Welcome to 'The Noobs of Python Ep.1' this thread will feature some easy Python 3.x code for noobs interested in taking the next steps after the traditional print('Hello World')
that is the beginning of every programmers adventure.
What will we cover? Simple code and some Regex to test the boundary of what we know. I learn more when challenged and hopefully some of you do as well. Post your questions or code snippets and lets learn together as a community !
So lets get our environments ready and get to coding !
Q: What do I need to get started?
A: A willingness to learn and contribute, including Python package 3x, a Text editor or Notebook [ Idle, Jupyter, Atom, Sublime Text 3, vim, emacs, vscode, nano or what ever you use to write code]
NO TEXT EDITOR/NOTEBOOK HOLY WARS lets be cordial to each other.
A linter for your editor is helpful [ sublimelinter, pylinter, flake8 etc ]
Q: Why do I need a linter?
A: They are helpful with syntax, stylistic errors and some even have explanations of modules, functions and packages.
Q: I am a total noob, can some one hold my hand through some of the examples?
A: That's what we are here for, hopefully you will be up to speed soon enough and your posts can serve as references for newcomers as well. Rarely we will provide the famous 'Google It' answers you see across the web. We are here to learn together, and hopefully the admins will allow us to partake in some healthy discussions about taking our first steps in Code !
Q: I want to be in the fast lane, Machine Learning, Forensic Python and Data Analysis, Where do I go?
A: Hopefully when we get this going, we will start 'The Knights of Python Group' where intermediate and pro's share projects and code, but lets learn to walk first !
Q: You are busy most of the time, where/what do we do if you are not here to start related threads or help with code?
A: I am starting the conversation, the group per-say, is not limited to me and anyone 'respectfully' can contribute, start threads and help. I spend a good chunk of time here doing various things, so I am typically around to help.
Q: I'm on Windows, you guys are on Linux What do I do?
A: Python is not OS specific, Some of our ideology might surround Linux, but is not limited to it. We have to be pragmatic about it.
Q: I have a question,
A: You'll get answers so lets code !
I will post a comment or 2 with some code, hope you all contribute critique and participate positively any way you can.
Welcome to 'The Noobs of Python' !!!