So, I finally got an error message. I tried 3dMark and it crashed as well and it gave a graphical error of some kind. Mostly gibberish I'm afraid. But it looks like it has something to do with the graphics card, only I have no way to test that. Or it's the motherboard....any thoughts?
Give us what the Error Message says for God's sake!
If I could I would have
Since the graphics card and psu are pretty dated.
Those would be the main ones to suspect.
I would probablly aim for the gpu firstly.
But i think that it wouldnt be a bad idea to replace them both at some point.
Finally able to get the error message:
File: dx_command_queue.cpp Line: 27 Function: _cdecl eva::graphics::dx::dxcommand_queue::dx_command_queue(const class eva::graphics::dx::dx_device &,enum eva::graphics::command_list_type,int,bool) Expression: device.native()->CreateCommandQueue( &m_desc, IID_PPV_ARGS(m_native[i].receive())): DirectX call failed [-2005270523]. :
But not consistent sadly enough, I tried my GPU in a different system and it seemed to perform okay (at least no crashes) and tried a diiferent SSD I had from my old system. And there were no cracking sounds when I started on that disk.
I wanted to wait for VEGA for a GPU renewal, quite interested what they have to offer (and my budget needs some waiting time as well)
Okay, sadly enough I got the same sound cracking and stutters on my other disk. Not sure anymore what it can be at this point.
So i tested the DPC latency and it almost immediately slammed into the red zone. I'll look into this in the morning. Thanks for the suggestion
still issues?
you can try take a look at msi's digitall Power voltage settings (usually it happens when bios assigns to low/high level to your oc - sound cracking). I found that bios versions 1.3 and 1.4 set it up too high for me on my x370 gaming pro carbon resulting in extreme overheating (auto settings seem buggy). Settings for LLC with mode 4 caused sound cracking on startup (then it was normal). Maybe your problem lies there. But as stated above may be PSU struggling to supply Wattage.
I'll look into that, It's just that I have used that same PSU on my previous computer which I used everyday. Only difference is CPU, Mobo, RAM. I'm now trying to figure out what process or hardware is causing the DPC latency. And trying to find some shop where I could borrow a PSU or GPU to test with
you're using hdmi sound? could be drivers.
I'm not using the hdmi sound but It looks to be drivers. If I disable the nvidia drivers the DPC is normal. When I enable them the DPC latency goes through the roof. Which still doesnt tell me if its the GPU or the PSU
its your nv drivers. I assume the shadowplay may be the cause here.
(its recording all the time, even when you are not in games so yeah)
DPC latency has allways sorta kinda been an issue with Nvidia drivers.
Maybe you could try to pick the previous driver version.
I already tried no luck though, never had this on my previous system
I uninstalled Geforce Experience but it didn't make a difference. If I disable the driver it works fine, but I can't game without proper drivers....
Could it be an IRQ / interrupt conflict?
In Linux trycat /proc/interrupts
And see how the interrupts are shared over the 16 CPU threads.
get amd. (lul)
i have my 1700x and c6h sitting in my closet since launch... hopefully its not broken lol i gotta wait 2 more months to use it
I had to wait 9 weeks for a stupid cooler bracket, I know the feeling