In 2016 I built myself a system arround the 1700x
Has served me well since then (had a stability problem and the CPU had a segmentation fault bug). The big problem has been the motherboard sine day 1.
It is 2020 now. The rendering performance is still there (the reason I upgraded from my 8320). Gaming performance on the other hand, feels sluggish at times.
Use Case
70/30 Windows/Linux
Colourful mix of Gaming, Video editing, Photo editing and programming.
The Plan
Keep the harddrives (all 4 of them)
– make room for more harddrives
GPU and Soundcard also migrate over
Keep the BluRay drive and HotSwap bay (yes, I use optical)
The NH-U12S also comes with me (it is a cooler, it can’t go bad, can it?)
Get more RAM (16GB is not cutting it anymore)
kick out the case (never making the mistake of buying Corsair again)
That to me, looks like the options old PC cases had to keep their insides cool.
One idea regarding airflow is to bring in cool air from all angles and push out the top. The manual mentiones that in the S5A (PSU included version) you can’t mount a fan in the side panel. So I will likely just get two 140mm fans with the initial purchase and see what can be mounted where.
if you’re going to have your tower cooler in any other direction besides blowing left, then it should be blowing up
keep rear fan as exhaust
get faster ram, 3600Mhz especially if you use it for rendering
manual says fans can’t be side mounted, yet has picture of side mounted fans
Bread twist ties are the magic that make anything possible
test fit a fan first, see if it fits with the tower cooler, if it does, get 2x120mm, if it doesn’t get 1x140mm
next gen supposedly will have bother better IPC and higher clocks so I’d wait for reviews, both are great for games and rendering alike, they also have a unified Cache per CCD so instead of 2x16MB its 1x32MB that doesn’t have to travel across infinity fabric to talk to other core groups
So it’s not just me who thinks other than Ram Corsair is crap?
Nooo… Why? 5000 is right here… Hold on, see the reviews. Single core should be massively improved and the internal communication latency should also be gone, so hold on for 5000.
People here say Kingston is a lotary. You may get good chips, you may not. I personally never had issues with them, and I have a couple friends using HyperX ram that also doesn’t have any issues, but you know…
I know money aren’t an issue but maybe think of Arctic fans?
Double check that. It’s a Focus+, it’s 10 years warranty, it’s really good unit, but the SM website mentions nothing about including a PSU with the case, so double check that there is a PSU with that case. The PSU alone will cost you north of 100€…
That is a thing I am wondering about.
3600MHz 17-19-19-32 or 3200MHz 16-18-18-32
Price difference is 40€
I just don’t want to end up having spent money on a fan I don’t need.
Their cases are also shite.
Will do.
My thought was to get a 3700x (or 3800xt) for cheap when the 5000-series releases.
Have Kingston RAM in my notebook. My mom is on Kingston (I think). my portable rig uses G.Skill (2800MHz TridentZ).
I have a feeling the Corsair RAM in my main machine right now is going bad.
This computer will likely run for weeks straight. Looking through arctics website, they recommend the P12/P14 PWM PST CO which is only ~6€ cheaper than the NF-P14s
The problem I see with Arctics wierd fan blades is them slowly creeping outward and then binding with the frame.
Spec wise, they are the same except for the bearing type.
If you want to squeeze every last bit of performance 3600 is a must, but on the other hand with 5000 series is expected to not be so ram speed depending, so 3200 should not have such an impact on performance. With the unified cache between CCXs ramspeed should not be as important as it was before…
Dumb question perhaps, but why go with a case that has a vented top then? IMO, if you run air modern cases require two 120mm fans in the front and one 120mm in the back and that’s about all you need for airflow for most use cases. Ideally all other sides are sealed.
You do you of course, but I have a feeling you are overthinking stuff.
The bigger the vents, the slower air can move reducing resistance and noise.
My current fan setup works quite nicely in that regard (2x 140mm front filtered intake, 2x 120mm top exhaust). Creates positive pressure in the case keeping cat hair out.
Well, it depends massively.
You can have 3 fans on high speed cooling your system or like me - 6 fans on the very low speed and have pretty much the same cooling, but be absolutely silent.
More fans means lower speed of the fans, less noise for the same airflow.
Modern cases are mostly garbage. The PSU shroud is a massive choke on the airflow, you are losing potential fan intakes, you are locking up front intake, it’s absolutely useless.
Not arguing your setup, just thinking that if your cat likes the top of your PC so much, why not simply not have any vents at all there? Shouldn’t that reduce cat hair more?
Of course if it were me I’d ditch most drives only having one or two 2TB SSDs, shrink the case and go full blown SFF, maybe even do something crazy like mount my case with a VESA mount on the back of my screen for a minimalist setup…
But then again, I don’t think your cat would approve of that. Never diss the kitty!
Hey, if you found a setup that works, then by all means use it.
SSDs are really coming down in price now, you can get a 2TB SATA SSD for under €150 at some places. That is quadruple what you have now in SSD storage.
You could also get four 2TB m.2 NVMe Sabrent Rockets for €180 each and populate an ASUS Hyper M.2 X16 Card V2 for €36. That would be in total around €760 for an 8TB all-NVME storage solution, not that crazy expensive as an upgrade from what you got, but considering an 8TB HDD costs €140 at the moment, also 5x the price premium for the storage. It depends what is more important for you.
It’s something to consider, but the decision is yours, as always!
Depends on how often that happens, since any larger project would take at least 30 minutes to copy. Even then, replacing five 2TB drives with two 8TB drives would be a massive improvement in my book. I will agree to disagree, as long as you’re happy about it.
Imma agree with pete on this one, since you’re getting a new Mobo anyways I’d definitely pick the new ryzen CPUs.
You did mention gaming performance, so it makes even more sense.
I love the people complaining Ryzen 5000 is waaay too expensive.
Remember 1800X coming out for 500$? Now 5800X is 450 and is twice as fast and nooo waaaay too expensive. How dare AMD…
Oh well, I guess1500$ for Nvidia RTX 3090 is fine but 450 for 5800X is way too much…