The Leader in Silicon Manufacturing Wins Again: NVIDIA Buys Arm

Yep. There’s a lot of situations where it’s in their best interest to make standards open, same logic can be applied to their acquisition of arm, It’s not like they’re going to suddenly stifle the industry.



Level of Assmad = 9,001

Through Him I am at peace. Thy blessed Leather Jacket. He of Many Spatuli.

It is so.

Praise be.


Almost as bad as AMD’s anti-competitive practices buying up ATI or when The Undertaker threw Mankind off the top of the cage at Hell in the Cell 1998.

Someone gets it.

When I have my NVIDIA Quad Core RTX 5666 I’ll have the last laugh

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Honestly, it was a mistake to use such a closed architecture like ARM on the Pi in the first place.

Is ARM cool? yes.

Is ARM effective? Kinda.

Is ARM easy to integrate? FUCK NO

ARM is a fucking mess on the kernel level.

Most manufacturers ship a binary kernel and refuse to upstream support for their hardware. I refuse to accept that as a good company. The only reason I have an arm cluster is because 99% of X86 is bloat.

I see no reason to be upset if ARM dies a 3dfx-style death. Just means RISC-V will actually have a chance.

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Rather than split brain on the alternatives fix the optimization and security flaws and



almost everyday I see on this forum a quad core isn’t enough these days so I highly doubt you’ll be laughing this much

the NVIDIA Octa-Core RTX 9666 might do the trick tho


In b4 Intel-Nvidia 4 big ARM and 4 small x86 cores on a TSMC process.

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Still better than AMD :wink:

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Attitude has nothing to do with it. This is business. Dont take it personally. The private sector is a place where people and companies and inventions are either the solution or their gone.

Nvidias acquisition of ARM is largely going to be a good thing for the industry and ARM wasnt really going anywhere. NVidia is in the position to make ARM more powerful…

Nvidia is also good about documentation. Qualcomm is terrible and im very glad they did not buy arm

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Thank you. This is absolutely true and its largely because ARM isnt in control of the drivers and integration. The BSP and integration is on the manufacturer whos licensing it and qualcomm is terrrrrrriiiiibllleee

Nvidia will be so much better and I can venture to guess they will try to make the license more strict to improve that

Oh I don’t … But if nothing else it’s going to be pretty interesting what’s going to happen in the next few years in that area…

You know, I’m actually mildly sad Devillllzzzzzzz ain’t here to celebrate this one.

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he who shall not be named


Yeah I know right… Go NVIDIA… fuckin love team green lately. They are doing a lot of amazing stuff. They are killing whats virtually useless. It will be good for ARM to shed some weight

I need to raise the tempo on my metronome.

Edit: :fu:

(ive always been team green). I have a dream… that green and red will go together in the same system and no longer have to be segregated

(replies moved):

oops LOL

6 posts were merged into an existing topic: The Lounge [Make-believe Edition]

This matches my views

“Nvidia will expand the model by licensing some of Nvidia’s designs—including its graphical processing unit, or GPU, technology—through Arm’s network of silicon partners.”

GeForce in phones when?

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I have a nexus 9 in mint condition I’ll sell you :wink: