My steam name is Rhettly

awesome ill add you to the list and send out the teamspeak 3 and other server information on thursday night - event begins friday ill be on around 1pm UK time and play for the full 3 days

damn seems I'm pretty late to the party well if I'm not i would like to join in just leave my link right here

ok ill add you to the list

I'd love to play, also great excuse to pickup rocket league looks like fun!

awesome welcome to the party

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