Theory of getting Planet Earth closer to other planets

There are many theories of getting to other stars / planets and ways of getting there, although how many theories are there of getting the planet Earth closer to them instead?

Theories are very welcome (if anyones interested) And try to put in such layman terms, that makes it very easy to understand for anyone. Even if the complexity is very high. Thanks

I don’t see how this would be possible. Our planet is in a “Goldilocks Zone” as they call it. Right orbit, right distance from a heat source to sustain life, gravity is correct, etc. If we move the planet even a few degrees off it’s current rotating trajectory we either burn up or freeze. Could a barrier be built to surround the planet to keep this from happening? Not without massive amounts of power needed to sustain it. Not to mention HOW would you move a planet?

Scientifically, this isn’t even remotely possible.

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Been discussed by kurzgesagt:


Even if so. It’s still a chance worth taking as opposed to blowing up the planet? A possible barrier sounds like a very good idea, although such a thing taking an massive amount of energy to sustain. Perhaps such power could be useable by with Helium3? Which is located in massive amounts on the moon.

Moving the planet itself using old technology would be blowing up empty space, close to Earth to create a push effect. perhaps even tweaking such bombs in such a way that it only blows up a certain way as to create more of an push effect?

Earth could then be pushed into a trajectory of say Saturn or Jupiter and use such massive planets orbit as a slingshot for further acceleration toward planets that are actually interesting to sustain life.

If there is one person qualified to answer that, it’s Isaac:

I’m pretty sure he has an episode about moving the entire solar system as well. I like to listen to this when going to sleep.


I think you’ve read/watched too many sci-fi entertainment venues.


Planets “moved” in the early solar system; look up “planetary migration”.

Given enough time, and a source of planetesimals in chaotic orbits, objects could be sent towards the solar system to move the planets to order. A lot of time…

Yeah, just don’t get the wrong idea from the most expensive and chart topping film in Chinese history. That won’t work.

Edit: Okay, they’re trying REALLY HARD in this article.

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Start with low hanging fruit, decarbonize humanity’s energy footprint. I’m sure you’ll find getting to other planets isn’t really that hard if you could simply sustain 1g acceleration


That article is so good. The plan is to slingshot Earth around the solar system’s largest planet. This concept is basically a Jupiter gravitational assist, which Elliott says is “a reasonable thing for them to do.” :laughing:

Very valid concern. If we started low years ago. My guess would be that we would be harnessing sun energy properly. There is basically a giant energy star and the best use case we’re making of it is for telescopes and satellites (mostly the later)

If there was an actual concern about, wouldn’t one of the main objectives be to get close enough to actually harness something from the sun. Preferably building a base somewhere closer to it and using the energy to build, research and so on? Actually getting closer to it, would mean many more possibilities.

I may be wrong here, but accelerating the planet at 1g would make the “rear half” uninhabitable.


few problems with the idea.
as soon as you move earth past mars it turns into an ice ball.
the solution, take the sun with us?.
wont work either. to maintain a stable orbit for earth you would have to take everything out to the ort cloud.
if you dont take everything you will have to adjust for the loss of gravity that the outer planets that help keep earth in the habitable zone.
so dyson sphere?..

you would need multiple star systems to make one dysons sphere.
so yeah i think theres a bit more to it :wink:


That’s just a matter of heat output,energy production und greenhouse effect. Once we get fusion power, this can be a thing.

And plenty of orbital mirrors not only help with that, but also maintain day/night-cycle. I’m more worried about fucking up our moon. Weather forecasts won’t be good if we leave it behind.

But yeah…space is rather dark. Won’t get better the further we get away from our sun. In the end you got a planet-sized spaceship with limited ressources and no energy from a star. Not that useful really.


I am disappoint you have all missed the best possible reference on this: Kyle Hill.

You have all had your nerd credentials revoked.


Good one.

(that was a joke right? I meant regular spaceships would do at 1g accel… 3h to moon, … 5d to Jupiter… although probably would want to explore Callisto, still probably 5d).

Maybe some kind of gravitational device or weaponized gravity could be one of the lesser harmful ways of moving stuff around in the solar system. It’s already in place and seems very less harmful to put in practice compared to some other ideas.

Something like magnetic discs, or simply magnets has been proven to create anti-gravitational push and pull. So the obvious would have robots mining Mars, asteroids, glaciers or craters. For suitable materials to create mega magnets. Then used to gently push Earth for a better placement among the stars.

There is no better placement for the Earth in the entire universe. The best you can achieve is maintaining the status quo. Everything is so specialized on earth…any slight difference razes continents and kills thousands of species.

And checking the world map in dxvkuniverse.exe, we got a great star as our sun (most aren’t fun to live nearby) with plenty of fuel left, a big ass fucking moon, a bouncer like Jupiter that keeps big scary stuff away from us…and all located in some backwater corner of a rather boring galaxy.

If you want to be sucked into black holes, get roasted by gamma-ray bursts or want a supernova as your neighbor, feel free to build a spaceship. But Earth is all we have…and we can’t ever replace it.


I’m not sure if this is the video, or if it’s one of the others from that channel


IIRC, there’s one that explains the current best theories around planetary formation. … Basically the “Grant Tack Hypothesis”.

TL;DR the way our current system looks like, and the fact conditions on Earth are great for development of life is a an extremely lucky anomaly as far as stars/planets/systems go.

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So many if not all use that exact statement without stating it’s counter-part. All the species new species that emerge! The differences in continents can raze aswell as re-emerge. (Interestingly almost never mentioned)

You know how different Winter is, compared to summer?
And that is just in our regular orbit around the sun.

Move us, and it does not have a chance to get better…

Why not (magically) move other planets closer to Our orbit? Then just adjusting our orbit to balance the change…

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