It just says “Model :P295” Pretty sure the FCC info is fake too
I didn’t bother to look at the 2nd pic. That’s some good google-fu ya got there.
So even the box is fake … lol
If you can get it working in Windows you can check if it even matches either the 7600 GT or GS spec. With literally every cap on the board blown to hell you’re not going to have much luck with that I think. You could try to recap it but I’m not sure it’s worth your time.
It’s not worth the time, but this little rabbit hole has been a fun ride.
I have an X1550 AGP at home that I still need to research, unfortunately the fan connector on that one came off the board, I may see if I can resolder it to the board.
Well hopefully the X1550 AGP should be easier to figure out. There’s fewer vendors who made those.
Yeh, it’s one of those that has art on the fan shroud. I don’t have a box for that one. I’ll update this thread later after I get home tonight.
Well, I found the 2nd card I have. It appears to be a Diamond Radeon X1550 Pro 256MB.
Tho I doubt anyone is gonna pay that price for it Tho the only ones I can find are listed as Refurbished on a couple sites and they are asking over $200 for them …
Those marketplace sites are always smoking some kind of special crack. It’s worth $25-$30.
The packaging is reminiscent of an older Inno3D Nvidia vid card we used to have. Its for an Asian market predominantly. I really dont see much western people use that brand very much.
The frog box gives it away. Try the 2003 version of Inno3D boxes
My bad. Its Palit after all
This is in referrence for the frog character. Only palit rocks those, right ?
You know these pics are like Retro Hardware Box pr0n to me
Oldest in possession I have, is an [Apple spec’d] ATi 9800 [for a G5 tower]
Oldest PC-friendly card I have, is an ATi 3850 single slot variant
Asking 200+, to a refurb’d X155- [insert "agamemnon_laugh.gif " ]
I think I still have a few older Vesa Local Bus cards, not sure if I have any in a box still, I know I have at least one Tseng Labs ET4000 model card.
I do have other VL cards but they are not GPU’s so not relevant to this thread.
I wonder if I can clean out my attic and start to see if anything is worth giving away from the storage boxes.
VESA local bus cards were the worst.
So many connectors, getting them into and out of a motherboard which had limited standoff points was fraught with danger.
TSENG ET4000s were THE SHIT. Awesome cards when they were current.
I can see where the extra length of these cards could be an issue for sure.
The one interface that looked interesting but never really got off the ground was that IBM Micro-channel interface.
I think I remember Creative Labs releasing a sound card but that seemed about all that was had.
It was proprietary. EISA, VLB and PCI were not.
Now that’s a GPU… remember that one time you did not need 2 pounds on metal and three fans on your GPU to have good time?
Best mid-range card in my opinion of the DOS era. I recapped dozens of these and brought them back to life, very durable card, even the RAM chips rarely die.
Bad card to play. After G450 Matrox was dead.