Story behind your online name?


Well because of my complexion and my over-fondness for coming out of nowhere killing a few people and vanishing in FPS I was labelled Ghost (also running people over with the Ghost in Halo is amusing) - but because that is always taken and is on its own unoriginal just threw my initials in front of it ^_^

My screen-name is the remnants of my misspent youth.



Cadams74= Christopher + Adams + favorite number

My old gaming name was imstillkicking which was spurred by me and a friend trying to register an email to a guy 500yrs old.  It told us that Yahoo was for people ages 0-150 lol.

Current gaming name is FatsoDaFrog which is from one of my stuffed animals hes a fat frog

2001, a ninth grader (me) is on his way to a friends house.  Upon arrival I find my friend has arranged a last minute date for a dance happening that night.  He can offer me a place to hang around until he has to go.  During preparation, it occurs to us that neither of us knows how to tie a tie.  While he chooses the rest of his outfit for the evening, I am charged with the task of finding an online resource that isn't porn.  It's difficult, but I finally manage to track down a website describing how to handle the task.  The website in question was create by one J. Imes.  The disscussion in the room, while figuring out how to do this rediculous task, moves to how I don't have a nickname.

 At the time I was living at my parents place and my father who has the same name as me, did regale in carrying long conversations with friends, or girls I was seeing, in my stead without them knowing(He would later go on to cash my first GST rebate cheque and buy car parts for his King Cobra with the proceeds, causing me to include my middle initial in all legal dealings from then on.).

 It was decided that a nickname would have to be chosen for me.  All manner of regular "James" nicknames, Jim, Jimbo, Jimmy, were in regular use by my father, so it was known that he had no issues responding to those.  My friend suggested we use the name "Jimes" because "it sounds cool".  I said it lacked pizzazz, and said I'd give it some thought.  

The next day I went to school only to see my friend, awaiting me in the middle of the lobby.  When he saw me, he screamed out "OOOOOOMEGA JIMES!!!" and dropped to his knees.  He got back up and said "That's your new nickname, by the way.".  Everyday for the rest of that year, he screamed my name every morning until people started calling me it.  To this day, he still screams that name out when he sees me, most people I know call me "Jimes" and there are people in my hometown who only know me by that name.

Mine started when I plugged my PS2 into a router and found the great online gaming on BF2: Modern Combat.

I decided upon LA33R after going though names like "Olly" and all the obvious choices and then randomly decided to put some letters and number together in way that didn't look like I was just settling for like Olly1993 or something along those lines.

I used LA33R for just about everything, Youtube, Xbox Live name, Skype, Steam, and everything inbetween but lately its been taken, PSN I cannot use it, as it's already taken. Also been taken on Xbox Live since I changed it for a while, tried to change it back and it's now under use. 

As you can see, it's the first username I try when I go online, such as it's use in these forums.

My handle is the direct romanization of the PSIV Wren's Japanese name, "Forren" as noted by the Phantasy Star Compedium Translation.  I adopted the name because I thought it sounded cool, and was easy to remember; it also has the unique quality of being somewhat unique, since the only other "Forren" I've ever heard of is a professional football (soccer) player from Norway.  I've held several other handles before, but I'm not quite as attached to them as I am to my present one.  I think since I've had Forren for 4+ years now that I'm going to stick with it.


I'm just John... That Guy John. :)

Roaster - "Scottish slang. Can be used to describe someone who is making a complete cunt of themselves. Once hearing being called this they should shut their trap (mouth).". I take it as someone who is being an idiot, intentionally. 

Hence, What - A - Roaster

My family traces it's lineage back to the vikings of Norway and my grandfather was this great big guy with a huge beard, kind of the epitome of the typical image one has when thinking about vikings.  And I'm kind of a natural born leader, hence...Viking Lord.

I just started teasing my kids about being a "Barfnargle" though (see above) - that shit is killer - what a great story too!  Thread is a nice change of pace.

I was playing GTA IV for the first time... I wanted the name Linkin, but it was taken, it suggested LinkinMcOwnage93 so I just rolled with it.

Ive gone through a few and tend to cycle through them periodically.

joedaism- current one. i have a bit of an ego so i decided to make a fake religion using a play on my name, joe, and judaism

Rxnoodles- secondary.  my blog used to be called prescription noodles. no idea where that came from lol

Thör-Axe- in high school i stole the name Thor-Axe the Impaler from an episode of splinter cell co-op theater. I added the umlaut over the o to make it look more metal lol i have friends who still call me that when they see me

Back in the 90's i went to a LAN party, i enjoyed it so i got my friends to build me a Rig. They then proceeded to choose a "handle" for me. Dynamics was the first version but after i continually got owned it was changed to Dienamix. That stuck for a little while but then it changed to just Namix (as i sucked less :P) and the fact that VOIP programs such as Roger Wilco sucked so hard on 56k that saying my entire name took way too long and so Namix stuck for the last 18-20 years.

wow, this thing blew up a little while i was gone

sounds like the manga called: boku wa ookami

I started usenig this name I think, after I for the first time tried world of wacraft private servers, and I made lots of accounts on different world of warcraft private servers, and every single one of them would have the username Noobkaka. It just stuck with me. 

I did at the same time go on and off on the real world of warcraft. My main characater, named Charg, was a rogue. And He was nightelf till the cataclysm expansion, and after I switch to a more populated realm (silvermoon EU) I had to change my main characters name :( and it became Nordichero, kinda lame..

So that's why pretty much everywhere on the internet that involes gaming, there's a guy named Noobkaka, like in steam, or origin or on other gaming websites and stuff, Noobkaka has just stickt with me throughout, and its easy to remember and fast to write in to the username thing lol. 

I thought it was funny.

I like Nightwing. I think that covers it.


Used to be toastycornflakes

Then toastycornflake

Then toasty

Not I'm just toast or toasty

I wanted a 1 word name on a forum in 2007, so I made this one and it just stuck with me xD.

Other names I might use is NexII or something if this one is ever unavailable.

Tanner is my first name and danger is my....middle name...