Vault 7 (wikileaks data dump)

People are not even making any sense of this info by wikileaks. A lot of speculations like the same old scaremongering "it's the russians", and the media saying that these tools now out of the hand of the cia in charge of "keeping us safe" the result will be bad people are going to exploit them. (the stupidity we have to hear to try to inform ourselves)

The leak is juat a confirmation of what has been going on. Strange ways in which some people is killed, (car accidents is just one), but all the practical applications which can be shown if people investigate enough. What about how this has affected trade, businesses, extortion of politicians, etc?

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article is making 2 assumptions that are worth mentioning.
1 that the encryption back doors arent in the other 99% of whats not released by wikileaks yet.....
2 that secrue encryption is "enough" to be secrue, and are forgetting about other exploits to the os or browser ect....

and it left out that whats app itself had a vulnerability but eh it's nytimes so better article then i expected for sure. i could just be a bit too paranoid.

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The dump stated that they bypass encryption by being in the phone or OS like you said and seeing the message before the encryption ever happens.