Sysadmin Mega Thread

Yeah, idk then. It might be an inherent limitation of the SASL implementation in postfix. Can you run multiple instances either on separate addresses or ports?

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Not really Sysadmin as network gear but not worth making network thread.
What do you guys think of TP link network gear, have my eye on this

Is like 1/5 the power draw of my 3750x and is 2.5g so between this and my 10gbe switch should be plenty for my home environment. Dont really need 2.5g atm but good for APs and Cameras when I get those.


I mean, it looks good. I have not use TP-Link hardware so I don’t know how nice it is to configure.

I was looking at this for my Cameras ( When I install them.)

I was looking at these for the end points in two of my rooms

I have never used MicroTik, but Ubiquity has scared me away. by recommendation from Small Net Builder and Server the Home, I am going to plunge into the MicroTik echo-system. I am currently running fibre in my house. If the TP-Links are cheaper and are liveable, then why not go with them.

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Me too.

This thread scared me away from Mikrotik:

Severely faulted hardware that apparently continues to be problematic with slow/no response from Mikrotik. Seems like the fault doesn’t affect everyone, but definitely happens repeatedly.

Not really sure where to turn other than used enterprise gear, but Netgear and/or TP-Link could be fine?

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Good thing I have not bought the switches yet. Yikes! To be fair, I have not seen any issues with the parts that I mentioned above. And they come with recommendations from two sources that I trust that do not always agree with each other. Why can we not get solid support from the vendors. At this point, I wish there was company that made generic, open, network hardware that could run tomato router, openwrt, or ddwrt.

I was also looking into these parts as well.


I inquired about this recently:

TLDR was that you can achieve various degrees of switching/bridging on commodity hardware, but compared to an enterprise switch, you’re going to miss out on a lot of features (802.1X authentication, PVLAN, GARP/GVRP). And of course, you’re not going to to get nonblocking 10GbE+ across software bridges. Plus, while there are some techically OSS, Linux-based switch platforms, they are all either expensive (Cumulus), abandoned(?) (ONL) or very new and only available on expensive new hardware (SONiC). Additionally, SONiC literally runs docker containers on the switches as a part of some overarching network management scheme, so, uh, idk about that…

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So. Few days ago, I ended up in one of my DCs doing some upgrade work. Some switches needed reconfiguring, the Hyper-V (Yes, I know) clusters needed reconfiguring to accomodate, applications being stood down yadda yadda.

This is me at the start of the evening. Look how optimistic I look. Poor bastard.

I had to arrive at the DC during rush hour in London, but hey needed to be done right? This was me at the beginning of the night.

We were expecting to get away in 2-3 hours, starting the work at around 7PM.

Everything had been meticulously planned, there were several SMEs involved and we all worked together to make sure everything went smoothly. We all had plans the next day, and it was Friday night.

Things started going wrong almost right away. Nothing too serious though, small things happen right?

One of our application engineers said, “Oh, hang on. I just need to move a few hundred users off this site.” he had been paid to do that weeks ago. It took over an hour.

We do the work. There are a few issues with the config here and there - nothing serious. This port needed tweaking, that LAG needed an extra vlan that was missed.

Then a major application wouldn’t come back online.

We spent almost 3 hours troubleshooting it. The application had been up and running for literally years in this site before the work, so naturally we thought the issue was with our config. The four of us were poring over all the config files, all the switches, all the firewalls - everything. Nothing worked.

0400 rolls around. Our security passes have all stopped working because we were supposed to be out of there hours ago.

You want to know what it was?

An IP conflict.

Turns out that a cluster that should have been on a given VLAN had not been on a given VLAN and some VM had a duplicate IP that had just never worked. Nobody bothered logging a ticket, and nobody knew it was there.

Long story short: Check the f’ing basics. Jesus christ. I have been doing this 30 years, I should know better.

I had been awake 24 hours by the time I got home, and working for 20.


I have a customer that absolutely swears by Mikrotik. I am somewhat sold on the paranoia factor about anything that may be touched by the CCP, so not sure myself.

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Some Arista switches run VMs to do essentially the same thing. We have a few were I work. Hella pricey.

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Mikrotik is Latvian though? Last I checked that was still a EU member…

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Is it? That’s my ignorance.

I thought it was all made in Shenzhen, but then I guess most things are.


I did all of 30 seconds of research.

I shall now consume crow, cease saber rattling and return to my box.


I’m getting a lot of job offer in Luxembourg and i don’t know if it’s a good idea or a way to get cheap labor from unknowing people.
From what i see, living there is at least twice as expensive, not even talking about renting.

does anyone here live there ? i feel like i won’t be able to keep my standard of living, salary don’t look to be 3X as much as what i’m payed here, and that’s what it look like i would need …

Yeah, I can imagine the progression:

We need services to bring up the network

But we need a network to bring up the services

Fuck it, we’ll run everything on the switches


This is why I’m probably just going to bite the bullet and buy a pfSense rack switch.

I could buy a cheap 1U from ebay but the power costs would outweigh itself after about of year of usage.

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I run OPNsense at home. I put Sensei on it. Love it. I could do it all myself, but it was a time/cost/benefit thing.

What is this?

You’ve really never checked their site? They sell direct.

That’s where I got my SG-3100 from.

Here is the one I was thinking about getting:

How is that a switch though? I mean, sure you can bridge the ports, but you’re not going to get non-blocking line speed on the 10G.

Oh I see the gigabit ports are on a hardware switch. I wonder what chip it’s using and what access pfsense has to its hardware features compared to a traditional enterprise switch (802.1x, broadcast controls, etc).

Also, why would this consume less energy than an equivalent spec 1U server. The low power consumption is just that Atom processor, no?

I misunderstood then. So you’re looking for a top of rack switch?

Yeah the CPU only uses like 25W full tilt I think.