Virtual Lan Party

how many people want to play csgo or bf4 because if we get a few teams then we could have a small tournament with prizes

add me for bf4 and csgo


Interested in BF4, and CS. How is the battlefield one going to play out exactly?

I'd be interested in playing Battlefield. Although I'd prefer Bad Company 2. Probably not easy to do since it's old and has a smaller match size compared to BF4.

Still, my ISP would probably be uncooperative, as usual.

5v5 with 2 commanders and 4 specators

Ill add you to the list we'll be playing lots of other games as well

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Hi, May I join? Will be available on the weekend, and from 9pm (UK time) tomorrow (if people still around)
I'm interrested in bf4 and tekit (only really played dw20 and infinity)

Battle log

Name: Di3twater Games :Starcraft Brood Wars & Starcarft 2, Rust

Sure welcome to the event

Much obliged

no problem

I might join depending on the time on Friday (I work until evening UK time)

None of the games interest me that much, but Id do them if no one wants to do anything else.

Strategy anyone? Anyone own Stellaris? Im in love with that right now.

Steam: Valkyire_999 (I think, someone try adding me and tell me if it works. Profile pic should be pencil drawn non coloured anime character with a bazooka)

ok ill add you to the list I might play some dota or league but I'm still very new to them Im more of a fps gamer

dota leauge


kills herself

jk jk ;) but they are not strategy ;-;

ohhhh Overwatch anyone?

oh ok I'm not really sure what sort of strategy games you looking for but im really good at developing tactics and different strategy's in csgo and bf4

I am looking forward to playing Rocket League tomorrow! I guess I should practice BF4. I haven't played in a while. I just bought CS:GO for the event but I don't like it, never have, that's why I avoided buying it for years. I did not like Overwatch, it is too colorful. I hope we can play some

DOOM multiplayer.

I don't play online much but I am replaying DOOM single player on hard. I recently got Project CARS but there is no Win10 driver for my Logitech MOMO Racing wheel :(. P-Cars is super hard and might be fun with a bunch of knuckleheads at the wheel. The best LAN racing games are FlatOut and NFS Hot Pursuit.

I'm registered to go to NeXus LAN in Miamisburg, OH on Oct 8-9!

I would definitely enjoy being part of a VLAN party!


I'm going to host s tekkit server if you're interested.

ok adding you to the list now