The Tek 0189: Should We Genetically Modify Babies for a Higher IQ? | Tek Syndicate

Exactly. Like I can remember an entire album of music, measure for measure, lyric for lyric if possible, but I can't remember who the King and Queens of England were throughout the 1500s, because I don't study that, I study STEM things (science, tech, engineering, math). Even then, I can't remember all STEM things cause I can't find them interesting. Sometimes I have breakthroughs. In high school, I learned the digits of Pi up to 146 decimal points. Today, I can remember 3.1415926535897 off the top of my head, no more, unless I practice. I remember practicing for the Pi day competition for at least a week, trying different algorithms to remember it, getting into the 100 decimal range, and literally having the numbers spout out of my mouth 1 struggle per second in terms of pronunciation. I thought it was a god damn miracle I won that year. But even then, the highest number said in a past years had like 556 decimal places. Then it made me wonder...just what the fuck is wrong with me that I can't remember those many numbers with my brain. Maybe if I had more time, sure yeah. Whatever. Intelligence is strange yo.

Cool Pastes of the Tek,
Like having all these links back in the grasp of my Internet

0:19 Microsoft new edge browser
3:41 Electric cars in Norway
4:54 Bacon flavored seaweed
7:54 Reddit to cull "dark side" communities
12:40 Japan robot hotel
14:37 Teksyndicate T-shirts
15:44 Hacking team malware
20:18 Logan wont see your youtube comments
22:07 to find your congressman
23:27 Netflix raising prices
27:11 Intel kaby lake
31:21 Logan kills a spider
32:06 Boeing's new laser
34:15 LHC discovers new particle
38:59 Moon village
43:21 Smarter GMO babies
52:35 Deus Ex lets play
53:21 Duke Nukem concept is done
55:25 Logan forum updates/drama
1:00:03 Bitch please


So is it just me or Does anybody else want to see Logan Singing to some black Metal bashing His head on some old PC cases,While Wendell play's Ballad to a string of power cables in a shocking new hookup the GMO of sound?

Maybe it would be cool to have some of the Tek Forum members collaborate on some projects!
Who's in?

That is the problem you think inequality is bad this day and age? In a world of genetically enhanced humans only the higher classes will have tech availability, just like comprehensive health care and education and the bigotry that controls this planet and suppresses human development will only worsen. Some science should not be pursued. If mankind cannot evolve to high IQ's naturally it's because they are disallowed, something isn't structured correctly, and taking a look at today's governed societies many things are not. We need to fix the sources of the problems not patch the symptoms.

So, about the genetic modification and stuff. I am actually in a course about ethics in biology right now. I would be willing to write up a post or comment about some of the different angles and arguments and things like that that we have discussed in this class if anyone actually cares to read it. Specifically, @wendell or @Logan, if you care to read some stuff about it, let me know. I can't say that it will be all inclusive, but I have some decent insights on the topic, I think.

EDIT: And I can describe some of the science behind how this stuff works.

Gundam seed will become real life. Hope i live long enough to see the mechs.

Definitely want a shirt with wendell's face that says "Bitch Please!"

1 Like

No? The problem will be that once "superhumans" grow up they will renders not-so-super usual people useless to society, other then maybe manual labour.

In a world of genetically enhanced humans only the higher classes will have tech availability,

I don't see how this would work. Do you mean that technology might get uncomprehensive? If so, it will not be a problem, since simplified versions of technology exist already, i.e phones for elderly people.

just like comprehensive health care and education and the bigotry that controls this planet and suppresses human development will only worsen.

I don't see how anything would worsen, other than getting more complicated and uncomprehensive for idiots like me and you (as we inevitably will be idiots).

Some science should not be pursued.

Complete and utter bullshit. Why not?
There is nothing wrong with science, only problem are people. And right now you are arguing against fixing that problem.

If mankind cannot evolve to high IQ's naturally it's because they are disallowed

You mean God or any other thing-i-ma-jig? This is just wrong, they are not disallowed, we just don't have technology. Yet.
Also, I don't see why an arbitrary line drawn between "natural" and "artificial" evolution would stop us. Yeah, sure, lets do it the extremely inefficient way and destroy this planet before we even manage to do that.
If you look up "evolve" in a dictionary it is defined as "develop gradually". I say we don't evolve. We just develop for sake of survival of this species, and millions of others. This is what life is all about, anyway.

something isn't structured correctly, and taking a look at today's governed societies many things are not. We need to fix the sources of the problems not patch the symptoms.

Yeah. The problem are people. By creating smarter and less greedy superhumans most of current problems of humanity would be solved.
And, frankly, it probably should involve exterminating "old humans". We are the virus of this planet, and if they don't do it, either we will kill everybody or "just" superhumans out of jealousy and being unhappy.

I'd buy a bitch please shirt, and a raze the world shirt too actually i need quite a few shirts I better get on this!

Hire me! I need a tech job! Data entry is unbearable...

Man, depressed intelligent people stuck in crappy jobs... This was my episode... :(

People thought that Wendell kept looking at the ceiling...

Maybe either the t-shirt should have the viking beard with "bitch, please" or, better yet, monitor arms (though, undoubtedly, they wouldn't sell well).

I think it would be better for the Netflix users if there were more options for the content. Take Sky, for example. You can choose to buy the kids channels, sports channels, etc, etc. On Netflix if customers can opt out of certain categories and pay less for their subscriptions I think that it would increase the number of paid subscribers. Similarly, opening up additional content for their highest-paying subscribers would allow them to increase their top-end fees that little bit higher, whilst providing a benefit to those viewers.

In regards to the baby IQ modifications... I think that there would be a massive backlash from people that oppose the idea. As Keilwerth mentioned, we could have something akin to Gundam series. Well, for the people that don't know the general gist of that (which is, most likely, the majority of anyone reading either post) the genetically modified humans were given a different label and separated from those that were not genetically modified, effectively creating a new kind of racism. I, for one, don't find that unlikely.

As for the Lounge, great idea. However, the idea of Logan giving out his ideas, I agree with the notion to keep most of them under wraps. Whilst feedback on which ones to prioritise is a good idea, some people may add sufficient doubt to not release certain content.
This could be akin to baby names - a couple comes up with a baby name that they really like or a car that they really want to buy, tell other people about it then end up thinking "well, maybe we should go for something else", despite the fact that their original idea was a great idea.

Logan: a couple of days ago I answered your call for people who voted for David Cameron.

If you want to visit CERN, you should try to complete this form and hope it's not full yet.

Hopefully you see this here (not on YouTube comments)

In every single Tek, @wendell gives me a new joke to laugh at for a whole week. Yea, I would totally help you buy that laser to vaporize cows in Nebraska as long as you promise to put it on YouTube. And centicows, man... Do want.
Other than that, as always, it seems like those 2 just copy my opinions on everything lol.

As Wendell pointed out, with some things added, human intelligence is unlimited, manipulating how intelligent child will be will be extremely difficult if not impossible. But, even under assumption that it could be done, result would be: avg or above/below avg. parents raising far more intelligent child = not good.

Also, if there was benefits of having higher intelligence for general population (if that is even possible....), it would already happened naturally. Obviously, there are lot's of costs to it, with wide spectrum of mental disorders.

@Logan you had a movie idea here of 'happy devices' which make people feel happy but this was a plot of a Doctor Who episode (where it all went wrong).

the year five billion and fifty three and the city of New New York on the planet New Earth. They end up in an alleyway where street traders are selling mood patches to help people deal with their emotions

interessting article about the hacking team malware.
How do you even know if your system is infected with it?
I assume its not getting pickedup by malware scanners.

Also the artice about the New web browser Edge is interessting, MS makes a big claim there lols.

Did you just quote Gawker? Quoting / referencing Gawker is like referencing Fox News to the power of 1000. Quoting Gawker on free speech specifically is like quoting Al Qaeda on atheism and logic and reason.

As for Ellen Pao, no she was not a champion of free speech, she censored all criticism, permabanned and shadowbanned all those who criticized her and her ideology all while playing the role of the professional victim. The new CEO may be worse than her, but she was an enemy of free speech in her own right already. Reddit and the SJW / Liberal Cultists will not censor the way opinions are expressed (i.e. calling criticism of obesity and gluttony "fat people hate") but it will censor the opinions themselves, i.e. being critical or skeptical of "fat acceptance" is forbidden. It doesn't matter how you express your opinion. That opinion is forbidden. It will create groups of people who are beyond criticism. Obese people are not people engaging in harmful behavior. No, they are an "identity" and criticizing them or their behavior is "hate speech".

That's what all that benign-sounding, inconspicuous and apparently laudable talk about creating "safe spaces" is about. Setting up certain people above all criticism, while you can openly promote genocide of other groups of people (e.g. whites, "cis hets") without the slightest smidgeon of repercussion or what you're saying being called hate speech.
You can have free speech as long as you tow the party line and subscribe to our dogma. Evidence and facts be damned.

I can't say I spend any time in the Lounge, so I can't make an informed intelligent contribution to the discussion regarding that. I don't know if the people Logan are talking about there are bona fide trolls or just people expressing their opinions. But I can urge you to keep an anti-censorship and free speech policy on Tek Syndicate.

The concept of the right to free speech was not created so we can politely discuss the weather or other trivial things. It was created to express important, unpopular or controversial opinions that society needs to hear even though it doesn't like to. As long as someone backs what he says with well-reasoned arguments, logic and data, he should be able to express whatever opinion he likes, no matter how unpopular or "unthinkable".

@ IQ Babies:
Yes, we should genetically modify babies for higher IQ. It should be done equally to avoid creating an obscenely unequal and unfair society. However, to do that, the general public will first have to admit that IQ matters, that it correlated with higher success, higher income, better health, higher education, less crime, less disease, less depression...
It will be interesting to watch the feat of doublethink they pull off to think IQ matters while simultaneously claiming that statistical differences between races either do not exist or do not matter.
I highly doubt it will start or even happen in America, though. Just take a look at what our corrupt elites and politicians did to public education to see that it won't be happening here, at least not in the equal implementation we discussed. They want the population as dumbed down and as sickly and weak as possible. A high-IQ general population is VERY bad news for the psychopaths in power.

A higher IQ society is more capable of long-term thinking and less apt for the yoke of short-term thinking. As an example, they will be able to grasp the complex truth of why certain policies (e.g. legalizing drugs, abortion, gay marriage, feminist redefinition of marriage and divorce) are damaging in the long run.
If an action of policy or action is harmful in the long-term, then the chain of events and of cause and effect to get to the harm is long and complicated and harder to grasp. Same thing with the
If smoking killed you the instant you smoked the first cigarette, no one would do it. There is no controversy regarding the harm of sticking your hand in the fire. The damage and harm are clear and immediate. But in the case of smoking, the damage is done slowly and gradually and only becomes significant way down the line. And even then, the link between the damage and what caused it is not readily apparent to most people.

It is the long, slow evil that is most insidious and the hardest to detect and guard against.

So it is with most liberal policies, their damage is not immediate. Legalizing drugs will not destroy society the very next day. Legalizing abortion will not cause a societal collapse 48 hours after the law is passed, or even a year after. The long term effects of the former is a society filled with people with poor health, low motivation, addled brains (with many of their brain cells destroyed), literally dumbed down, impoverished (due to spending lots of money on drugs), with higher depression, less career success, less job security, higher unemployment, etc. Do exceptions exist? Of course, they do. I'm sure you can point to someone who does drugs who is not most of these things. But on average, a junkie is those things compared to a non-junkie.
As for the latter (abortion), regardless of the rationale for why it was legalized, its long-term effects are indistinguishable from that of a sustained genocide. And the only reason why we allow it is because it's women who do it. And we allow women (almost) ANYTHING.
And even if when abortion was illegal rich people could get around it by traveling abroad and doing it there. That still would have been far better since the number of abortions would have been very limited compared to the over 55 million abortions we have had so far. The damage would have been a couple of orders of magnitude smaller and nearly insignificant. Besides, just because they do it abroad doesn't mean a nation can't pass laws that closes that loophole. Laws can be passed to make that illegal and have them punished upon their return (if someone who is known to be pregnant) and international agreements can be made to make this even more enforceable.
Low birth rates mean low population growth. Low population growth translates into low economic growth and stagnation. More people means more economic activity. A bigger next generation means lots more houses to be built, lots more people to be educated, fed. Lots of additional people to build cars for. Lots more people to watch your videos on youtube. Lots more people to click on ads on your website. People drive the economy.
Low birth rates mean an old and aging population with lots of people at the top of the age pyramid and few people in the middle, of working age. It means social security and welfare programs become unsustainable and will drive the nation into debt.
A fertile nation is a prosperous nation. High fertility is not the ONLY ingredient, of course, but it is a necessary one. You can easily point out third-world nations that churn out babies but aren't that prosperous. That's because their governments are corrupt as fuck and they have high rates of low-education / illiteracy, to cite just two factors.
On the other hand, you can only educate people so much. At some point one person can only do so much before any further gains can only be extracted from two persons. One person can only produce so much, consume so much and contribute so much to society and the economy. Human capital, both in quality and quantity, is an essential element of success of modern nations.
On the other hand, a shrinking population means economic contraction. If there's too few people then existing houses will be demolished, infrastructure, unused, will rot. This is exactly what is happening in several areas in Germany and Japan.
Oh, BTW, those who think we need fewer people and we should have lower birth rates tend to be the people who have the lowest birth rates already, e.g. liberal douches in developed countries. Those who need that thinking the most are poor people in poor countries whose birth rate is too high, relative to the available natural resources and to the how well-organized the economy is and how efficient as distributing those resources.
But just banning abortion will not work. Conservatism is an all-encompassing (dare I say holistic) system whose various parts need each other to work. It is not enough to ban abortion, you need to reinstitute and promote marital sex. Discourage extra-marital sex and encourage people getting married young. This needs massive cultural, legal as well as economic reforms for people to want and be able to marry young. That way if a woman gets pregnant, she is almost certainly already married and has a husband who will help her raise the child and the negative consequences of getting pregnant and having abortion illegal are reduced or nullified.

Promotion of straight marriage at a young age (so early 20's instead of late 20's / early 30's) also means a much higher proportion of the population have sexual security: access to regular sex. Married people have a lot more sex and sex a lot more regularly than single people on average. One of the lies that allowed the sexual revolution to be sold to the masses is that having sex both inside and outside of marriage / not having to marry the person you are having sex with would mean a lot more sex for everybody. This is patently false. Single people, both before the sexual revolution and now, on average have a lot less sex than married people. And since the sexual revolution and feminism and the feminist redefinition of marriage and divorce and the endless feminist cultural assault on marriage and vilification, libel and demonization of men, fathers and husbands have led to a much smaller percentage of the adult population being married, there are now more single people than ever (as a percentage of the population) and now, after the sexual revolution, people are having LESS sex, not more. In short, people were tricked into surrendering sexual security for the mirage of sexual abundance. You cannot have sexual abundance, only a tiny fraction of men of very attractive and/or very wealthy men at the top can have sexual abundance.

With straight marriage at a young age being the norm, there will be no portion of the female population (aka feminists, SJWs, and tumblrettes) literally losing their freaking mind over how little sex and, more importantly, sexual attention, from men they are getting and developing a false victimhood/persecution complex where they think every man on the earth wants to rape them as a defense mechanism to reaffirm to themselves that they are attractive, and worthy of sexual attention and are in fact getting sexual attention from men (albeit negative).

And no, the birth rate can not be outsourced to foreign nations. Immigration is not a true replacement for making your own babies. Immigration is its own can of worms. Leading to race replacement (usually by lower-IQ populations/races), race division, balkanization (which is the INEVITABLE and INVARIABLE end result of all "diversity" / immigration policies.
When women outsource their baby-making to third-world nations by having few kids and voting for pro-immigration policies / parties, they are just as unethical and doing just as much harm to the nation as corporations who outsource jobs abroad.
This set of precepts is called "ethnonationalism". A nation should be ethnically homogeneous. Each race should have its home. That way they do not compete with each other destructively through internal politics and one race parasiting another. Instead, they compete with each other constructively (and even cooperate) through foreign trade. They cannot parasite each other. A race attacking another would be breaking international law. And in this setup, the intelligent and genius and healthy and virtuous and industrious will prosper and excel. The lazy and sickly and vicious and stupid and corrupt will crumble under their own weight and will not offload the higher costs of their unsustainable and harmful behavior and innate characteristics on the industrious and virtuous.
You have your home. Your friend has his. There's no reason why he can't come over and visit, or you can't throw a party. But then when the party is over everyone leaves. Multiculturalism and "diversity" policies are akin to having a party at your house all the time, and having everybody stay there afterwards. And if you protest then you're "anti-social" and a "recluse". It's fun the first few hours, but then you need everybody to get the fuck out of your house.

Neither should housework be outsourced either, to another race or to foreign nationals. It should be either done by the wives themselves or by working class white people (/people of the same race of the general population of a racially homogeneous nation). That way the money they make stays in the local economy.

Although it is not as race-focused as my understanding of ethno-nationalism and has more to do with paleo-conservatism than ethno-nationalism proper, I highly recommend you read the book "Suicide of a Superpower" by Pat Buchanan.

It is also especially interesting for you, I think, because you seem interested in the topic of the decline of America and the rise of China.

@wendell That's pretty cool that you got to meet Mandelbrot. Fractals/a dab of chaos theory was a big interest to me a few years back, and I still like learning this and that along the way. Sounds really awesome opportunity.