Virtual Lan Party

ok so should I add you to the list

I'm already on the list. Was just seconding the notion of Minecraft


Im home alone with the kid saterday, GF having her last weekend work, before she changes job, so i can only play a little saterday, but should be up for friday and sunday a couple of hours :)

Im mostly into BF4

Steam: -{FSM}-DarkSky
Origin: TheDjeep (monkey avatar)

I'd love to join you guys!
We can play Counter Strike GO and Heroes of the Storm if you want.
Steam --> geisterfaust --> geisterfaust#21726

ok ill add heros of the storm to the confirmed games if enough people want to play it

awesome added you to the list

Its looking like ill be working the weekend so ill probably wont make this one. Let me know if you need anything though.

ok maybe you can play next month

if their are enough people for csgo and bf4 I might run a small tournament and get some prizes for the winners

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Skins or so?

maybe or some steam codes or physical items...

I might join in a bit, this is a day before I go on holiday though, so I'd only be here for the start, chances are.

ok im going to try and livestream the full thing on hitbox

Sounds awesome.

I still have keys left from the last giveaway i can throw in, low worth, most people might have them but some decent games if people dont have them.

cool if I get enough viewers on my hitbox channel then Ill give away some money and a few games/skins for the event

I'd be down to play BF4 CS:GO and CIV V and AOE2HD

awesome adding you to the list now

I'm already added to the list but can I recommend Fist Full of Frags on the games list, its a free old western shooter built in Source. I figure anyone joining the party could download it.


fredfredb3rg - Grand Theft Auto 5