UNIGINE released the Superposition benchmark today. It is very pretty and I like how it estimates VRAM usage prior to launching the benchmark. I encountered a common problem when attempting to use DirectX.
direct3d11 error 0x087a0001
There is an incompatibility between Unigine and Afterburner + RivaTuner. Even though this issue is old, I never saw it before when using Heaven or Valley. The fix is easy but different than what I found when searching. I guess because RivaTuner has been updated.
Open up the RivaTuner piece of Afterburner and click on the wrench. Uncheck both 'Enable dedicated encoder server service' and 'Enable 64-bit applications support service'. That's what fixed this error for me.
I admit I did not get a very impressive result, but I would be remiss if I didn't show you.
edit via: @w.meri (I don't know how to quote a PM).
"Hey, so Cyklon_DX asked in the Lounge is somebody could make a spreadsheet for benchmark results for the Superposition benchmark. I made it and didn't notice that a thread already existed (I have the Software&OS category muted), so I have stuff setup if you wanted to add them to the OP in your thread? I think it might be an easier way to coalesce the data.
Here's a link to a form users can fill out that will automatically dump the data into a spreadsheet:
And a link to the spreadsheet itself:
In the form only the Username, preset, Score, CPU, and GPU are required to be answered, everything else is optional. There's also no emails or other data collected. "
I think we should ask that DirectX be the standard for comparison (higher results ATM), but if you get better results with OpenGL post that or both.