Oh nice! I may hop on later if other things don’t come up (borderlands 2 with some friends). Name is the same as here I think… Actually I think it’s got a 1 after because I lost the other one.
Yeah, moved locations for more performance serverside but severly constrained uplink, so limiting the playercount.
Not that it matters. Also leaving the server up and running to pre-gen the current map at a 10K diameter.
6.2% done as of this post.
May potentially move it somewhere else internally to free up the current machine. (it’s primary use is for windows applications that need less overhead than a virtualized environment provides.)
Not giving up quite just yet though. Working through the optimization of these plugins.
One of the key issues with DynMap causing lag was that it was updating every time there was an event. To combat this, It’s been set to the lowest tile render size, caves disabled, limits to 1 core for renders, and only renders updates on command
That being said: I’m interested in what the memory dumps hold in their worst case senarios.