Update Linux Kernel in Ubuntu (guide or tutorial)

You may lack the "proprietary firmware blobs" for the radeon driver. There is a extra DEB in Ubuntu containing all the non-free firmware blobs ... maybe you need to update that one for Kernel 4.8

Creation of the initrd failed because you either ran out of physical hard drive space or tmpfs (to which /tmp is mounted to) is not large enough.


df -h /

To see how much free space you have on your root partition.

I put /tmp in ram with fstab entry tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime,mode=1777 0 0
I have 8GeeBees so is should be good? This all works with the default 4.4.0 kernel

Ya now even though I'm back on the shipped kernel i get audio drops on the HDMI out. Feels like a reinstall.

Alright having read this thread a bit I'm still a bit in the dark with my issue. I'm new to linux and am updating my kernel for the first time. I was having random moments when the laptop would just freeze up. Everything I read said it's most likely a graphical issue and that the kernel needs to be updated. I tried following this tutorial right here:
This was a really simple set of commands in the terminal. Everything seemed to be going well until the final depackaging step. I'm getting the following error message:

dpkg: error processing archive linux-image-4.6.3*.deb (--install):
cannot access archive: no such file or directory
Setting up linux-headers-4.6.3-040603 (4.6.3-040603.201606241434) . . .
Errors were encountered while processing:

So anyway I'm not exactly sure why it can't access the proper file/directory. This tutorial is fairly recent. If any of you have any advice on where to proceed from here I'd appreciate it.

I have been using UKUU and TIMESHIFT on my desktop for a while with no problems.

Both can be automatize to your taste and very simple to use.

I usually backup with timeshift and then proceed to let ukuu do its thing.

I'll give those a try. I updated the kernel but now every time the laptop hibernates or sleeps it will boot up if I press a key or hit the power button but I have less than a minute to restart or it'll just go back into hibernation. Restarting fixes it until I leave my laptop long enough for it to sleep or hibernate. Went into power options and didn't see anything I think will help and haven't been able to find any solutions online. Not sure where to go from here. Guess I'll just have to read a 'Linux for dummies' book and see if I can figure it out the old fashioned way.