The Tek 0200: Why 6-Hour Work Days Are Better | Tek Syndicate

Yeah you can root the Chromecast -

@Logan , if you guys don't make a CentiCow shirt, you will wake up in an Imax theater playing the Kardashian show with your eyelids stapled open and you will be hooked up to life support where you will be left for eternity.

I like the fire stick. Super cheap and easy to use.

Ehhh, just saw the Tek. i'm swedish and Sweden is not moving to or introducing 6-Hour work days. This is just an internet rumor. But it would have been nice if it was true.

I am pretty sure that's what happened when we changed to 8-hour work days. People kept their salary. It's worth mentioning that we don't have 6-hour work days in Sweden. I think it's only one political party of the eight represented in parliament that is advocating that. That is the Left Party (previously Left Party-Communists). I think the Green Party might have advocated it in the past and changed their mind to a 7-hour work day.

It's become news in Sweden that the "news" that we have a 6-hour work day has received a lot of attention internationally, even though it's not true.

The only places that I know of that have adopted a 6-hour work day is a few small companies (mainly in social media or app development) and the Left, Green and Social Democrat coalition in Gothenburg have done some tests. It's of course quite expensive. It's estimated to cost about $37.2 billion, if it was implemented everywhere.

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Just two dollars a month per YouTube subscriber for teksyndicate to reach the $1 million goal and ATI will return.... I think we can all agree that is worth the two measly dollars

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My biggest issue with this is policing is now a stats game and most "criminals" are subject to different laws. Affluent area's still have drug use statistically higher in some cases, with much much lower conviction rates. Most statistics link violent crime with poverty, (apart from aberrant crime) which means that now we will have a computer model for more stats based "enforcement" of poorer area's. I find this creeeeeeeeeeeeeeppppy.

I grew up in youth homes and in the streets and soon learned that shop lifting in nice suburbs was much easier and was never convicted in any middle class or upper middle class shopping mall, on the few occasion I even got caught. (I quit shoplifting when I got old enough to get a job but I learned wearing a 200$ outfit made you look like a rich kid out to spend his parent money) Later piling a lot of young teens into a house in a nice area, (once i started renting) also meant you could "party" with out fear of police. But random searches and police harassment in poorer area was common. Including several police beatings.

If the promise was to assist in aberrant crime, minority report style, murder, rape etc I would be all for this system but I just do not see that happening. Computer assisted police harassment (Probable cause) is what I see....

I live in Australia so the racial divide isn't a big a part of society but statistically our Native Australians (who make up less then 1% of our population) get incarcerated, die in custody etc at alarmingly high rates for their population density so i see that factor as well.