The Tek 0213: 2015 Was Crazy | Tek Syndicate

While it may be true that the drivers for AMD GCN 1.1 and under cards on Linux are pretty decent in terms of performance, the Fury drivers are seriously BAD. I haven't tried the new ones yet but last I tried it, even Borderlands 2 doesn't run too great on a fucking Fury X

While you read that, I'll read the Darth Bane trilogy again. It's seriously awesome


Yep. I really wish Disney would have used the EU novels as scripts for their new films. Since only a small percentage of SW fans read them, the stories would have been new to most folks and those of us who have read the books would be super excited to see them adapted to film. The Bane trilogy would've been amazing adapted to film. Hooray for main character villains?

@wendell Sorry a bit late, but I just watched your bit on the Steam DDOS. What I heard was that in certain cases people had access to real names and home addresses, as well as Email addresses (something to do with having items in the store's shopping cart and opening that up to the store page). Can you specifically confirm or deny this based on what you have heard?

Valve has not been too communicative with what happened, so this detail could be fairly important.

watch this already?

Might have some additional info. I watched it a while ago, so can't remember.

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Yeah that's where I got that info. However I imagine Wendell may have better info, since he pays close attention to that sort of thing.

I need to say this, and I need to say it now. All "80/20-rule" concepts are complete and total BS. There is no evidence for this. When this has been studied, it has been found to be complete myth.

There is no 80/20 rule. If you think there is, then you are mislead.

If you did a simple google search, you would've found this:

What is the best approach for convincing users that the last 20% of work really does take 80% of the time?

Read Steve McConnell's excellent book Rapid Development which has much to say regarding the 80/20 issue and the othder vagaries of software estimation.

And this:

One of the most frustrating truths of software development is that the complicated stuff, the making of the guts of a web app, are never what takes the longest. You can build a reasonably robust and functioning web app within a matter of days or a few short weeks.
What takes time is everything that comes after that, all of the refining, finessing, and testing that makes a functioning web app a professional, ready-for-the-public, web app.
Among themselves developers call this the 80:20 rule. 80% of the functionality of a web app will take 20% of the time to build, and the other 80% of the time will be spent on the remaining 20% of the functionality. It will be the small stuff–incremental refinements and last-minute optimizations–that will chew through your schedule and budget.

And this:

80% of time spent fixing bugs is on 20% of the bugs

2 cents from totalbiscuit on the valve cache topic.

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Every video linked on this thread has audio for me lol. Perhaps something on your end?

The Tek 0213: 2015 Was Crazy |
no audio for me on YouTube or here on teksyndicate i restarted my pc still nothing so not sure what going on every other video works including all posts in thread