Just thought I’d say if helpful
Edit: that is a great price
Was it From actual Amazon themselves, or some rando 3rd party?
okay, Actually sold by Amazon:
camel link:
It is eh, anything cheaper than £80 per 4TB is good.
Yep, direct from the big A (holes).
It is a great price, and Seagate are much more reliable now…
That camel website is well handy, cheers for that.
I’ve got around 14 x 4TB Ironwolfs, they’re great. I was planning to upgrade to 8TB at some point, it’s just bad financial timing for me to replace all 14 drives!
I feel your pain on the upgrade thing- I even ended up switching to more arrays of fewer drives, so upgrade is less trouble.
Also switching up to 4tb from 2TB.
But mixed blessings, the older drives are not dying fast enough. Might have to just go for 8tb from now, if such prices stick around
Yeah, it’s proper pain. I planned my data storage 2 years ago, I’m generally fine, but having more spare space would be nice. At the moment I’ve got (RAID’s):
8 x 4TB At rest
2 x 4TB Daily active
2 x 4TB Daily active replication
2 x 4TB Daily active replication
2 x 4TB Spare.
It’s taken a long time to gradually buy them when funds permit. I do see what you’re saying about fewer drives, @wendell once mentioned (years ago on Self Hosted podcast) that his practical solution was 3 x 8TB in RAIDZ1, and it makes complete sense. Also of course, fewer drives, less statistical chance of error (to be confirmed by anyone!).
Yeah, mine are doing fine too, so hopefully not a problem for a while yet.
Just an aside, but where’s your profile pic gone? Corruption?
th profile pic was Tank Man, the Uber badass, but it felt a bit /pol. Will probably go back to Eddie, the Iron Maiden mascot.
Nice to hear a fellow self hosted listener- I went full Linux and listened to a load of Jupiter Broadcasting stuff, but lost interest in Chris being a prima Donna, and dropped down to just the self hosted show.
Oh, and 2.5admins as well, but that is not JB
seeing as I carried on dragging your thread OT, how is the garden office shaping up?
Ah that was it. Oh well, hopefully you’ll find a good familiar profile pic soon…I’ve had mine for a while, I should probably change it sometime.
Yeah, Self Hosted is really good - I don’t know of Chris, but I will take your word for it!
Haha, dragging threads out is what we do best The garden office is alright mate, not done much lately, had to fiddle and fart around with house things lately. Fence posts needed reinforcement and the house needed lecky things. I’ve also fiddle around with TrueNAS Scale, it’s not bad, though does do odd things (like 1000’s of unnecessary snapshots).
I have now moved my A1 and A3 printer, as well as my old mentors plan chest. I was really trying to avoid this as I’ve got to re-floor at some point (6x2" on the current 4" PIR), and it’s just more to move around!
I got me a shelly too, it’s quite good you know.
Otherwise I’ve been seriously researching solar and battery, costs are just getting too high
Back on topic for a short while…
I have been through about 16 of these (a mix of Amazon UK, Amazon US, UK online stores and Micro Center in the US). The Amazon UK ones seem least reliable (I have 12 currently running, 3 or 4 had to be replaced). No signs of them kicking them around, but you never know…
never know what batch you are getting even when you order from 1 seller. Could have multiple batches mixed etc. Just be sure to do a burn in and youll usually get them bad ones early
Well that’s depressing to see about UK drives being the worst - just out of interest, but do you go to US or if you’re in the UK, do you find the cost reasonable even when importing?
Absolutely, a good burn in is always needed for sure
I’ve temporarily moved to the US and took the server with me., so I don’t know about imports. A lot of kit seems similar costs these days (although some like my Engenius wireless access point were about half the cost in the US compared with the UK!).
Thanks for that damage
Why is everyone seem to be buying Ironwolfs and not Exos drives?
prosumer vs enterprise and maybe the data protection stuff and like the biggie, cost?