I am wondering what the current status is of the patches making it in to official releases? Are the fixes prime time yet?
You need geoff’s patch from patchworks, otherwise, it works great.
I tired to look earlier and couldn’t find it… Was his patch approved to go in to the kernel at some point?
As a side note I booted in to unRAID and got two Windows guests, with a GPU for each , working in a couple hours.
unraid kernels include the work-around patch. There is a guide for installation here on the forum.
Continuing the discussion from Looking Glass - Guides, Help and Support :
I can confirm the patch works great on Fedora 27 with both nvidia 1080/1080ti, Radeon Pro WX5100, Fury and Vega.
In addition it “kind of” works for pci bus resets of other devices like nvme. I was able to hot remove an already-installed nvme and re-add it issuing only a pcie bus reset to get it working again (previously, it would go offline alltogether). Hot plugging a new device will not work because it needs some hotplug support in UEFI.
I was also able to confirm, I think, the pcie bus reset that can occur in some situations with an overheating 10 gig intel X540 is also resolved.
Strictly speaking I haven’t tested this non-graphics PCIe stuff on Kernel 4.15 at all so it is possible other kernel patches and updates solve other TR-related PCIe issues, not Geoff’s patch, but for now I’m calling this a win for Geoff.
I had to modify the patch slightly for fedora, here is a quickie mini-howto on fedora:
# sudo dnf install fedpkg fedora-packager rpmdevtools ncurses-devel pesign
# sudo dnf install rpm-build flex perl-devel perl-generators openssl-devel hmaccalc elfutils-devel
# fedpkg clone -a kernel
# cd kernel
# fedpkg switch-branch master
# # or possibly something like fedpkg switch-branch f27 -- the main thing here is you get kernel 4.15.something. At the time of this mini-how-to 4.15 is nooott quiiiitteee out but close enough for us yokels.
# vi kernel.spec
# -- in here you want to uncomment the define line for .local and I changed .local to trpatch
# then find the patches section and toward the end add Patch999: tr.patch
# tr.patch is attached to this message :D and adapted from Geoff's patch to apply to
# this slightly different "the fedora way"
once that’s done do a
fedpkg local
and rpm -i the appropriate rpms from arch/x86_64 … and you should be good to go. The usual steps for enabling iommu, vfio-pci, etc all still apply.
tr.patch (3.4 KB)
and my PCIe tree fo…
It won’t be added to the kernel until AMD confirms they are (or are not) fixing it properly, which they haven’t said publicly (probably it will be fixed in tr2).
the patch is quite reasonable, no reason to be afraid of it. The installation is pretty straightforward.