Sysadmin Mega Thread

I deployed Buildbot on FreeBSD today. The master runs in a jail, and I started with a jail as a worker running the example python project, finished with a worker in a bhyve VM through libvirt with the backing disk cloned from a template zvol snapshot fresh each time the on-demand VM is started, building installing and loading OpenZFS on each commit. The test suite takes hours so I don’t have it running that automatically, yet.

That last trick took a lot more C programming than I anticipated. The libvirt ZFS and bhyve backends are very crude. And so are my hacks…

Do you guys have a filter for recruiters? I don’t mean a blocker, but a specific question that weeds them out? I’m starting to ask salary and if it’s full time, but I’m getting cheeky responses like “Is money all you care about?”

No bitch, but if I’m going to waste another 2 hours talking to you and some other guy to get told that the SRE Level VI gets paid $59k, I’m going to lose my shit.

Curious to know what you all do. “Ignoring them” is an option, but right now I’m bordering on desperate to get out of this place.


I’d respond with “no, but if you’re not paying well, it’s a waste of my time. I love my career path, but I have a family to take care of.”

Oh god, that’s what I made as an entry level sysadmin.


I had an interesting interview that sounded badass, it’s way more than I’m doing now, building stuff from scratch, deploying brand new stuff…



No wonder y’all can’t find anyone.

But yeah, starting to respond more direct rather than placating them.


Granted I don’t get recruited inquiries for IT, but imo, any position should have a salary range up front. If not, that’s a red flag.


Yeah, that means that not only is the salary too low, but they fucking know it.

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I love that they rarely post salary range, it fucking kills me


What gets me even more is the whole “come work in a fast-paced exciting team of motivated individuals” bullshit. Okay, what I get from that is that everyone is running in different directions and nobody has a fucking clue what’s going on.

More importantly, when you try to sell me on the ping pong table in the breakroom (except they’ll call it tabletennis), it’s pretty clear they’re hiding something like “oh, the CTO is a serious cunt, but you’ll get used to seeing HR twice a month over it, and after a year or so, it’s not so bad”

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Sounds to me like we cant afford to have a team for your job so GL on doing it all on your own, probably for shit salary.

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Autoreply: “Hi, my actual e-mail is x, you’ve hit my recruiter filter. If this is a legitimate offer, contact me at [email protected] with a salary range. Offers devoid of this will be ignored.”


Yeah, it’s more like “we think people work because it’s fun, not because they get paid”

:clap: oh :clap: lawd :clap: do :clap: I :clap: have :clap: news :clap: for :clap: you.


I ignore recruiters that don’t work for the company they’re hiring for. Most decent companies have dedicated personnel searching for talent. Anyone else is a middleman just trying to get you in that seat for a check and dgaf if you’re actually a good fit for the company, team, and role.

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Thats not always the case, but is somewhat true

I need to ask for another raise, what’s the going rate for full stack devops? By full stack I mean from boot code to build bots. I haven’t had to own any CSS yet so I have that going for me, but I did strip a server to RMA the motherboard the other day. That is all fine I’m happy to be paid to get to do this stuff, but I just got the payment schedule for my student loans and don’t like the math on the interest at minimum payments…


Would guess that would be very location dependent like most jobs. (Also who you are working for and if they have budget etc)

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Tbh I’m half joking about calling what I do “full stack devops” I just need to get better at asking for things instead of doing them myself. I do deserve a raise though.

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Be prepared to walk / have an offer from another place and see if they will beat it if you want the strongest position possible.

Its not strictly needed my wife got 15k raise, by just being super valuable and asking for it, she had like a 3k raise initially she said that wasnt what she thought with her change in role was worth (she moved from one project to another)

I’ll be waiting until next year, I like to plan ahead. Should be plenty of time to fortify my position.

I got a 4% raise because I worked 8% more hours this year :-1:t3:


What at your 2nd gig or your main slave driver operation