The Tek 0204: Logan's Favorite Episode of the Year | Tek Syndicate

I would love it if you guys uploaded the audio to soundcloud. I use soundcloud for most of my podcasts, plus if you gave us the opportunity to download the audio we could listen to it offline.

@wendell you creepy fuck, wearing the same shirt I am wearing.

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nvidia gameworks is deliberately meant to create/increase the gap between AMD and Nvidia cards. They do this primarily by overtessellation. It NEEDLESSLY taxes performance on Nvidia cards just because it hurts performance more on AMD cards.
A tessellation of x64 is virtually visually indistinguishable from x8 tessellation. The only thing x64 tessellation does is tax performance on Nvidia card for no additional visual quality at all, only because it taxes performance on AMD cards more.

It's not that AMD cards are bad at tessellation. They are good at it, but AMD made them only as good as they need to be. AMD didn't bother making their card good at tessellation levels that do not add additional visual fidelity. So this created a "weakness" in AMD cards that Nvidia has been exploiting for years.

Nvidia have been doing this as far back as Crysis 2, probably even earlier than that. They were over-tessellating water in Crysis 2, Batman's cape in an early Batman Arkham game, etc.
Long before they created the GameWorks brand.

hydrogen is a better energy storage for cars than just batteries. Because you don't have to stop and wait for ever and can just fill it up like a gas car. Also you need so much less batteries, which are extremely damaging to the environment in production. And you don't have to buy a new battery pack every couple of years because you batteries are at 20% efficiency.

Seems to me that Elon Musks just ridicules a technology that his company does not use.

Only problem is storing hydrogen in your car because it just evaporates through the tank, but a friend (who has a Mercedes Dealership) told about how Mercedes has a prototype tank in development that supposedly is able to store hydrogen in a grid of some sort and keep it from evaporating. We'll have to see how this works.

The Hydrogen-Car imo is the car of the future because it is just like the car of today and you don't have to change how and where you drive.

And electric cars don't even "save the planet" unless the electricity is produced using renewable energy.
Today electric cars are more damaging to the environment than gas powered cars. Fact.

And the Tesla SUV looks shit...


@Logan I am going to be boycotting fallout 4. Just until it is like 10-15$ on steam.

If it is anything like the buggy release of new Vegas that may happen sooner than later.

You know what else is very flammable... Gas

On the living in the woods vs city piece - one option that may work, is to look at a wireless point-to-point. I have no clue personally how to set that up correctly, but there are setups that are not insanely expensive that permit Gbit (/s) speeds. If you can get line of sight between a city point with a nice fast connection, plus your location in the woods, you can probably make that work. Again, no clue on cost, but if you want the best of both, perhaps that is an idea worth exploring :)

On the hydrogen fuel piece - where I live now, I would be seriously concerned about the safety aspect of things, as I know what happens with 'retro-fit' of (domestic) gas to cars. I.e. not the proper gear to install, but a 'home-made' install. Those things are downright dangerous and gas exploding is bad, liquefied gas (LPG) has even more explosive power - hydrogen... yeah...

And - congratulations on the new album :)

I disagree. Pedo's can be identified on the net and taken into custody. Im not sure I think bulk surveillance is in order but what price can you put on the victim ? Targeted and intelligent policing is all well and good but in the UK for instance there are less and less resources and more and more people, there is no easy solution just stupid ones..

regarding your 'fetish' suggestion, some experts in medical and mental health now think that it is actually a sexual preference type (( not an acceptable one obviously )) Just like a normal hetrosexual, gay, lesbian adult interest. These people are sick to normal people and it should never be accepted in society.. any society ever .. but they are born with the same lusts as you & I have for a woman / man that is fully grown, only theres is for children.. its impossible to stomach but its not a fetish, a fetish is more an angle of interest if that makes any sense ? they could have both but they are separate things.

They cannot be controlled or fixed through rehab, nor can they divert their interest. Its hard to take in for normal society. I watched a documentary where basically the prison service officials claimed they had only actually managed to rehabilitate or redirect just one sex offender in their entire history who didn’t re-offend or hand themselves back into custody through fear of committing an act.

Try turning off your lust for women or men for a few months and think no thoughts, yea .. probably impossible.

Pedo's need locking up for safety. Nothing less.

edit btw didnt mean to be ranty, the sooner society accepts these are unrepairable individuals the sooner a more mature outlook on how to handle them can be decided

Wendell as player 3 for some input on Linux games would be fun

Or shaming people for causing strife, or taking advantage of other people. Life is just too short for that kind of nonsense.

p.s. Saw the bit rate for Hell's Valley as 666kbps

Leadership theory can shed some light on this:

It is found in business that there are two strategies for motivating employees that don't work very well:

The first is the use of coercive power (punishment. Usually coercive power only gets people to 'comply' (which essentially means they do the bare minimum).

The second is the use of reward power (i,.e. raises and bonuses). This is found to be only slightly more effective than coercive power. Once people can afford shelter, food, and water, the effect of money drops off.

What people generally want is satisfaction in any work they do (not just for employment). The want autonomy, new challenges, and to do something that interest them. This is why the average joe working a customer sales shift for a company, who has no authority to do anything other than follow a strict set of rules will not give great service. However the owner of a small business trying to sell something of his own invention will most likely bend over backwards to make any problem right.

Classic example is the Wright brothers. Little known fact is that they had competition who were more than fully backed by capitalists trying to get their hands on patents for flight. The Wright brothers didn't have near the financing that their competitor had, but were motivated to add to the quality of life of mankind. Long story short, the funded guy failed, mainly due to lack of inspiration. He wanted to make money, and his heart wasn't really bought into the concept of human flight.

It's easy to boycott PC games, just pirate them.

@Logan.... hope that was sarcasm about the sexes being equal.
They have been for years and the only feminists now are complaining to the UN about how the internet said they suck.
Please Please do not say you believe in the neo-feminist movement.


Don't think we didn't see that @wendell Muhahahahaha!

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I'm anticipating the release of the 'secrets' that Logan was talking about (the Tek getting bigger, and better)

Chinese Bond villain = Brokenclaw

@wendell you talked about that multi 4k Monitor thing and wanting to try out a full on 12k setup but didn't know how to do it. All I could think about was this: which I read years ago :D might give you some ideas :P

Old German?

Samhain is a Gaelic festival marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of Winter or the "darker half" of the year.
Wiccans believe that at Samhain the veil between this world and the afterlife is at its thinnest point of the whole year, making it easier to communicate with those who have left this world.


@Logan if we harnessed all of the hot air in DC the US could provide power to half of the planet.


"The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not 'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'" - Isaac Asimov

BTW ZweihÀnder - Höllental = Audio Awesomeness!