Here is a quick and easy guide I thought I would put together for anyone who wants a quick and easy Minecraft sever and you already have a TrueNAS box in the cupboard -
A few prerequisites -
• A TrueNAS system with a good amount of RAM, TrueNAS already likes RAM so if you’re running one on a budget this might push your system beyond its capacity (I am running version 12.0-U8)
• Some free space to install it on, It takes less than 1Gb to get up and running but I would put a few Gb aside as your world gets bigger
• Minecraft Java edition (I have noticed there is a lot of confusion from beginners about MC versions, and the difference between a server and a client)
• An understanding of how to make shares and change user permissions will help, and maybe make you perfect my process
Install the plugin -
1. Log into your TrueNAS box and head to the plugins section, change the selections to the community collection and look for the MineOS plugin
2. Click Install plugin
3. Click Advance options
4. Give the plugin a name, I went with ‘mineos’ to keep things simple
5. Disable NAT
6. Enable Berkeley Packet Filter
7. Assign IPv4 Interface to ‘vnet0’
8. Give your server an IP, try to assign something outside of your DHCP range
9. Hit SAVE
Install Java 17 -
This is the key to running the latest MC version, 1.18.1
1. Click on ‘Shell’ in TrueNAS, it’s at the bottom of the items on the left
2. Run the following commands in this order -
iocage stop mineos
iocage upgrade mineos
iocage start mineos
iocage exec mineos bash
pkg install openjdk17
If all goes well, following a restart (iocage stop mineos, iocage start mineos) of the plugin you should be able to log into the server using user name and password ‘mcserver’ for both.
Install profile -
Once in the server, on the left hand menu click on the profiles section and download 1.18.1 from the Mojang repo.
You can change the repository and install Paper, Spigot, Waterfall and many others if that is your cup of tea.
Create the server -
On the left hand menu, click create a server, give it a name and save it. You can change any of the other options as desired. I do recommend changing the port from the default 25565 to something else. This will allow other MC servers to run on your network with out incident. (Ask me how I know)
Start The Server -
Click the dashboard on the left hand menu, find you server at the bottom of the page and click it.
Change the profile to your chosen MC build and the Java .jar allocation too.
I would increase the RAM to 1024 or more, depending how much you have in the system. Click Start… The server will try to start before asking you to accept the EULA. Once this is done, start the server again and BOOM! We’re done.
You should now be able to log into the server from you Minecraft game install via the multiplayer menu.